>Be me lonely autist
>Open window cause it's hot inside
>Drunk in the morning like always
>Talk to myself as always
>Stick my face out the window and start talking political things about how abortion is killing babies
>Probably just say "killing babies" a lot
>Guy shows up a few seconds later looking through my window
>Mfw he probably had no idea wtf I was talking about and all he heard was killing babies
I hate being autistic bros. I really can't take it anymore.
Be me lonely autist
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm depressed and have my own issues. I wish drinking worked. Your post reminds me of this video:
Keep your windows closed from now on you fucking autist.
You don't belong outside.
You are subhuman trash
Thank you user.
hi user how old are you?
Why are you drinking in the morning. The first step is to stop doing that
Maybe he didn't hear what you were saying, but was concerned for your health.
We are always here for you fren. I beat alcholism. You can too.
I don't think I can right now but thanks.
Just kill yourself you worthless autist
You have no business going outside where us normal people are. You are dangerous to others and to yourself
Get a rope and hang yourself in your closet.
>You are dangerous to others and to yourself
You have autism and you drink. One of those by itself is bad but combine them and you are the next school or mall shooter.
I'm not even mad. I know you've had or have a abusive relationship with a drunk. I'm sorry for that.
>I'm not even mad. I know you've had or have a abusive relationship with a drunk. I'm sorry for that.
I'm a guy you retard. I don't get into abusive relationships at all.
I do know this, you have autism. You don't have any chance of a normal life. You are worthless and damaged.
Look at the first thing you do when you open the window,you shout out kill babies.
Your family either need to kill you and bury your body in a swamp or have you locked away in a mental institute.
You disgust me
>you shout out kill babies.
I didn't shout it and relationship doesn't mean romantically. Let me rephrase it. You have or had a bad experience with a drunk and I think you are the one in requirement of mental help.
Kill yourself first before you give that advice to others.
>I didn't shout it and relationship doesn't mean romantically. Let me rephrase it. You have or had a bad experience with a drunk and I think you are the one in requirement of mental help.
Try again incel.
You need to stop coping and remember that you are a worthless sack of autism .
Stop coping and end it.
And this goes double for you incel jr.
Bitter as fvck.
sounds like you're projecting you literal sociopath
>"you're a danger to others"
>encourages him to commit suicide
>sounds like you're projecting you literal sociopath
>>"you're a danger to others"
>>encourages him to commit suicide
Don't speak again,ever. You autistic losers need to die horrible deaths.
Kill yourselves now.
You deranged fucks
what happened, user
sounds like something happened recently and you're just fuming
i won't let my internet companions suffer like this
This. What happen?
Giving birth to babies is just a long drawn out way of killing them though.