Hypergamy edition
Women hate thread
Fucking whores the lot of them
nothing but no good wastes of space I tells yuhh
Amazing how ugly women have such confidence and wants chad.
I hate this picture, not because it triggers me but because so many robots are triggered by it. Still, in 2019, there are men who are still upset because girls don't like "nice guys". Get over it. Stop being nice and act like the guys they think are attracted. I learned this in the 6th grade but there are still guys in their 20s who hold onto their "niceness" because they think that's what should be attractive.
What triggers me is that wearing that shirt is screaming for abuse, but when it actually happens they all run to the police.
>change your attitude towards the world because some thots don't like you
>completely abandon any moral standards
>become spineless and betray yourself because some whore thinks you're a "beta"
Sure sounds like a plan, user. After all, slaying the puss is way more important than sticking to an ideology you believe will guide you through your life.
>putting a hole over virtue honesty and self respect
>be woman
>only like chad because he knows how to FUCK
>treats me like shit
>why do all men treat me like shit
>im so lonely
>somebody please
Maybe it's because I was fucking 11 when I picked up on social cues and I didn't have any strong ideologies but this sounds like bullshit. Being a nice beta faggot who is afraid to cuss or be a bit aggressive with girls isn't an ideology. It's fear. You're actually being spineless by being a nice guy. You're not being nice because you're genuinely nice, you're being nice because you're afraid to death of offending the girl you're interested in and you feel like if you're too honest with your feelings, you'll run her off. I understand user, I was there. I was there when I was 10, but I was there.
>acting like a timid young boy afraid to offend the queen
>virtue honesty and self respect
I consider myself I nice person but I dont treat act timid around women because I have accepted that I will never ever have sex with one already. I act around women the same as men, I just avoid women in general because there voices make me angry.
I was there when I was 10 too you know, but I grew out of that. The implication when you say somebody is a nice guy is that they are genuinely a nice person, not that they're a "nice guy" who fakes everything and whiteknights.
I am genuinely a nice person, I don't treat women any differently than I do men, and I have good male friends. I think the fact I feel like I need to defend myself speaks volumes of this in itself.
Your initial proposal to change who I am into some fuckboy so I'd get some bussy is complete bullshit.
Your second comment, albeit good advice, is only good advice for somebody who's 12. Nobody here is 12, user.
>Nobody here is 12, user.
>be not a nice person since child
>people are afraid of me and i've never had a GF
You're not a nice guy though, why is this picture triggering you, incel?
"gief mommy girlfriend" is exactly the same, yet you autistic rejects don't bat an eye to that one. Kill yourselves.
Nice guys can make sweet, sweet love though!
This. Virtue and being attractive to woman does not go hand in hand. It doesn't matter how tough and capable you are, the bad boy breaking shit and beating his chest will always be more appealing to woman than just a normal guy with his shit together.
mommy gf is a funny joke
women are all unironically monkey brained sluts who want to be used and abused
good women are attracted to virtue
its just that most western women are ruined by circumstance and society
"good women" do not exist
False, I know one good woman. A church girl of course.
>gets killed by bad guy and final thoughts are of a nice white knight guy saving her
I didn't see one of these threads for a while
Maybe the things are finally getting better
I wouldn't call myself a "nice guy" in the reddit sense of sucking up to women for a chance for pussy, but I'm kind to people IRL and not very aggressive. I don't want to change who I am for some thot, though. The way I see it, if they don't like the person I am, then I wouldn't be happy with them, so it's not worth my time. I'm not some beta that gives women special treatment, but I'm not a fuckboy either.
She is probably attracted to the same thing every other girl is attracted to and just doesn't want to admit it.
I want to live in the area where you consider these girls ugly
That is pure gold.
False, her dude is physically pretty much peak muscle aesthetic, but his personality is unlike Chad's. Very intelligent, a church guy himself. His face is a 6/10 at best.
Maybe you're right, I just wouldn't expect that kind of thing to happen. I don't think it's normal for girls to be attracted to that or genuinely good people.
ugly guys can't fuck
chad can fuck even if he puts the pussy on a pedestal and begs for sex and is an orbiter
it just so happens that ugly guys tend to be nice
I have met chads who were very nice people and got plenty female attention. by "nice guys" females mean ugly incels, not a particular behaviour of men
What triggers me is she's probably dating some soi induced nice guy but because he has tattoos and a beard, there's no way he's nice right?
You have to take your whore lifestyle really seriously to wear a shirt like that.
> ITT betas thinking that any hole deserve's to be respected at any time.
>woman hate thread in 2019
maximum zozzle OP, it's over, give up
Pretty based, user. Kek.
I have some stuff saved
I wish I had saved more of this shit when these threads were around everyday
For fucks sake, we've been over this.
Asshole + Chad looks = "confidence"
Asshole + sub-Chad looks = EW CREEP MUH SOGGY KNEES
>be woman
>want to fuck other dudes but keep my bf
>make a deal so he can also fuck other women
>how will he find anyone besides me anyway?
>fast forward
>bf is fucking bitches left and right
>I'm unfulfilled
>woe is me
You virgins always take this wrong. They dont like guys that call themselves nice guys because you psychopaths aren't nice
as you've demonstrated in this thread
the comic would've been true if the fat tard didn't even leave the house because of his resigned attitude, the shy "nice guy" getting no chance at all from a plastic clown-faced doll that has replaced a woman and the chad in the distance, waiting in his car for his gf.
We need more
Organally commenting
On huffpo
Move to Arizona. Just dont expect a relationship or a girl that has a few partners. Pic related is what a 46 year old hag looks like out here.
Promiscuous girls can't get married.