I don't consider myself a "femcel," but I feel like if I were a boy I would be an incel...

I don't consider myself a "femcel," but I feel like if I were a boy I would be an incel. I think the only thing keeping me from going off that cliff is the knowledge that, as a girl, I have some hope of being approached by a man. Were I male, I would have to make the first move and I know that would never happen or I would be rejected, and I'd end up as an incel.

Attached: vicious.jpg (288x400, 28K)

Why not just approach a man yourself? What's stopping you?

Crippling social anxiety, ugliness, the fact that I'm essentially a shut-in with no idea how to even approach someone platonically, let alone romantically. It's easier to try to make myself look as pretty as I can and hope someone else will approach me first.

Huh. You're probably not that ugly, but i don't know you, so maybe you are. I don't really know how to approach people platonically either. I think you start by talking about something related to school or work, and then it eventually progresses from there. A good first step might be to get in shape if you aren't already. Having a friend group helps too. It's probably hard to get one if you're a shut-in, though. If you're in college you could try joining clubs related to things you like doing. Honestly, though, being in a relationship isn't the only way to be happy. You really don't need one.

Stop trying to pander someone because of their sex with false compliments and promises. You're the kind of people that ruin r9k

I'm not, lol. I'm nicer to male anons than I am femanons, since most "girls" on this site are larpers or attentionwhores. This thread seemed pretty genuine, though, so I just gave some advice. I'd do the same for a male user. I agree that nice guys and orbiters are a real issue on this site, but I'm not giving anyone preferential treatment, so I'm not doing anything wrong. Although I'm kind of curious why she isn't posting this on crystal cafe if she's a girl. Maybe she really does just want (you)s.

I love you. Can I be your boyfriend?

Just start picking out guys you want and grab them by their penis. Girls can't get in trouble for sexual assault and as long as they're not in a relationship, they'll probably just go along with whatever you want to do.

Just date me then, I could handle dating a girl as long as she could relate to feelings of social anxiety

Yeah I'm in college. I joined a D&D group recently and that's been fun, but I haven't really made friendships beyond the game with the other players, and it's the only social interaction I get at all. I keep meaning to join a club or something but always get too scared to. I am trying to lose weight though.

I'd also only want to date a guy who could understand social anxiety and loneliness. It's something other people just can't understand, and it can't really be explained either without sounding like whining.

Yeah it's easier to relate to people when you both share a problem. Where do you live? Pls be my gf

I live in the southeastern US

Try making conversation with the people in your DnD group about things outside of DnD, so you can make friends. I can't claim to have social anxiety, but I do get nervous in social situations sometimes and I have a tendency to think that people dislike me or talk about me behind my back. One thing that helps is realizing that things really aren't as bad as you think. The people in your group probably enjoy spending time playing DnD with you, and would be open to talking to you outside of it, so you have nothing to be afraid of. If you have to work in groups ever, maybe try talking to the quieter members of the group, since there's a lesser chance that they'll be judgmental normalfags. Anyways, assuming this isn't a LARP, good luck, and godspeed.

Lmao get a load of this thirst

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Thanks for the encouragement. I always think of things to say to the other people, but get too scared to actually say it out loud. I really should try talking to them.

I've been trying so hard and I still haven't gotten a single response from a fembot.

I'm in florida, although usually "southeastern US" means states a bit further north than that

Georgia, so not that much farther north.

Same, getting a positive response from a girl must be the hardest thing to do

Poor girl :(
Can you get naked now? I need to masturbate