assuming you and your partner are 100% loyal, capable and whatever else makes it your ideal relationship, would you rather have a housewife or be the househusband or both work? assume you will have children too.
Assuming you and your partner are 100% loyal, capable and whatever else makes it your ideal relationship...
Dual income is the most ideal
Pretty much what said. Unless either one of us are making 100K+ a year then both parents are gonna have to work.
I think both working until we reach whatever goals we need with the money, then one sitting out to raise whatever resultant kids pop out while the other works for some retirement savings would be the ideal.
Or like, both working the starting a business together or something.
I wouldn't hate a stay at home wife, but being realistic, there's no way you can afford to subsidise another person's existence and build a future at the same time. Unless you had money before you met.
this is assuming whichever partner is 100% capable of supporting the other though.
>work, children
>not being a happy NEET couple without rugrats
If she insist on breeding and is otherwise perfect for me? I would clench my teeth and hate working while she stays housewife. No way I want to raise latchkey kids for a dual-Income, and I think her influence better for the kids.
None of that will happen either way, but that is my take on it.
Dual income
Stop being a fAggot
Ideally robots will replace the 40 hour work week :^)
irl both partners work 52 and they hire a babysitter and landscaping mexicans and put nana in a home
dominant wife that insists i call her daddy in the bedroom.
whatever lets us have the most money with best work/life balance
I'd rather have the housewife after kids
It's probably best that both of us are working before such a time though
>whoever is making more money/better career prospects keeps the job, the other watches the kids for the first handful of years
>houseperson takes on a parttime job when the kid is in school
>when the child(ren) are old enough to be left alone without destroying things or causing problems, second parent can take on full time work again
With kids, I'd prefer to have a stay at home wife instead of putting them in daycare. But dunno if that's feasible these days with cost of living being what it is.
If it was possible to be a stay at home dad these days, it would be my ideal. Women honestly fucked themselves over by going to work.
>be the househusband
it's like being a NEET, but with some kids to take care of
Is there a translation for that pic?
>You are still too young
I'd rather be the housewife. I have zero respect for stay at home dad's or househusbands. absolute cuck faggots,even worse is when one is into looking after the kids. they're just pedos.
Both of us working until we have kids and then she becomes a housewife, hopefully we've saved enough by then to support our children comfortably and provide the best for them.
I think it's imperative that children aren't raised by nannies and their friends, I was and it didn't turn out well, and in all honesty it doesn't turn out well for most that are raised this way, it creates broken people and you can see this in the millionaires all the way down to lower middle class.
Whichever makes more should work while the other takes care of the kids/house.
I opt to keep women out of the workforce, my GF agrees and keeping my balls empty, stomach filled and home clean would be hard with a job lol
I'd want to work full time and want her to work but not full time something like 30 hours a week so she can still take care of house and kids.
Both work from home is the ideal system imo
as long as sh has a successful career, I would support her by becoming a housedad and maybe runing a small company or have a research job, that allows me to put in my hours flexibly
but it would also depent on the support network and how much time they spend in school every day or if the grandparents can take care of them from time to time
would love to run the household and keep my wife happy though
>20something yo girl into shota
cute and ginapilled