Why do girls reject nice guys like me and instead go for jerks who will hurt them? What am I doing wrong, Jow Forums? I'm always respectful and nice yet these shallow fucking bitches go for fuckboys.
>inb4 I'm not a nice guy because I call them bitches (I just call a 'spade' a spade)
If serial killers get love letters and marriage proposals then I'm a fucking saint yet get nothing from women.
Why do girls reject nice guys like me and instead go for jerks who will hurt them? What am I doing wrong, Jow Forums...
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We don't, I only dated really good men.
You probably are really unappealing in other ways (mediocre looking, not charismatic or funny, stupid, uninteresting, bitter) and it ruins it. Being "nice" is the baseline for being a good partner, it's not a quality.
Incel mindset, you are probably just boring person, also be yourself broooo
"nice guy" lol
You're just a bitter sack of shit who puts on a face to please people. That's why no one likes you.
OP here.
I'm looking for serious advice only and I won't reply to girls nor tripfags.
You're just a bitter sack of shit who puts on a face to please people. That's why no one likes you.
Then take your shit back to r9k.
You're just a bitter sack of shit who puts on a face to please people. That's why no one likes you
Serial killers excite women that is why they get so many letters.
Dangerous men that take risks are 1 trait women lust for in a man.
Ever hear the term: "Nice guys finish last"?
Some girls had a crush on me just because I was really good with grades in school
> If serial killers get love letters and marriage proposals then I'm a fucking saint yet get nothing from women.
Have you tried becoming a serial killer?
Seriously though, alot of guys who suck their own dicks and talk about themselves alot have a sense of self-worth and are usually so focused on themselves that they don't care about what other people think. Nice guys seem to be the opposite.
Because youre autistic and ugly, bro
You may not personally, but overall the result is clear that "nice" men are less successful romantically than mean/dangerous men. And being nice is most certainly NOT a "baseline for being a good partner". Usually it counts against you.
>I will have to use virginity statistics as a proxy for the harder-to-measure romancelessness statistics, but these are bad enough. In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%. 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 20% of average nineteen year old men. Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history. A Dr. Beaver (nominative determinism again!) was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as "have you been in a gang", "have you used a weapon in a fight", et cetera. An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.
>If you're smart, don't drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history - then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone. "At risk" doesn't mean "for sure", any more than every single smoker gets lung cancer and every single nonsmoker lives to a ripe old age - but your odds get worse. In other words, everything that "nice guys" complain of is pretty darned accurate. But that shouldn't be too hard to guess...
You don't understand the premise.
It's not nice guys vs. jerks. It's never been that.
It's commanding people, dominant personalities, charismatic, confident and impactful people vs quiet, shy, introverted followers.
The thing is that aggression, lack of restraint and egoistic behaviour make people stand out more, and it gives off a powerful impression of strength.
So it's not that girls are attracted to jerks. They are attracted to strong resolve and the vibe of leadership; it just so happens that majority of people who show these assets in public are, in reality, jerks.
Keep on being a nice guy, but stop being quiet and shy. Become the commanding nice little charmer that dreams inside, and you'll surely win every woman's heart.
They have something interesting to bring to the table. Their looks, specific interests, cool hobbies, but ABOVE ALL the ability to live without a gf and not give a fuck about women.
>Why do girls reject nice guys like me and instead go for jerks who will hurt them? What am I doing wrong, Jow Forums? I'm always respectful and nice yet these shallow fucking bitches go for fuckboys.
You're ugly. If you were good looking you would be fucking roasties anytime you wanted, and if you were just average a little bit of persistence would bring you a long way.
You're going to get a lot of blue pillers who can't relate posting in here though.
Used to be a nice guy and got nothing, now am a jerk and fuck a different girl every month.
You just need to bullshit them, just lie dude, it's that easy.
What can i say, we live in a fucked up society, trough if all you are is "nice" then its partly your fault too.
What does fuckboy even mean? Seems like everyone's definition of fuckboy is different.
It's just a generic insult women like to use on guys that just want to fill them with cum and carry on their day.
because you are racially inferior
It was used on me a few times and I just thought it was some kind of diss that meant I wasn't hot/masculine enough.
Seems like we need a movement to end fuckboyshaming.
Never got called that irl, just online sometimes where I just wanted a quick hookup instead of a long lasting relationship.
Don't feel insulted by this at all.
Has nothing to do with being nice you are just unattractive. Girls ONLY date nice guys. Because nice guys buy them things and treat them good, you're not going to get a gf if you treat her like shit. They might have one night stand with some asshole but in reality ever man who has a gf is a nice guy
because you're not nice, you're a manipulative bitch.
>nice guy who has 0 good qualities
>jerk who has millions of good qualities
it's not a hard choice. guys usually abuse women after a long time of actually treating her well. also some women deserve to be hurt
>Why do girls reject nice guys like me and instead go for jerks who will hurt them?
The real question is always why do you keep doing things that drive women away? You know what attracts and repels them so why do you choose repel?
>good men
>dated in past tense
>What does fuckboy even mean?
Literally, a male prostitute, usually gay. It's pretty much the tumblr version of "faggot" though, it can mean what you want it to mean.
>You probably are really unappealing in other ways (mediocre looking, not charismatic or funny, stupid, uninteresting, bitter) and it ruins it.
This feels bad. It feels like you think certain have no value if they can't live up to your standards. Why can't you have unconditional love for all men?
girls will still choose the jerk with 0 qualities over the nice guy with millions of good qualities. Being a jerk is the baseline for having a gf.
if "jerks" are getting girls and you're not, then you're probably the problem
No clue how you look but maybe if you improve as a person and don't bitch about women not wanting you, you'd have a higher chance of a positive response.
false. you sound like a gay guy so you wouldn't understand.
