If I take a bunch of pills to an hero how do I make sure I don't puke them up?

If I take a bunch of pills to an hero how do I make sure I don't puke them up?

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How do you know what pills to take?

Please don't do it user. Please just snap out of the suicidal mindset. Just have hope that things will get better. Just please don't give up.

I'm not going to beg you not to kill yourself but PLEASE DON'T TAKE PILLS. I had a blocked kidney tube, hydronephrosis (swollen kidney) and almost needed a transplant from taking too many pills. I have NEVER EVER EXPERIENCED PAIN LIKE THIS, and I have Crohn's disease, broke every bone in foot at same time etc, it's comparable. PLEASE DON'T DO IT. Liver/kidney pain is the worst the human brain can tolerate before blacking out.

not comparable* oregano

antiemetic regimen beforehand

dramamine, promethizene, etc

the classic cocktail is to do this, plus a high dose of a long lasting benzo, then a fatal amount of an oldschool trycyclic antidepressent.

You can get the benzo on the street pretty easy usually, get the trycyclic from a vetrinary medicine supplier.

takes 12-14 hours so go somewhere no one will find you.

not that im encouraging mind you, just if you really cant bear the pain anymore this was designed by doctors to be the easiest.

do talk to someone please

Just jump off a building. People take pills because they are pussys and know that it will never work.
Stop attention whoring fagget and just kill yourself

I suggest using an exit bag, its way better then pills.

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Why don't you talk to us for a while beforehand, OP. Why do you want to kill yourself?

You won't puke them up. If you get found, they pump your stomach or give you liquid charcoal.

Thanks. I'll either do this or try to find some heroin.

I have a toxic, dysfunctional family who fucked up my life. I've dealt with physical abuse and emotional neglect, as well as living at near-poverty levels despite living in an expensive house (my parents declared bankruptcy twice and have 4 mortgages). My brothers are toxic alcoholics who contributed to the abuse. I never had a normal childhood, I was never bought nice clothes and I never was given rides to my friend's house because my family were always too tired or too busy. We never had daily meals like dinner and many days I just didn't eat. I grew up stressed, depressed, and anxious because of these things and it shows, I have lackluster socializing skills and I'm an ugly 5'5 manlet. Whenever I asked them about mental health issues they just accused me of wanting pills and didn't want me taking any medication cause they don't have mental health issues in the old country. I'm likely autistic and many people in school didn't like me, so I'm crippled with loneliness. My parents are the reason why I think you need to take IQ tests before you have children.

dissolve them and put them up your butt

boohoo, ugly duckling

overdose on MDMA
might as well enjoy it

oh yeah screaming and writhing on the floor for 10 hours while your insides literally melt away while tripping balls sounds great fun

Pills have a less than 3% success rate and are extremely painful. Don't bother.

Please consider a more effective suicide method such as train, firearm, significant height, etc. youd hate to end up a veggie and have your family selfishly keep you alive.

put a big cork in your mouth and think about your favourite food

Take them over a course of an hour, and take them with food. Depending on the pills themselves, alcohol will help with lethality

1 - fuckload of sleeping pills beforehand
2 - booze
3 - opiates (at least 250mg of oxy to be safe)
4 - break/grind em up beforehand so that they absorb in the stomach faster.

od on heroin you attention whoring roastie dumbfuck.
heroin is the ultimate comfy.

I was considering killing myself by od'ing on heroin; I'm not a heroin or opiate user though. I took to some boards that have lots of opiate addicts and they told me that it would basically be pretty hard to overdose on my first try, and that I'd just get sick and like pass out or whatever.

Don't do it OP, pills are literally the worst way to kill yourself. There's a good chance you'll survive but be in horrible pain and have organ failures.

flextape your mouth faggot

Just tie two shoe strings together, tie one end to the door knob and hang it over the top of the door and make a noose.

the most retarded comment of the day goes to...

Try eating like 500 dollars worth of oxy 80s and then tell me this.

fentanyl is the answer here, easy to score on dnm and if you dig around long enough you can find some much more potent analog. take 250mg of that with benzos and alcohol and you won't even notice it

I could just mix that with heroin so I could go out feeling kinda nice, right? Not planning to kms right now for the record (hopefully)

yeah you could but benzos + alcohol would be a lot easier and quicker, high dose of fentanyl and you would essentially just go black

I'm not suicidal but I was watching a documentary and it turns out that you get some sort of euphoric feeling before dying of cold.
I am now strangely tempted to go into the forest at night and take off my clothes and see what happens.