Curing homosexuality

Problem with finding a cure to homosexuality is the kind of people who would support such a thing tend to be science denialists so they'd be much more likely to throw their money at a charlatan spouting psuedo science and no real cure would be found.

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Most gays can't be "cured" retard, no more then you could "cure" heteros. I'm guessing you haven't met very many gays other then the flamers and your under the age of 21.

user once posted videos of these alt-right religious retards claiming that they found a cure for homosexuality by working out daddy issues in men, seeking the closeness of your father if he's still alive, etc.

Basically they claim that faggotry is caused by unresolved issues with the father, and can be effectively cured forever. Can't find the video though.

Why would you want to be attracted to women anyways?

How the fuck is curing gays real like just fap to straight porn

If an actual cure for homosexuality existed, then gays would not exist. There would be no gay rights movement to oppose the cure because all gays would've been cured and therefore would not want to oppose something that helped them.

I don't get this idea that it's apparently something that needs to be "cured" in the first place, people hear "gay person" and think "flamer" without realizing that their totally normal and unassuming nextdoor neighbor could be gay too

pretty much everyone is bisexual to some extent but being gay is cheating the system so the man has brainwashed us into thinking it's the most evil thing on the planet and homos should be exterminated
notice how people like to lump in HIV and rape with homosexuality even though it applies to heterosexuals as well, they're literally trying to scare you straight so you start a family and work your ass off to keep pumping money into the economy

I have no problem with the gays, what i don't like are the mentally ill trannys.

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You can cure homosexuality with this 1 weird trick, read this book to find out how

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you have to want to be cured tho??????

Regardless of whether you see it as a cure or not
The key issue is changing one sexual orientation to another

Nobody is born gay though it happens cause they were brought up wrong and have mental illness. You can cure mentally illness sometimes

>Curing homosexuality
I've never understood people who think you can "cure" or "reverse" being gay.
It implies that they were straight at one point right? So how do you make someone gay? Can anyone be turned gay?

At our very core we are machines
Very complex machines but machines nonetheless,
And machines can be tweaked.

And so how exactly do you tweak a person into liking dick?
Also if you can tweak someone into being gay does that mean you can tweak someone into having a shit fetish, or any other fetish in general since it's the same general concept?
Saying humans are machines is pretty disingenuous too. People have a baseline animal instinct that they run on (the whole lizard brain thing) but every single human is incredibly different, especially physiologically so by calling them machines you imply that they are copies. Which they very obviously aren't.

damn user you solved it where's your Nobel prize

You rub a dick on their face. Just like how men get feet rubbed on them and develop foot fetishes it's the same thing. Fags like to pretend like they are some gentically diverse being but they are just normal people who would rather suck dick.

So if I whipped my dick out and rubbed it on your face you're telling me you would eventually like it?

>be me
>becomes boring and suddenly start watching more and more gay shit
>try to tell myself that it`s ok to be bi/gay, but completly disgusted after climax everytime
>don`t watch porn for a month, after only a few days get fantasies with girls again
>now only watch solo girls/lesbians to don`t catch the gay again

It would if I didn't have a healthy sexuality. Men don't develop a sexuality until they at least hit puberty, if they've had dicks rubbed on them in the past its easy to become confused

Well user there's only one way to find out

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>It would if I didn't have a healthy sexuality
Oh are you one of those people that think that every gay person was molested as a child, and that's why they're gay? Because you're pretty fucking dumb if that's the case.

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I am probably just talented in unfucking my brain, had really bad ocd some years ago, washing hands probably over 100 times a day and couldn`t touch most stuff, in a few months I managed to stop it completly without any therapy or pills

I just dont think anyone is born gay they might not have been molested but something definetly went wrong. Alot of men are bisexual but being completly gay is a different thing.

Okay well then what makes someone become gay then? Also why is bi different? It's still guys thinking dudes are fuckable.

there are 3 causes of homosexual deviancy:
>1. A boy is molested and develops a sexual fixation on men.
>2. A boy grows up without a father figure or strong role model and seeks sexual or romantic relationships with other men to compensate.
>3. Men who have a strong hatred or fear of women turn to other men to meet their sexual and emotional needs.
It's literally a mental illness. Identify which one is you and then sort yourself out.

I'm none of them, and I love fucking dudes, so what's your point?

lying or repressed memory

why cure it when studying its causes and understanding it completely can give key insight into how sexuality works ?
just imagine the potential uses of an more completed understanding of sexuality would have.
besides curing it is rather extreme in comparison to just giving a bit of support and care, i mean it is not a fatal illness and this stuff
is definitely complicated and dangerous to mess with. just look at the history of gay therapy. it is mostly torture done by idiots.
on an other note , there is a tool to find gay people it is referred to as the gaydar and it was not shared due to its potential for abuse. they just processed facial data to make a rather accurate guess.
this is the stuff i remember tho it might be a bit wrong at some points.

Only the Lord can save you from the homodemon and this is said with zero irony.

I'm trying to cure myself and it's going pretty well. Some days I want nothing more than a cute bf but I'm improving. We have to be strong and be better than our filthy urges.

You're looking at it the wrong way, you don't need a cure, just don't fuck dude. Everyone has innate desires they have to manage, so manage that shit.

No you're just a pussy.

Science probably supports the existence of homosexuality. It has to do with chromosomes crossing over at conception; it is as natural as having blonde hair or blue eyes.

Why am I a pussy?
I'm just trying to help those dealing with gay thoughts.

The best help is to give them relief

There needs to be a cure for heterosexuality. You people seem angry all the time

i think even if there was a cure people wouldnt want it

gays can have sex any time they want and they dont have to deal with females

why would they want to take the cure

if you make a flamboyant male straight no woman would want him it would be cruel to force him to be a incel

really why would any one want to take the cure if gays have it easier and dont have to deal with the bullshit straight men do

also what if hes just submissive

do you think having to deal with females is a better or easier option its one of the worst things a person would have to do

What do you mean?

>really why would any one want to take the cure if gays have it easier and dont have to deal with the bullshit straight men do

Not being viewed as a degenerate by default

so it dosnt improve there life it just makes a minority of people on r9k like them more

if something makes life harder and will make you lonely.

what would some good thing that come from being aroused by females only

i cant think of any pros to being aroused by females and i can think of many cons

Same here fren. I hold off going for a bf in any way because I know how short gay relationships tend to be, and that I'd feel worse in the long term if I had a bf for a couple of years then broke up rather than taking the time to find a really good gf who would last longer.

also there arnt many gay gold diggers
and they care about sex more than money and social status

divorce courts arnt bias
they dont have any extra status over you because there gender and dont have as high of self esteam as females

>no more then you could "cure" heteros
Imagine being THIS bluepilled.

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