>Being a jerk is the baseline for having a gf.
or maybe, what you view as "being a jerk" is someone who has a sense of humour, charisma, a healthy body, a proper personality, and they're not someone that cries about being unable to get a gf
Take it from me that has made the transition. This is all self inflicted. Jerks don't give a fuck and that makes them smooth, charismatic and fun because "they go out of their comfort zone" and "don't stress" and are "just bee yourself". While nice guys worry too much and don't take a lot of chances. So when they do take a chance they appear gritty and forced. Also under/over the top and this makes women think they have an ulterior motive because it's such a far cry from guys that usually approach them.
lol find that thread with the girl with that pic AHAHAHAH your probably a fake nice guy anyway. just look AT that pepe
>or maybe, what you view as "being a jerk" is someone who
Actually everyone knows what it means, it means this:
If you can twist that into meaning what you just listed, good for you, coping with living in modern society without that level of cognitive dissonance would be pretty hard.
I think you're on the wrong board mate. Unless it's the right one.
you're the one twisting. everyone in modern society has a negative perspective on jerks. maybe you're retarded, sorry :^(
>Actually everyone knows what it means, it means this:
No, coming from a niceguy/incel background I can tell you that that's not the case. Turns out the jerks are actually pretty swell guys once you learn to grow up and become a better more confident person.
Not every confident, strong, charismatic, funny guy is a mental case, some may be, sure, but not all of them. I'm inclined to say that the incels are the mental cases.
woops, you really are an idiot. we're wasting each others time.
Guess we're talking about different definitions of "modern society", mine is the society that's actually happening all around us and the phenomena in it are popular and widespread enough for them to be in the first two results of a cursory Google search, yours is some made up shit that's only in your head and nowhere else.
99% of the couples you will ever meet treat each other well in general. I'm assuming your parents divorced or you're gay or something. Don't reply anymore.
an example is: A guy I was pretty sure got tonnes of pussy and was a massive chad like 2 years ago turned out to be super nice. He had to guide me through a large city sometime and we had a pleasant talk about autism, he told me his girlfriend studied psychology and he really wanted to know more. you just gotta not dismiss them and treat them like people, instead of some NPC from a videogame.
people have multiple dimensions and varying thoughts, they're not blank slates for you to project your insecurities onto.
>Dark Triad
When autists think they relate to normal people, why do they sound so retarded?
>I'm assuming your parents divorced
I mean, that's a 50% chance in most of the Western world, goes up to 60-75% for second or third marriages, so it's a pretty safe assumption to make isn't it.
Now where did you pull the 99% statistic from again?
You know that people treat different people differently at different times, right?
>When autists think they relate to normal people, why do they sound so retarded?
Dunno, why?
yes, and ever since that talk I've had with him I've kept an eye on his behaviour, it's nothing but kind, funny, charismatic, etc.
Seriously, other people aren't the problem if you don't get pussy, don't blame them for your romantic failures. life becomes much easier once you stop hating everyone.
Do you know what halo effect is?
probably some bullshit excuse that Incels use to not improve themselves, but go ahead, paint your picture and explain it
it's like 14% if your parents are under the age of 60 and are educated. nice job having a retarded family
if the halo effect was real then every robot would be in the gym instead of on Jow Forums.
you don't have to be serial killer, you just need to behave like one. Not thinking about killing people but being narcissist putting everything you want first and above everything and everyone else, girls like this mentality.
When we currently have tons of social networks were orbiters send them emojis, likes, comments etc etc every day and this guy doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't care about her beauty treats her like everyone else, they crave this.
nobody likes that mentality.
>thinking you're the "nice guy"
Sorry user, you're actually the creepy friend who her normal boyfriend gets weirded out by.
>inertial killers get live letters and marriage proposals then I'm a saint
Could you sound more pathetic. Some 300lb nice guy who just can't understand why no one is physically attracted to them so they make up this "nice guy delusion."
Here goes a quick explanation. Your not attractive, your personality sucks and your social skills are abysmal. You're not a nice guy, you're desperate since no one wants anything to do with you besides financial gain.
They find that attractive, you have been memed by feminized society into thinking being nice is a good thing when in reality it's not. Don't ask fish how to catch fish, ask the fisherman.
Also you are probably ugly because if you weren't then the things you do would also be found attractive regardless of what you do.
It sucks that it's that way but there's no helping at this point. You can try to improve yourself or something but just focus on getting good income and enjoying your life at this point as it's more or less ogre.
It's simple. Being a forthright person and sexuality have nothing to do with one another. It's a simple trick that has been perpetuated on men from many different sources (namely women and betas and authority figures who can't afford to speak the truth or want to keep men in line). Think about it for a minute: Why exactly would being a nice and sweet guy who is considerate and in touch with his feelings be appealing to women? Let me give you a clue: women don't care how you treat them. You can be nice or an asshole, they really don't care one way or another. Women care about 2 things and 2 things only: Would this man be impressive for me to have?(Is this improving my genetic stock because he is better than me) Second, Would this man be able and, more importantly, willing to give me a lifestyle more luxurious than the one I am currently living?
This is essentially BB/AF in it's simplest form. You have two scores: the attractiveness score and the provider score. Neither of these scores have anything to do with being nice, it's just a tangential trait of most guys who are BB. So all being nice gets you is maybe a .2/10 boost on the provider score. It doesn't give you a chiseled jaw, it doesn't fill up your bank account, it doesn't make her friends ask how often you work out, etc. When a girl says she wants a nice guy, what she means is a guy who is of high social status that other people like to be around, it doesn't have much to do with actually being a genuine and decent person. Most people don't like others because they are "nice" its much better to be interesting and occasionally useful.