I've never understood why modern, lazy comfort zone dwellers always have a partner and I'm single despite trying to train my body and mind every second of my existence.
I can honestly say I work on myself and my life a lot more than everyone I know who has a long-term gf.
Maybe it's just not normal to be this relentless. Maybe it's normal to be weak, laid back and lazy - and what's normal attracts women. Did I just crack the code?
I've never understood why modern...
you sound really boring and unfun to be around, that's probably why
Maybe because you're a stuck-up judgmental prick who thinks everything 'corrupts the mind', you're not appealing to women. Or maybe you're just shitty at interacting with people and being social and outgoing.
You just need to find a woman that has the same mindset as yours. Have fun being single.
>calculates most useful and sustainable option
>doesn't calculate anything useful for having a family
so either you're selfish or you're genuinely too stupid for any woman.
the things you listed are absolutely worthless. you can do all of those things alone. if you enjoy math so much just marry a math book. i bet every guy in a relationship considers you a lazy bum who has no social skills.
do you really not understand?
people think that kind of attitude is grating
99% of women don't want to be around a guy who is never going to stop and have some fun
Women are generally even worse comfort zone dwellers than nerdy men.
Define fun. If it's smoking pot and laughing just fuck off.
"Always in a relationship" honestly sounds awful. Being pure and honest isn't all there is to getting a bitch though user. Girls aren't gonna fuck you just because you ride exercise and don't get on Facebook. The fact that you avoid social media, smartphones, Netflix, video games, and alcohol and study fucking math for fun probably makes you more unattractive.
>no laughing allowed!
your parents should have beaten you
I don't think you understood OP pic at all. What's lazy about being literally less lazy than normies?
The opposite of lazy is active and that's what OP pic is describing. Normies are the ones finding it hard to be active when there are so many fun distractions at home such as the Internet and vidya.
I do all of what you do and have multiple gfs, a Fortune 500 job and getting my phd. You need to be more outgoing, faggot.
he's lazy on things that are actually valuable. being physically active is a good idea but that's like 1-2 hours a day.
Hey, newsflash OP, your personality is not made up of the actions you take
your personality is probably shit and that's why you're single
>The fact that you avoid social media, smartphones, Netflix, video games, and alcohol and study fucking math for fun probably makes you more unattractive.
I realize this but my point is that this shouldn't be how things are.
Let me rephrase the dilemma: women go for guys who don't achieve anything in life, apart from a job driving a truck and getting a big gut.
You 4channers always go on about Chads and rich guys but honestly, girls usually go for normies who make 2k a month and have a beer belly.
You need to humble yourself. You think you're above laughter?
>multiple gfs
Monogamy is god tier, whoring around is not.
because their lifestyles are more similar and they don't have the option usually. Jow Forums doesn't know anything about women, but on the other hand if you have any money you will never be single unless you're mentally retarded.
>calculate useful option
>uses bike instead of car
what did he mean by this?
Despite what Jow Forums may have taught you, women don't just attach themselves to men based on their career and hobbies.
you have a crippling superiority complex. we share this
women are emotional, not logical, yet you're trying to win them with cold logic. you're really not as smart as you think you are
>i'm a student who rides a bike and cant drink alcohol :^(
even a dog is more interesting than you
>does things that inherently avoid women and are unattractive
>trying to win women with logic
>this shouldn't be how things are
you've built yourself up as some kind of math and physics genius and it seems you don't even understand basic evolutionary biology
women don't all like the same shit, poindexter. maybe you should be paying attention to women who are also heavily into academics and not just getting upset about 80% of society not being exactly like you.
>women go for guys who don't achieve anything in life, apart from a job driving a truck and getting a big gut
probably because they're fun to be around, meanwhile sounds like you are just an elitist prick
you don't understand what's being dicussed here
I'm an INTJ and one thing I'll never be able to understand is the emotional mind that 99% of people on this planet have.
I get by thinking they're just a weaker life form.
>superiority complex
It's hard not to sound smug when you literally read everyone's weaknesses like an open book.
