Post what you're reading you fucking faggot
Book Thread
This one. Also watched apocalypse now some years ago.
You know he's fucking dead right? Killed himself last year?
Stop posting this picture, it's disrespectful af
No longer human by Dazai
I've just read Serotonin by Houellebecq. It's not his best book but I still loved every page of it, definitely recommended if you enjoy his writings.
I started a book by Jonathan Coe but I'm not sure about the original title. So far it's pretty unremarkable and not that interesting though.
I have no idea who this is and don't care, shut the fuck up
Who is that girl in op pic related?
Currently on 1st Samuel 18
I finished Dune a couple of hours ago. Thinking of finishing up The Martian Chronicles tonight,
>Joh Krakauer's "into the wild"
Saw a few anons talk about the movie, and though I would read the book because I am an intellectual.
currently Orlando Furioso. Im not that good with poetry so it's a challenge
I was reading this last week
It's about as gay as the cover implies
Brainlet here,so far on the road to knowledge i've read Brave new World,1984,animal farm.Currently reading Farhenheit 451
A friend lend me this book.
This is kinda good desu.
I'm new in this thing of reading books
lent* aaaaaa
On the fifth book in the Wheel of Time series. I have about 150 pages left, and once I finish I'm gonna read Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima
I don't gonna let this thread die. This is the only one that doesn't have to do nothing with sex o racebait or with some beta that doesn't know how to talk to girls
I saw this thread so I went down to my local library and checked out two books.
Glad I could whip you motherfuckers into it.
im reading the book "how to get a femanon gf" and its helping a lot, basically you just keep begging femanons to be your gf until they go crazy and cave in
very interesting book.
Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason
It's not fun, don't read it.
I physically cannot read. 15 minutes in and I automatically fall asleep, how the fuck do I fix this.
I checked out John Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat and Anne Frank's diary, the uncensored definitive edition where she discusses many topics, including her sexuality and menstruation.
read stuff you like
Books are a meme. A couple years ago I bought a bunch of /lit/ starterpack shit and it was all extremely boring and didn't teach me anything
That's like saying the internet is boring because I just looked at a bunch of websites other people told me to like
Don't hate me, its my first time reading it.
Just finished verax.
That book made me even more paranoic.
Mein Kampf but unironically.
I can fight only for what I love, I love only what I respect and I respect only that which I understand.
It's a really good read, I've been working my way through most of the books on Rome I can find recently
>This is the only one that doesn't have to do nothing with sex o racebait or with some beta that doesn't know how to talk to girls
This board is full of losers who come here on Friday night to complain about unfairness. Unfortunately no mans of culture here who read.
Norwegian wood by murakami. Kinda late to it but I've heard it's really good. guys like 20 and sleeps with like 14 girls and im only 60 pages in..
You should read a few minutes per day, and every day read a few minutes more and more and more
I also want to read this one after.
I'm about to start reading Mein Kampf
Is it a meme?
This You should buy books that look interesting to you, don't be stupid
Pic related, barcode omitted so I don't get doxed
German National Socialism was an evil ideology, anonny.
It's a very good read, I recommend it.
A wild sheep's chase by murakami, pretty comfy read so far
If that sort of book interests you would also recommend this
You should read The book thief, I recommend it desu
>German National Socialism was an evil ideology, anonny
I'm pretty sure that Jow Forums leakage would get me banned so I won't explain why almost everything is the jews' fault.
That's Prince Royal, the Fallen Prince. He was pretty popular in Jow Forums discords.
He killed himself last year.
I recommend this to you
Bumpo again to save this thread
I have a bunch of books I want to read all stacked in a row on my shelf. I'm currently reading A Farewell To Arms and On Writing by Stephen King. I want to read The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles and All Quiet on the Western Front next.
bobby fischer my 60 memorable games
Isn't that the guy who raped and killed like 30 kids and filled his penis with needles?
No, Bobby Fischer is one the best chess players of all time.
Yeah whoops I was thinking of albert fisch. Guy was a monster, even cannibalized the children he raped and killed
And he's INTJ OwO
This month I've read about as much if not more than for the rest of my life. Judge me robots
>"Solaris" by Stanislaw Lem
>"Murder on the orient express"
>"C++ primer"
Currently reading:
>"When breath becomes air"
>"The social skills guidebook" (actually good, pick it up fellow autists)
On my shelf waiting in the line:
>"Thus spoke zarathustra"
>A Polish book about CS / programming
All really good
Read Roadside Picnic recently and really enjoyed it. It's short but good.
Just rereading The Great Gatsby for like the eighth time
just started kafka's amerika, pretty good so far
"Slaughterhouse No.5" by Kurt Vonnegut
Why he's well above 8/10 as a girl from pol I would husbando up. And sex up every night
>Spoon-feed me lore
Lurk more newfag
can't believe someone liked stalker so much they wrote a book about it
Have you read The Trial? It's the best work he's written, imo.
Good book, If you like Kurt you should read pic related.
>as a girl
>from Jow Forums
Triple double helping of cringe yikees shags. Why are you like this?
Yep I'm a madlad
sister got me this book for Christmas. Any of you read it?
nope, this is my first book of his but i'll add it to my list
thanks for the rec fren
Why are you a dumb frogposter whos a virgin
I don't need lore autist but hot people should fuck daily I'm sorry you not fuck able faggot
In my top 3.5
Jesus, you're a real garbage person. Right wing women really are worse than liberal women.
>wanting to fuck Royal
My man was pure and devotely loyal to his wife, fuck off bitch. That's like wanting to fuck Jesus, shit's just wrong.
>Post what you're reading you fucking faggot
Notes from Underground, re-reading it after living a bit with the knowledge of this holy robotic text.
Every Jow Forums regular should go through the pilgrimage of these wise paragraphs, so much self realization hidden in such a short essay on failing to be human.
> hot people
> she thinks she's hot
Kek, just know that the only reason you have a high sexual value is because you are a young woman.
Be less edgy.
Thanks, I will add it to my reading list.
Reading The Portrait of the Lady. I feel like r9k's reaction to it would be, >roastieeeee reeee.
To be fair, that might be the appropriate reaction.
Currently reading the book of disquiet in portuguese (my mother language).
Honestly it makes me feel like a complete brainlet that i cant understand 10% of the time what he is talking about. His prose is a real pain in the ass to follow, quite a lot harder than what i imagined at frist. Im still at the begining and im still considering in reading some other shit since im not that of a experienced reader for this. Any thoughts?
Old classic. Reading this while hearing drunk neighbors having noisy sex. Life is fascinating.
Why is it you can't hit the gym and have a sexual value at all? Lifting and diet control isn't that hard boyo.
If Jesus wasnt a Jew I probably would have sex with him. Have kids that could preform miracles.
No we aren't garbage I'm waiting for my Maga hat to come and take full nude body shots for istagram.
alber fisch my 60 memorable games would be a great book
>diet control
How hard is it to naturally eat healthy? I get eating unhealthy for some people because they might be tight on money, but cheap healthy food exists. You will also need to eat more if you are looking to build muscle btw, unless you are talking about limiting carbs and shit like that.
Also, since you are talking about working out and diet, I am going to assume that you only have a nice body and not a nice face.