Do you have a beta or Chad jawline? How does it affect your overall facial attractiveness?
Do you have a beta or Chad jawline? How does it affect your overall facial attractiveness?
More like normal jawline versus retard jawline what the fuck
I'd say I have a chad-ish jawline but I got a thick neck with a bunch of skin so it's made redundant. Fucking hate it.
"Chad" jawline. There's not a good looking man with a shit jaw, that's how important it is for good looks and it's over for incels who have the subhuman jawline.
Chad. But it's a bit overkill, I which my chin was slightly smaller
90% of the posters here have a recessed chin kek
you mean a Jew jawline or a White jawline?
I'm white user
I have probably a 8/10 chad face but with my shitty jaw it's only a 3-4/10.
Fucking sucks.
I don't have a beta jawline but I've never thought of my bone structure to be chad-like.
I suppose I'm still better off than the poor mouth breathing bastards in the photo.
Chad but i'm fat so it doesn't matter
I think I am pretty alpha. What do you think?
Something between them no doubt but I shave my beard appropriately to appear to have a Chad jawline
Lol that's why every guy shaves, they think they have chad jaw but they don't lmao. You don't look like the guy in the shaving ad, 70% of guys I see in public have a puffy baby face.
Closer to the left, but I'm not muscular so have a skinny neck and my cheekbones aren't very prominent
I don't know what to say, I'm still an incel so obviously it's not that helpful
>tfw I have the jawlines and head shape of the chads on the left but Im still a khv
been mewing for the past 8 months or so. side profile is like first picture on the left side but a bit more recessed still, and the first pic on the right is what i started off as.
Okay whatever you say stranger on the internet who has never once seen my face
I think my jaw is okay but is it possible to get fat/skin whatever it is removed from my chin so its not so bulgy?
it's a good thing because it looks like forward growth imo
I just fucked myself ngl.
My mandible is just fucked or maybe my gonion is at a bad angle.
I just have a bad gonial angle.
if you have a lower third like me it's fucking over for you, it never even started. Literally if I had a better angle and like a few mm of bone I would've fucking be at least average
pic related
Okay cool but what is forward growth? I assume just not having a flat face?
I have the opposite of this. I have an underbite. I guess I look normal as long as I don't smile.
doesn't mean that much though. Normal growth
I just grow a beard and then nobody can tell
I have a got jaw and foward growth but shit cheek bones also my upper part of the skull is wide as fuck
>look at this pic and think to myself that everyone just looks like this
>take a pic of myself real quick to see how I compare
>practically no forward growth
God I hate the way I look even more now
I absolutely guarantee that if you think you're shaving a beard to have a good jawline, you will either look like Anders Breivik or an Arab with a chinstrap beard that thinks he's black. Show face and prove us wrong you omega
Hint: It does not really do too much when you are avoidant.
Also I am seeing far more females with a shit-tier chin that nearly isn't there, and it isn't really attractive on them either.
Funny how no one ever points that out, guess the eye make-up distraction works well.
>look at this pic and think to myself that everyone just looks like this
No they don't lol
my jawline is objectively strong and has forward growth and I rarely see someone looking like that. my mandible is just recessed I think, or I was born with shit gonions.
Either way most people just don't have that genetic potential. or were mouth breathers
I have a sloped forehead and a very similar chin and jawline and even a dip at the top of my nose to the second guy on the left column but I'm a fat piece of shit so it's doing me no favors and only looks bad, I also have bug eyes, just kill me cause losing weight is too hard when you have nothing in this life and eating is one of the only things that make you feel good emotionally.
chad jawline but I'm a manlet and brown, fuck this world