Why do women feel safe with men who look like Ted Bundy (who rape and kill them) and ignore men like Elliot Rodger and Eggman (who would shower them with hugs and kisses)? Is it George Soros?
Why do women feel safe with men who look like Ted Bundy (who rape and kill them) and ignore men like Elliot Rodger and...
Because Ted was a chad.
>Elliot Rodger
>Innocent boy who just wanted to be loved
Obviously Elliot Rodger was pretty far from a sociopath, and nowhere near approached Ted Bundy in evilness, but it does take a certain type of person to go on a killing spree.
Because they respond to the aggressiveness of men. It was crucial that as a female, your male partner was aggressive enough to fend off other males and wild beasts that would threaten you and your litter. It's obvious that Ted Bundy and other serial killers exhibit higher abundances of testosterone which in turn makes woman think that these men are more protective and thus better partners.
But due to a malfunction in the areas of the brain regarding aggression and emotion, this aggressiveness against other males and beasts is turned against
women. Ted Bundy's condition was created in the womb and further nourished by his environment. A sad case but not unlike many others afflicted.
pretty sure if this guy acted aggressive the only place he would land is jail
Elliot was much worse and more violent than Ted, and Elliot only wanted to fuck a 10/10 blonde girl without ever talking to anyone. Ted actually talked to women.
Eggman doesn't talk to many women either, but he's had lots of sex.
he can't act aggressive because he looks like he's always been weak and shy. it would be an obvious lie. if he spent 5 years working on his physical health then he could be aggressive and get any pussy he wants.
Because women can't get their minds off this Eggman.
Clearly he is the greatest Chad of all.
Elliot threw shit at women for kissing their partners and tried to kill a bunch of female strangers. Eggman isn't actually ignored by all women and admits that he gets some attention by being an asshole.
Ted is worse than both combined, fucking obviously, but these aren't good examples.
>if he spent 5 years working on his physical health then he could be aggressive and get any pussy he wants.
You should rephrase that. Zyzz destroyed his physical health with steroids, drugs and gym rattery. Pic related spent years working on his diet and physical health, he's a healthy man who exercises and eats right to keep his mind and body functioning well but really no more than that.
It's clear that you're implying that blops2cel should actually look like Zyzz or a random beeg dude and not just healthy like pic related, so say as much.
Why do people act like the "before" Zyzz was unattractive and unfuckable? He looked like a typical "skinny skater boy". They get laid all the time.
I don't know, but Eggman isn't ignored by women. He's had lots of sex and multiple gfs, even beautiful ones.
>hitting the target that actually causes your pain, not your peer with the same trouble
Wonder who has the malfunction there desu.
>Wonder who has the malfunction there desu.
>become a serial killer
>find a hybristophile online
>approach her IRL
>"accidentally" let slip that you're a gruesome serial killer
100% loyal gf ez
"becoming a serial killer" only works for hot guys. if you're ugly you won't get any fan mail.
>Elliot was much worse and more violent than Ted
Ted killed a prepubescent girl just because he could. Many of his killings were just because he could. Serial killers are way more violent and malevolent than spree killers. A spree killer usually just wants to get a message across or vent out his anger in revenge or otherwise. A serial killer usually enjoys the killing much more and does it for the thrill, pleasure or release of it and they often have no plans on ever stopping, just "gobbling up" as many people as they can for their own sadistic joy.
It's like someone who's had enough and decided to start a one-sided battle against their perceived(or actual) aggressors vs. someone who started a guerilla war on mankind because they enjoy taking life. You need way more sadism for the latter while you just need to be pissed off for the former.
The Florida guy isn't hot, he looks weird and goblin-y and got made fun of for his looks, but he gets a bunch of fanmail.
Right, best be the castrated little beanspout that meekly accepts all fates. You want fries with that?
Florida? He looks like he's from the Norf
Stop thinking in absolutes, when I made that post I wasn't playing your game of "target that actually causes your pain" because I know you're referring to random fucking women the killer might not even know. If you were saying to defend yourself against aggressors with an appropriate response then sure, whatever, but you're saying that it's okay to kill random women because some other women are cunts.
I don't want some psycho killing my mother because he's mad that Stacy had Chad dunk pig's blood on him during prom, fuck you.
anybody could do what elliot rodgers did. can't say the same for bundy
here, I'm referring to this guy.
He's not exactly 'hot' other than the fact that he did the thing roasties like.
Sorry user I didn't know you meant El Goblino.
Elliot was worse than that, he was just a pussy too
Elliot in theory had some comically fucked up stuff in mind but in practice all he was going to do was spree kill some roasties and normies and then himself. Way more tame than Ted.
Way worse than Ted, objectively.
Forgiven, the tragedy of Darth Goblius the American is a Sith legend your Jedi masters wouldn't tell you.
>point out that is is stupid to not hit the actually cause of your harm
>hurr I know you want random sluts to be harmed!
Oooookay. Once I give any shits what an idiot with assumptions wants, I'll gladly let you know.
Because their personality detectors are so strong bro! Women have ultra sophisticated dickhead misogynist radars in their brains that can detect your resentment!
But apparently not when that resentment is strong enough to make a guy want to abuse you in a domestic relationship or rape and kill you as a serial killer.
Fucking Christ hes so fucking ugly. Reminds me of this nigga
The reason Ted Bundy is much worse than Elliot is because Elliot could have grown up to be a good person. He is fucked up for sure, I'm not one of those "ER was a hero" guys. But in his manifesto he was noticing that he was losing his mind and going insane and it bothered him a lot. He didn't want to become what he became, he became that way because of immense suffering.
There was absolutely nothing that could've been done about Ted Bundy though. He admitted to killing literally for the fuck of it.
Its all a cycle user, and we are heading for the red zone right now. Blame the weak men.
>zyzz destroyed his physical health with gym rattery
The only thing that killed him was steroids and drugs. Go work out, faggot
I think you misunderstood better than you, then, or you're willfully being stupid. The cause of Bundy's harm is primarily his parents but he has a kill count higher than two, that's for sure. In context of the posts, Ted Bundy killed random women, user said this was a malfunction, you 'wondered' if it really was a malfunction. I said it was.
You could be saying that it's stupid to not kill random women but that you don't want random women killed, in which case you're really dumb and bad at conveying what you mean.
He literally started the
>No cardio, that kills your gains
meme, while having a bad heart that could've used cardio.
Its the ultimate paradox
Douchey chads taking all the girls despite the fact that they are just that
There is no reason for it
Yet its still a thing
fucking over us incels to the point of murder suicide
>despite the fact
Why do people say that Ted Bundy is so handsome? He looks super average to me?
>not a new IP
>this desperate for (You)s.
Ted was never a stuttering, nervous dimwit. I just watched the like 4 hour long netflix doc. He was apparently kind of introverted in high school and such but was always very good with people. Also he was like 6'1 and handsome, well-spoken university graduate. You'd have no reason to believe he was some kind of monster from just meeting him.
Elliot was weird and un-charismatic and kind of dorky. I think they were both narcissists but it seemed to help Ted and be a disadvantage to Elliot. Also he was short and un-confident while Ted was the opposite.
>Also he was short
He was like 5'9", that's just Jow Forums short.
Um sure, yeah I'm not a new IP. These were my previous posts...
We're talking about Elliot and Ted Bundy. My comment was about Ted Bundy.
Oh, okay, Ted was considered handsome because he was better looking than the average guy back then and the internet didn't exist.