Anyone else just wants to marry straight away and say goodbye to having free time?
I don't care about having life, all I want is to wageslave and buy shit for my wife and kids, I had freedom for 25 years and I didn't put it to any good use. If I was eligible for the army I'd go there.
My plan is go to bumfuck villages and find some dumb, ugly girl, take her to the city and make her into breeding sow. I don't care for normalfag things like girl being interested and being interesting/attractive myself, stuff like going to the gym, having nice clothes, and having friends outside of work seems meaningless.
Anyone else just wants to marry straight away and say goodbye to having free time?
I have a hard time believing there are no other robots who still care about videogames and self-improvement meme, and not just want to be like that 30yo boomer dad, utterly enslaved by his shitty family, but somehow blissfully unaware.
Change ugly to pretty but too clingy to leave and that's a pretty sweet deal. The dating game is not kind to us robots. Hopefully we find someone before we're forced to settle for fat single mothers.
I don't value my free time an ounce as a neet but I think I would if I got married.
I'll probably go for ugly and insecure intentionally, so she'd worship a 4/10 city boy. The younger the more like a father figure I'll be to her. Gonna knock her straight away.
Yeah, same. I didn't get overtime, so it's two days off instead of one and I'm going crazy with boredom and longing. I'd work everyday if it means coming home and fucking, then falling asleep with someone.
>you will never be a bad father, but it's okay because government gave you vodka money for popping a kid
why live
Enjoy your divorce in 2-3 years I guess.
If she is clingy due to ugliness and rural background, the marriage might work.
Or maybe it will be civil marriage at first.
Why would they get a divorce in 2-3 years?
>If she is clingy due to ugliness and rural background
Do you think ugly women from rural backgrounds don't have smartphones and don't watch TV?
19 year old femanon here, I started college a couple months ago but I relate to this deeply. It feels like everyone around me is trying to "make the most of their youth" but I don't get it. I don't get the enjoyment behind casual hookups and futile relationships. Maybe it is just because I'm less attractive, but it's not like I've never been hit on. I just know not a single one of them has been genuine. I want to grow with someone and live my best years with them, so that as we grow my youth isn't a memory I have to explain but one they experienced with me. But whenever I explain this, everyone tells me that I'm too young to settle down, where did this mentality come from? Wanting to be with someone long term shouldn't be seen as settling, because it isn't. You can have just as much as sex and even more emotional fulfilment with one person as you could with many. Getting married young should be the goal.
>inb4 just too ugly to be stacey
God I wish I had a wife so bad. That would feel so good to have a loving wife that you are one with.
shit ones usually and clueless about cancer apps
I already dated rural below average girl, this made me realize I need someone like her, but without severe alcoholism and love of partying, don't care if she will be a lot uglier than that one, it just means I can sweat less about my looks and status.
I'm glad such women exist, I need someone with your mentality, but willing to put up with me being an introverted, bipolar unskilled worker.
that sounds like a living hell, no offense.
>I don't care about having life, all I want is to wageslave
>My plan is go to bumfuck villages and find some dumb, ugly girl
this guy's right, that does sound like a kind of enslavement.
because they realize what a terrible arrangement they have and that love is actually important to them and they don't love each other
shut up you ugly cunt, there's no dichotomy where you're either a whore or a housewife, your life doesn't have to revolve around finding strangers to fuck or a man to marry, you have the option of improving yourself and saving money to follow your passions.
May I make the suggestion that will probably sound a little crazy? Well, maybe a little less crazy since the college pill has started to really float around. Since what you're saying is absolutely true, you should also know that you going to college isn't going to amount to much. If what you're saying is what you want, you should just focus on finding a man and being his housewife. I guarantee you'll be happier than going to college, getting a job, etc.
>shit ones usually and clueless about cancer apps
And when she asks for a new one, what are you going to say?
>this guy's right, that does sound like a kind of enslavement.
Lol I'm OP, I'm fully aware it's enslavement.
I'll buy it if you prove yourself as a good girl, same thing I told to my rural ex.
I guess there's masochists out there. I forgot some people want to have their dick in a cage, I just think yours is akin to having your heart in a cage.
>implying I still have a heart
It's that or alcoholism and fucking grannies/turbothots
I ditched her after few days. She called back recently, I didn't pick.
>where did this mentality come from?
IDK, both men and women used to want to marry asap, but then normie mentality changed overnight
>I don't get the enjoyment behind casual hookups and futile relationships. Maybe it is just because I'm less attractive
it's because meaningful relationships don't exist. it's a meme propagated by Disney movies. there's no such thing as a soulmate, no such thing as "connection". we all have our own inner world and it's impenetrable to anyone else. people pursue relationships to convince themselves otherwise but we all die alone on the inside
the first half of this post was pretty based but you shit the bed on the second half