this. if you're actually straight and not scared of being gay you should have no problem jerking off to gay porn or giving your friend a hand job as a funny prank to show him how gay he is.
Jace Thomas
All the cool guys gayfaps ironically once in a while. You can't let the women get all the faps, then you become needy and beta.
Just make sure the bottom bitch is cute and hairless, then its alright!
Michael Anderson
>If you were there they would be like: Eewww! That's a lie. I've had plenty of consensual masturbation viewings. GTFO with your lies.
Sebastian Rogers
It isn't consensual, the women are doing it for money. And if they could they would make it illegal for any non-Chad to view it!
Women hate non-Chads. You just looking at them repulses them. They want you had hanging down, looking at the ground, for the crime of being born ugly. Thats how much women hate!
If you had any backbone you would watch gay porn!
Christopher Roberts
What makes you think you can have a gf When you're not even man enough for a twink???
Gayfapping is where we all start
Owen Barnes
>Just make sure the bottom bitch is cute and hairless, then its alright! so much this. fapping to hairy big bear daddies is super gay. unless you're just fapping ironically for teh lulz.
Aaron Ortiz
I don't love myself, and when other people hate me; I hate me, and I feel better.
Hudson Howard
>guys watching ugly muscular bald dudes get fucked by strap-on
Holy shiet! You are gay as fuck!
>Ironically jacking of to a pleasant friendly neighbourhoid twink with cute face and hairless body
Literally every Chad and proper straight has done this. Drake approves!
Leo Jackson
>talk with any female porn actress Super terrible poisonous evil female. Thinks you should be punished for looking ugly and only wants Chad.
>Any gay porn actor Completely regular person. Discus shows, vidya, movies. Based and cool. Just all around great. Gives you suck and boipussy no problem.
bottoms are typically more nasty/catty than girls because they were led to believe that makes them more fem
Asher Perez
I am sure you can handle a bottom from grindr who is comming over for some girly sex.
I mean, if you squint this isn't so bad. Just put some women perfume on him and feel his hair tickle your face. Make sure his legs are shaved and get in that ass. It would feel just like fucking a chick. What are you waiting for?
>someone actually took the time out of their one and only existence to produce this image
Fucking kek
Blake Adams
What were you doing? Busy having sex eh? Or being with all of your friends?
Liam Thompson
I think I might be gay, because I have uncontrollable boners when I see pictures like these, and if it's woman and man it's neutral and I have to roleplay in my head first to get a boner
Jacob Nguyen
I think its sad that so many of you are sick and lonely.
It is sad that being gay carries such a stigma, that even young men, on the verge of suicide. All they need is a blowjob, some intimacy, somebody who cares to play vidya with. And there is an ocean of this, a gay ocean, but lots of it none the less.
Yet, still the shame and cowardace the gay stigma evoces, seals you up inside, when the solution is right in front of you.
I hope we one day can realize that this is a way of showing love too. That it is beautiful and good, something to be proud of and celebrate. Something to feel hsppy that happened to you. Just a normal part of everyday life. No matter if you are straight or gay.
That you will stand up, as a man, and say: I am not ashamed, I fucked that twink and it was wonderful!
Well I was busy running my FTSE 100 business, partying in my luxury mansion and banging my harem of supermodel girlfriends of course. What else would I be doing?
Christopher Hall
I doubt you are alone.
I believe many straight young men are rising up, with the courage of being able to admit it. That this is a natural occuring thing between straight men and gays with cute face and goid personality.
Let us not be greedy like the evil women. Lets come together and share ourselves with one another. Why make such a big deal of it? Must a penis be gay to do this? Why can't straight penises be allowed to have some fun with a cute face and smooth skinned twink?
It is completely natural to engage in sexual activities. Even for us young men. The girls have been playing lesbians since the dawn of time. Perhaps you are not so different from the Stacies as you think?
How can you be sure you're not allready turning just a little bit.
You see these threads multiple times a day here
Hudson Gutierrez
because I had a blowjob before and unless you're into the person it barely feels good could have something to do with the jews stealing my foreskin perhaps
Ryder Harris
Ive tried it before just to make sure user i cant even get it up
Grayson Brooks
Oh... maybe you got tiny and small because you wanted it in your ass more, when you saw how a real man handled a twink.
A straight tough guy, not afraid of being called gay.