Are you implying being an emotional normie is not a crippling condition? I think it is. Sure they get women but it's not like women are the ultimate sign of success in life. And think about why they get the women - it's because they relate to each other. They're both weak in the same way.
>things shouldn't be this way!
>girls should like meee!!!
Lol sorry but that's not how it works. Women aren't attracted to how smart and nice and pure you can be. They're attracted to how good you make them feel.
>women go for guys who don't achieve anything in life, apart from a job driving a truck and getting a big gut.
First, you don't know what these men are achieving in life. You're on the outside looking in. Second, women are attracted to them because they're fun to be around. They don't get tired of spending time with them. They can be themselves around these guys. They can go bike riding or go swimming in a frozen lake with them one day, then stay at home and watch Netflix and eat shit food the next.
With you, you'd probably make them feel bad about themselves if they didn't want to study physics with you for the evening and would rather go out and drink with their friends, like normal people in their 20s and early 30s do.
OP here.
Every time I post a reply to you guys you have written 10 more taunts at me.
My CAPTCHA also demands like 20 tries per post so I guess it's give up time. Fuck you Jow Forums
OP is being illogical. Theres no discussion to have. Blogging about hobbies that have nothing to do with relationships and then wondering why theres no relationship is a waste of time.
Fucking normie.
>Every time I post a reply to you guys you have written 10 more taunts at me.
Well if you didn't sound so fucking arrogant and ignorant, maybe we wouldn't be doing this. You come off like a pretentious asshole who thinks he's owed women because he stays away from degeneracy when some degeneracy in your life is needed every once in a while. You need balance.
Btw if your captcha is messing up, just use another browser. It does that to me sometimes.
This is the normies thread I've EVER EVER witnessed.
>literally 30 posters claiming they know what wimmenz really want
>It's hard not to sound smug when you literally read everyone's weaknesses like an open book
haha holy shit get over yourself
>thinking we're taunting you instead of offering insight to your situation
another reason why you're alone and will continue to be alone despite all the screaming you do about it
look man, if you're capable of understanding why Elliot Roger didn't get sex or gfs despite having a BMW and nice clothing then you understand why you sound so dumb.
>im strong, autistic, and gay
just work hard and don't talk to women. sounds like you want this life
Elliot Rodger wasn't successful and had zero self control.
But you might just be bitter that OP gets done shit that you know you couldn't.
Your post might be cope.
Objectively, you probably achieve less than OP and you want to make it seem like you're actually winning against him in a race that's going on in your head.
he has achieved nothing. riding a bike isn't impressive
You don't have to be a normie to know women don't want a guy who doesn't watch Netflix or play video games, doesn't use any social media, doesn't drink alcohol, does math and physics for fun, etc. Most guys wouldn't want a woman like that. Most humans don't want to be around a person that pretentious. Why even come here and make a thread talking about what women "should" want? Complaining is one thing but OP is saying that women should want him over normalfags.
I'm not a normalfag either but I realize that I'm no better than them.
Being a muscular science student is pretty much the best of both worlds and rarely ever seen in humans. Most people can either be math autists or fit. If you're neither you can't imagine the motivation needed for either one.
>swims in a frozen lake
>does physics for fun
>gets shit done
The beer belly truck driver probably achieves more of his personal goals than OP does. Otherwise, why is he here crying to us?
nice try OP, but I don't compare my life to others by some metric for success, like you do.
Guys always go on about how the strongest should reproduce.
I'm not seeing that in the world.
>women don't want a guy who doesn't watch Netflix or play video
Ok so now it's not gym and big dick that gets you laid but World of Warcraft.
>be OP
>single for life
There you go OP, stop coping please.
>achieves more of his personal goals than OP does
Because he has none.
That's OP's point. Most people are content with scratching their ass watching Netflix and this is a crippling weakness seeping into our species.
lol. anyway he's achieved literally nothing. being healthy is a good quality but if you're not using that health for a lifestyle you want then it doesn't mean much - you'll die anyway
>The beer belly truck driver probably achieves more of his personal goals than OP does
You really think normies have life goals?
They do what feels best at moment x.
That's why they make 3 times less than me.
the strongest do reproduce though. you'd have no trouble getting sex from countless women if you were actually a dominant male.
