Every man has the potential to find at least one woman if he tries hard enough, takes a shower...

>Every man has the potential to find at least one woman if he tries hard enough, takes a shower, works on his appearance and personality, and lowers his standards.

Do people unironically believe this?

Attached: beta male call of duty.jpg (720x960, 61K)

Is this bait or have you not seen the new images of him? He's a solid 5 now at least

I honestly think there are girls who would find him cute and want to date him. He seems like a nice, cool guy.

Heres a better Beta Incel from all the way from 2008

Attached: 7uuRofAh.jpg (1024x729, 132K)

It's true. if you got rich enough or gained enough power any women would want you. But that doesnt mean it is realistic or obtainable

His face isn't actually bad at all, I'd say it's a good 6.5 at least. The real problem is his fucking hair and whiny ass personality. He is ugly as fuck now though

>just have money and women will flock to you

Tell that to Elliot Rodger and his BMW.

Attached: Elliot Rodger.jpg (580x376, 120K)

if by that you mean he can be with a woman for a while and then break up with her, then maybe

if you actually compare the sex disparity by age groups, it actually does not work out to one girl for every one guy. For every 10 guys you could pair with 10 girls, there is one guy extra with no female to match him with.

That's not a true incel. He could get pussy. And his face is fixable and he's white. He may not be able to get hot girls, but he can get pussy.

>His face isn't actually bad at all, I'd say it's a good 6.5 at least.
You can't be serious