There's nothing more I can give

There's nothing more I can give.
I'm 26 and I pushed myself hard in the gym and my studies and I still can't get a pretty girlfriend.
Got diagnosed with burnout and am now munching on pills hoping to die.

I'm repulsive, despite my good character and discipline, I wish I was never born.

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>There's nothing more I can give.
>I'm 26 and I pushed myself hard in the gym and my studies and I still can't get a pretty girlfriend.
>Got diagnosed with burnout and am now munching on pills hoping to die.
Have you tried talking to girls?

>Have you tried talking to girls?
Where do I meet them?

Through friends, or if you don't have friends, at night clubs/bars, or on the internet. Since you said you're also going to school, that should be the easiest place to talk to girls.

>can't get a pretty girlfriend
>munching on pills hoping to die
You'd literally rather die than date a plain woman? lol

How often do you go out socialising OP? Do you have friends?

Not OP but the most unhappy men on earth are men who've settled for unattractive wives/girlfriends, especially if they aren't ugly guys themselves. I've known them before and while their mouths are all smiles, their eyes are filled with pain.

I'd like to get friends but I don't know where.
Problem is I look way older than I am, so I have no idea where to go.

I categorize women into good looking and ugly, there is really no such thing as plain.

Just lower your standards and put more women into the good looking category :^)

My physiological impulses work as they do, can't do shit otherwise.

Wait, you can get diagnosed with burnout, or is that just a joke?

>diagnosed with burnout
you can be diagnosed with burnout?

i know this feel though. i tried, i shot, i missed.
i lost at life.

>Not OP but the most unhappy men on earth are men who've settled for unattractive wives/girlfriends
do you have any evidence of this? im confused, i thought it was the other way around because pretty girls have less desirable personalities.

It's a form of clinical depression, it's the same thing.

omg you stupid incel. You didn't even try. You think you're going to get a girlfriend just sitting at home eating cheetos and fapping to loli? Lose some weight and have a fucking wash. Disgusting virgin. Get a haircut and dress well. You're not owed a girlfriend, you have to work for it. Stop blaming Chad and man up.

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>he would rather die than settle for this
OP you fucking deserve it

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>asymmetric face

Trash, I have a symmetrical face.

Took benzos now I feel better.

fuck you asshole shes a qt

Yay mind numbing drugs ftw

Trips of truth.
Originally, oregon.

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