>I'm an INTJ
>believes in horseshit
Aren't you wondering why tf you're alone lmao
>everyone has a problem
>i have a problem
Which is it smart guy.
You don't know what most people are content with because you're not spending time with most people. You see a guy talking about some Netflix series and assume all he does is scratch his ass and watch TV, meanwhile he's just bought his own tire shop and works 6 days a week trying to run his own business and uses his one day off to unwind and watch TV.
If you have money and can't find a good relationship, just admit that you're mentally retarded.
most people can't relate with a science nerd bodybuilder and that's basically the theme of this thread
OP probably stares longingly at instagram thots who do nothing but take selfies and color filtered photos of their food at restaurants and wonders why they don't like him. It's quite obvious to everybody else.
I have a gf and I'm majorly an underachiever compared to OP. The thing is that women don't view life as a big race or competition like you guys do. Like, once you win her then what happens? She's just going to to stick around you and share time with you because you have more money or awards than some other guy she has more in common with?
>Guys always go on about how the strongest should reproduce.
I'm not seeing that in the world.
Yes you are. You're not the strongest. You're just some autist that does math for fun.
>Ok so now it's not gym and big dick that gets you laid but World of Warcraft
WoW doesn't get you laid but being normal does. A girl doesn't want to be around you if you make her feel like shit when she wants to do normal things like have a drink or watch a movie instead of hiking the tallest mountain in your country.
>actually agree with OP
>see nothing wrong with what he's saying whatsoever
>"heh, OP, you're just boring!!!!!"
>incels all of a sudden know what women like now
i lold
Never seen an opening post create more hate than this thread.
>the strongest do reproduce though
You forgot that most people who reproduce aren't strong.
If I look around at people who have kids they're the kind of people who shouldn't have kids.
Face it, this is how it goes, it's not an optimized world because women themselves aren't perfect and they do the picking.
Must be new here then origamiu
You agree because you're both wrong. There's a difference between knowing what women want and knowing what humans in general hate. Literally no one likes straightedgefags who think fun is evil and literally believe they're above laughter.
You're just jaded. Of course you're not going to see that on average, but somewhere high iq people are breeding and you could be one
>If I look around at people who have kids they're the kind of people who shouldn't have kids.
this is not even how selection works
I get it's cool and edgy to larp as a nazi eugenicist but if you paid attention for five minutes in high school biology you would know that nature is the only decider for which traits are right or wrong.
God, it's amazing that people from r9k are generally from the suburban, white, upper echelons of society and yet you're all still so retarded.
>you agree because you're both wrong
um, no, nice cope though. i agree because i see the same things around me.
actually people do like straight edge fags and people who think they're above laughter, i don't think you've ever been to Germany or China before.
>normies dislike philosophy
philosophy is the most beta, normalfag thing to be interested in.
stronger than you, apparently
>coping throughout this whole thread making believe you're better than normies because you ride a bike
>Germans and Chinese
Just stop it op you're wrong. You're a straightedgefag with a superiority complex. You're no better than Elliot Rodger who thought women should be fucking him just because he has nice sunglasses and a luxury car. Girls won't fuck you because you avoid alcohol and think you're better than everyone who has a drink or a belly lmao
Did you just say that everyone who has kids had the best traits for the future..?
99% of people have sex and the ones too dumb to use a condom get babies, this has nothing to do with holy selection done by the goddess of nature.
>be 20
>4channers use me not having kids at 20 as an argument I'll never have kids
I see this fallacy a lot.
Just because someone hasn't ruined their life with kids at this point in time doesn't mean they're incapable of breeding.
Using having bred as an argument of being right in everything because muh natural selekshun is such a fucking bullshit argument anyway.
>tfw no /sig/ polymath polar-bear-dip no-vidya bf
If OP is qt I'll marry him.
oh you're just a kid. you can have an opinion i guess, that's fine
whilst your list of things you do sounds halfway decent, it also sounds very boring, the fact that you are trying to show yourself off as supreme right here also doesn't help, you come off like a Elliot Rodger-light version right now.
