These evil creatures come here to convince others to join their demonic ranks of degeneracy because when you have nothing you will take the serpent's promise of something better, unaware that it'll lead you further into the pit of despair. Robots do not engage the trannies, do not listen to their siren's call telling you to transition, you will still be miserable and worse, you will have done irreparable damage to your body. Why do you think so many kill themselves? (not enough if you ask me) It's because they're hit with the realization that transitioning didn't fix their issues and now there's no going back.
Do not give in to them, send them screaming back into the pit from which they arose.
The trannies need to be purged
Other urls found in this thread:
people hating on faggots turns me on
Why not just let natural selection do it's job?
Your time will come, I hope you see the error of your ways before it's too late. Stop dragging others down with you.
>and worse
robots fundamentally believe that being a woman gives someone an easy, happy life. so you're wrong. once they transition they are much better off.
Trannies will get what they deserve
Transitioning doesn't make one a woman
Because their methods are to infect the rest of the world with their ideology and way of life, so they aren't just ending themselves but taking everything with them. If they kept to themselves and only harmed themselves I'd have no issue, but the tranny cabal is in full force on r9k for the very reason that it's easy here. Unaware robots are being led into the maw of the beast.
Amen to that
And I'm not even christian.
But this is merely a symptom. Society is rotten to the core. It can't be fixed. It must be destoyed and remade anew.
Tranny euthanasia programs when?
No they arent fucker. They will need to put a didlo in their "vagina" which is painful for the rest of their life. Eventually they will figure out that the reason they became a deformed faggot is because it was a fetish. You stupid motherfuckers need to control your sexual desires--THEY WILL CONTROL YOU if you're a stupid motherfucker.
That's your opinion. If a robot wants an easy life, they transition. It's not complicated
But there is no way to effectively fight back.
They will band up on discord to silence anyone with opinion other than theirs and start shouting about muh Jow Forums. There is nothing we can do. This board is lost
Yeah they are, you sound jealous though because of your insecurities. If you're truly a masculine male normie then why harass robots?
yeah a nice cock in the butt
trannies aren't robots
you are abominations against nature
It's not about Christian or not, this is more than just religion. When I speak I do so in metaphor about their evil because it best describes it. Spread the message, the trannies need to go, do not fall for their trickery.
If only they were simple abominations. They are a tool to spread the infection that's taking over the West. If there isn't a push back we will fall to it. They destroy themselves, but they aren't content with that, they must see that everyone goes down with them.
I harass you because you deserve it, faggot. Go kill yourself if you can't handle it.
Lol nice logic, christcuck.
Nice fucking LARP dude.
Did you discover this website a few days ago on reddit?
Think about it why would trannies want to come here are they incels bots or introverts probably no they are sjw and they are trying to recruit us
why are trannies bad? why do you think there's literally a cabal to turn robots into trannies?
t. ftm
They are better off just being and accepting the gender they were born with :)
Because robots are fucking stupid. Isn't it obvious? Why aren't you accepting what nature gave you? Is nature wrong? Why do you go through all of these mental gymnastics to go against your nature?
Nature gave me gender dysphoria and control over my own life and body. If I have the ability to alleviate the pain then why should I just live with it?
Nature didn't give you a mental illness. You were abused by your parents. There wasn't a "gender dysphoria" epidemic 30 years ago, so why now?
Every single day I pray all day long for a girlfriend. Yet every single day I wake up and I have no girlfriend. Why does God hate me so much? Why is God punishing me for doing nothing wrong? Why won't God fulfill my wish and give me a girlfriend?
I was not abused by my parents, actually. Nature gave me a lot of stuff to contend with. I treat my other conditions to alleviate the pain, even though they are "natural". I don't understand why gender dysphoria is the one problem we aren't allowed to try to make better. I don't understand why I can be a literal schizophrenic but it's the gender dysphoria that makes people consider me "crazy". I think it must be somewhat stigmatized.
