>tfw from an Eastern Europe shithole
>the only option is to talk with people hundreds or thousands of kilometers away
>no real life interactions
Tfw from an Eastern Europe shithole
Same, but I have 1.5 friends
I was so sheltered I never left the house, and every online interaction with anyone at all has resulted in failure, be happy that you're still able to talk to people online in the first place
Just talk to random people about how much you love catgirls. I know I love catgirls.
>tfw live in the same city with the guy from 'gigachad' pics
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I'm gonna die a virgin
which shithole does user come from?
i hate my life, im from eastern europe too. I dont live in a shithole actually a biggish city near the sea but the winters and every time i go out just makes me wanna lay in the middle of the street and wait untill some shitty driver runs over me on those fucking broken roads.
I dont mind it here during summer or anyt other period, frankly its sometimes quiet nice but itd be even better if i could just live a comfy NEET life... but guessingly the goverment is a fucking craphole which does not give a fuck about anything but feeding corupt pigshits and their retarded born into millionaire households kids. FUCK THIS ALL, the only thing that brings me joy is playing guitar anymore and talking with my online buddies who all have much more comfortable lives and are disguested when i say i hate winter, like damn so i am supposed to love falling into filthy mud because my old fucking shoes are not good on slick grounds??? am i supposed to love that shit? sure if the snow wouldnt stick like in their fucking US incest-burger-based-crapholes then maybe i wouldnt mind it, i actually dont mind the cold sometimes but HOLY FUCKING SHIT
>r, like damn so i am supposed to love falling into filthy mud because my old fucking shoes are not good on slick grounds??? am i supposed to love that shit? sure if the snow wouldnt stick like in their fucking US incest-burger-based-crapholes then maybe i wouldnt mind it, i actually dont mind the cold sometimes but HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Based user dropping the truth bombs
I have a question, why are like more than half of Eastern Euro anons gay or at least sound/act like faggots?
>I have a question, why are like more than half of Eastern Euro anons gay or at least sound/act like faggots?
What do you mean?
spoiler: they aren't.
It's just that eastern degenerates consider the west to be hip and cool so they're more likely to go there than the eastern normal person.
I mean what i say. Most Eastern Euro anons i see are either gay or act like gay people. They act in a feminine way basically.
Yeah i kinda guessed that its selection bias, thats why i said anons and not eastern euro people. This is actually the reason why i ask this question at all. Because the average Eastern Euro person is far more masculine than the average western person, but Eastern Euro anons are all fags.
>be eastern european robot
>see females got to germany/spain to "waitress" for the summer
>they come back with more money than doctors make
>here I am trying to learn english and computer programming
I need big American technology company to save me from this frozen hell
But user he looks nothing like that IRL
He's not far from that
I live in small town in eastern poland and i know this feel
Its really hard to make friends if you are autistic and have obscure hobbies
I knew maybe one person in my town who understood what snes is or watched something else than dragon ball or whatever entry level shit
I would unironically join something as cringy as anime club if anything like that even existed
I feel so isolated because of stuff i enjoy and i cant be hassled to pretend i like normie music and going to clubs just to have friends
Not to mention how shit job prospects are with over 50% of young people unemployed in my town
If even brad and becky cant find a job how autistic loser is supposed to
I dont have money to leave
Im fucking stuck here
Move out to warsaw, that's what I'm going to do soon (I'm 22)
Oh wait.. You like anime, fuck off pedo
You sound like an autsitic piece of filthy shit. Please shut the fuck up and leave my board.
what you need is a fucking bullet to the head faggot. kek.
>anime club
You know that basically special ed after school right?
>everyone here is usually set-for-life or pretending they are
>literally everyone forms cliques, none of it based on interests, and when they've formed them they're impermeable
>if you don't act like everyone else you're seen as the enemy and shunned from literally everything
I would gladly and intentionally live in a second/third world country if it meant I could afford food and have a wife. I hate being an American every single day.
And this is the based type of eastern eurobot
One type is the typical gay animeposter feminine faggot (all the same person btw). And the other are angry spergs, who are the based and redpilled types.
Keep up the good work
Just go out and wait until someone comes to you and asks for a cigarette.
I wonder how many Eastern European anons are on this board?
quite a few
Serbot reporting in
Oh no, the govfags won't finance your neetship by taxpayers dollar. Cry me a river
Aye aye, sir
cry me a river dumb burger
This. The niggers entire post is just whining about how he doesnt get free a life.
To me its not even that they want free money. Its that they believe they are entitled to it that gets me. They think that if they dont get money for free that they are being done an injustice. Its fucking ridiculous.
well it because we don't have any real representation anywhere so we have get things out through the internet.