Thing is, normies love to have fun, and about 90% of women are normies, and if they get tho choose from the guy that drinks a lot of booze and makes her laugh and some autistic weirdo that can't hold a light hearthed conversation without trying to make it deep after four minutes, they will choose the normie dude, because the normie chicks can relate with the normie dudes.
I can emulate normie behaviour by now and it's pretty interesting to see how they work.
>your parents should have beaten you
but doesn't OP's attitude suggest that he was infact beaten?
>I can emulate normie behaviour by now
I do it too and it's pretty much simulated stupidity.
Just smile more, talk about level zero shit like weather and puppies, act like you don't understand weird phenomena..
I've kept this up for years and it's tiring actually.
anything a child likes a woman will like. they go hand in hand.
you are right OP, but don't expect sympathy from basement dwellers living with their moms
Yeah, and that's the thing, do you really want to get together with these people? As a fellow normonaut you should have seen that it's all pretty bland, so you have to ask you the question "Do I really want this kind of gf?" can you hold out the endless stream of drivel she wants to tell you? Can you tolerate her "friends", can you tolerate the fucking mental-breakdown-esque drama shit that happens when her friends eventually betray her?
If you're OP and the shit you claim is true, it shouldn't be such a great revelation to you.
very often, women seem to be attracted by childish things
He said he has a job and good hobbies outside of said job. If its all true the he just met mediocre girls that only settle for mediocre shit.
I can kind of understand him, i am self-employed and will pull 1kk+ this year, go to the gym daily for 2 hours mainly to maintain my mind(healthy body = healthy mind) and i like to go hunting on the weekends.
And i'm having trouble finding good partners that aren't gold diggers.
its' the opposite. OP rides bikes, takes school seriously and doesn't drink alcohol. and women are rarely attracted to childish behavior. they like maturity and adult lifestyles.
reread my post. it has nothing to do with what women are attracted to. why you quoted me I don't know.
he doesn't have a job though
>I've never understood why I'm an undesirable, bottom of the barrel sack of shit
Hopefully you never will.
You're right, women don't like manchildren like the OP
It said so in the pic op posted.
>i don't like that someone disagreed with me
>better post a bunch of nonsense ad hom on OP cuz i don't like his lifestyle
betas are cancer.
You seem cool and I would be your friend, but the reason you don't have a gf is probably because you're inhibited and indecisive. Normies are hedonistic and don't care so they just do it.
you're probably an ugly babydick manlet lmao your whole anime personality is a fucking cope.
You just described OP, he thinks people are lazy because they are more successful than him lol
i don't think he cares that anyone disagreed.
After some time you learn to simply ignore weak men, they are even lower then the whores they prop up.
I know this feel. I've come to realize girls don't give a fuck about anything you just have to be entertaining and have social status. Doesnt matter how smart or strong you are just be a blabbering idiot who sounds confident and girls will want you
what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to label people who CAN get sex and relationships as basement dwellers and incels, and insist that a guy who as confused about why he can't get any girls is in the right?
that is the epitome of delusion
The type of people i see post this pic are all fat lonely faggots who cry about no gf
Sorry to disappoint you lad but i have been married before and currently have a gf(not thath any of this matters in this context).
But do keep projecting and embarrassing yourself.
so you failed a marriage and your gf is likely a loose single mom. tell us more about these weak men you despise.
you aren't special, kill yourself.
Yea, sorry but if the wife cheats i'm not the kind o weak man that forgives her and gives second chances as for the gf, i would NEVER have a relationship with a single mom.
I will recognize that i was weak in the decision to get married, you literally give control over to her if you do that(trough all she got from the divorce were lawyer debts).
Got anymore examples in your life to project on me? Let it all out boy.
we just have different versions of "weak men". If your gf isn't a virgin you're a weak man and a cuck, youre right the truth is offensive yet here you are crying
only weak men want virgins
I'd like to hear your reasoning behind that
>If your gf isn't a virgin you're a weak man and a cuck.
Placing this much emphasis on virginity is just showing your high school mentality.
weakness is attracted to weakness
Virgins are not weak they have self worth. Your gf who has triple digit cock count is the weak one