Have you seen those horrific sausage things they give to ftm's as penises?
maybe try talking to one with your mouth?????
Yep, I have seen them. I wouldn't want to get genital surgery though, it freaks me out beyond measure.
Reality is you were born a woman. You were born exactly how you were supposed to. Nature doesn't make mistakes. You are rejecting what mother nature gave you, stop it. Liberals are insane because they reject reality and hate nature. You are causing your own dysphoria.
I was also born schizophrenic and with brain damage, user, which I treat with help from a doctor. Should I just leave those alone too?
I can't because I am a shut-in and don't ever leave the house.
It doesn't matter. You're a schizo because again, you don't accept reality. Look it up. People who are holding your hand and stroking your ego aren't helping you. They are making your more disconnected from reality.
Nobody is holding my hand and stroking my ego, user. Why don't you research mental illnesses a little bit before making a fool of yourself online?
Lol, we have mental illnesses now because we live in civilization (simulation of slavery), It makes everyone mentally ill because we aren't doing what our ancestors did thousands of years ago. It affect some people more than others, but the elites are working to make it work for everyone, lmao.
Stop eating vegetables and carbs. It's poison for your brain. You need to eat more meat.
We always had mental illness. My mom told me that when she was young in the 1960s and 70s, asylums were packed to the brim because ANYBODY who differed from the norm would be forced to go there. In my mid 2000s the asylums closed down, releasing millions of mentally ill people onto the street with nowhere to go.
Also can you provide some data on how vegetables are bad?
Japan recently passed a law that requires trans people get sterilized.
the trannies have their own board desu.
Haha, your mother was right. People who weren't brainwashed were punished! Same thing is happening today; if you don't accept mental illness, go fuck yourself! People are so fucking twisted these days.
Vegetables have anti-nutrients and have no nutritional value at all. Same with shit like bread. Elites wants you on a plant-based diet to starve you of vital nutrition, and nutritional deficiency is the cause of mental illness. You can live and be healthy eating only meat, because eating meat increases testosterone, energy, mental clarity and happiness. How can doctors treat you if you're already healthy? Doctors make more money treating unhealthy people.
Japs are based as fuck.
If I increase my testosterone, it will make me be more manly, won't it?
Also that makes no sense. The people were punished because their mental illness was not accepted.
most trannys dont get that horrific surgery done
>If I increase my testosterone, it will make me be more manly, won't it?
yes but only to a point. if you have too much it will get turned into estrogen by aromatase, so youd need an aromatase inhibitor too.
>If I increase my testosterone, it will make me be more manly, won't it?
Yes, and no. Because you are a woman, and you ARE a woman, you will actually feel more womanly. You will feel more connected to your body, your sexual organs, making you confident and such. Women aren't supposed to feel weak.
>Also that makes no sense. The people were punished because their mental illness was not accepted.
You said it was because they rejected societal norms, which is not the same as being mentally ill.
No I didn't, they were mentally ill.
>testosterone will make you feel more womanly
explain. I don't feel weak or have low confidence.
I am already high T so wouldn't it just make me hairier?
so am I meant to have more estrogen or testosterone?
>so am I meant to have more estrogen or testosterone?
well there isnt anything that really decides which one youre meant to have. just do whatever you want.
This thread has taken a firmly "against doing what you want" stance, so I was looking for their opinion. Obviously if I do what I want I'll keep being trans.
Yeah, it's best to leave the mentally ill to die and kts.
Where is your evidence? Mentally ill people have contributed a lot to the world.
A very small majority of them have, but you aren't one of those people. Because you are still asleep.
Redpill me then, am I asleep for thinking it's okay to be mentally ill?
You are asleep because you have turned off your natural senses that you had since birth. Society told you wanting to kill and not following man-made rules and morals are bad. Once you realize civilization is a simulation of slavery you will become woke. There's nothing wrong being a human.
The reason you are mentally ill is because you lack chemicals and enzymes that you should get from eating meat. If you want to be truly woke, eat raw meat.