
To get into heaven, you must fill out an application that looks like pic related.
Please submit your application for judgement at the gate.

Attached: smallcharttemplate.png (507x580, 18K)

You can fuck off with your data mining thread shill

falun dafa
tiananmen square

I am not at mercy of one's judgement to get in the kingdom of God but the Lord himself.

I sin't

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Excuse me, St. Peter? Can we lie on the application form?

Let me in..
lETm E i n....


Attached: Capture.png (513x581, 25K)

If you want to know if you'd be allowed into heaven then you should tell the truth.

You're both fucking insane.

This is my file.

Attached: ID_till_himmlen.png (507x580, 22K)

Do I have to believe in God to get in?

Attached: application-2.png (507x580, 22K)

goddamnit please let me in this is my only hope

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>no drawings
I'm sorry, you're not allowed into heaven.

Thank you for putting in effort into your application, welcome to heaven!

Hey cutie you want to cuddle with me?

Come on in, user. Your personalized heaven awaits. Thanks for making an effort.

I don't deserve heaven but might as well try.

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Alright, op. You found me on a day where I have nothing going on and I love to dox myself, so why not

Attached: This thing.png (507x580, 50K)

I also have a big dick. and have inherited a large house on a cliff looking at a beach

Attached: 1548529312018.png (507x580, 20K)

>all these people with high iq's
yea i'm sure all of you have it, it's no way you are deluded, no no no

My life in one pic I have no idea where I'm heading

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misinformation to spook

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I'm majoring in physics. I'll probably have my doctorate in 2 years

Attached: 1548529312018.png (507x580, 22K)

Funny how we have allmost same iq yet very different lives good luck with your studies wish I had enough cash to study

I wish you did too, did you post on this thread?


If you went to uni what would you study? I for one went into physics because that's what my dad did

Medicine I want to study it because I'm only good at chemistry, biology and patching up wounds :)

Let me in God

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good thing there's no sexual orientation box haha kill me

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Are you from Latvia?

Fellow brazilian here. Which university?

currently living in Ireland btw

Attached: 1548529312018.png (507x580, 22K)

yep I live in Latvia

Which city?


give me your contact please

Nope man won't go that far

okay atleast which school did u go to/still go?

Why do you need this info ?

because Jelgava is fucking small. beel living in this shithole for my whole life. Maybe there is a slight chance i may know u or maybe u would want to know me.

Well Jelgava is small I agree but sharing personal info on Jow Forums is dangerous u know

i get you. it would be nice if u could give me your discord or atleast say the school u went /or go to. I dropped out last year.
please user. this might be my only chance of finding friends

what's wrong anonette?

Why the fuck would heaven care about our IQ or education?

K I still haven't finished Ozolnieki Secondary school if you know where it is that's all I will give you

i don't know anyone from there. im a female, I can prove it to u if u want. i just really really need friends. please user

K give me ur discord

hey comrade. how's life za bugrom?


this post is very originaliololo

Attached: xasdrdfwrdqafs.jpg (507x580, 64K)

I should be studying what the hell

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lemme in

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be my kraut gf pls

Tfw no German gf

Do you happen to be tall?

she's mine reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeriginal

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let me in user

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Be my gf blease, how tall are you?

whats up data mining thread

Attached: smallchart.png (507x580, 54K)

Where in the UK are you tho?


More femanons on Jow Forums than i thought

Nice post discord rn I want someone to talk with tonight

let me in bitch heaven needs its token black/comic relief

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Thanks, but I would prefer to drift off into an entity of non-existence.

Attached: allllll about meeee.png (507x580, 20K)

Be my gf please right now

girls please talk to me

>he thinks those are high
that's gonna be a yikes from me

Plz don't tell me you're a commie from bologna

What kind of boons do you get from going to heaven?

Attached: dumb.png (500x498, 22K)

"Fem"bots do not exist. Fuck off back to CrystalCafe and stop ruining Jow Forums with your "uwaaa im a fembot :((( please love me and accept me" bullshit.

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G'day ya bloody fuckin' pooftas

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what does this post add to the thread?

Based wizardfag

It adds to the board by doing proper gatekeeping.

I've suffered enough, can we come in?
Pets go to Heaven too right?

Attached: Application.png (507x580, 28K)

Pls sit on my face and never stand up again

Drawing myself accurately would require better images than I can have of myself right now because the sun is sleeping instead of providing me light.

Attached: applicationtobeingdead.png (506x580, 22K)

Drop discord I'm in Europe too

Refer to . Why do you whores insist on inserting yourself into communities where you obviously do not belong?

I already have a pretend online boyfriend, sorry.
I've probably been on Jow Forums longer than you and my threads and posts here are usually well received and (you)'d.

>Derailing a thread because you can't get your tiny little dick wet.

Who the fuck is so insecure they'd pay for an IQ test? And what's with all the bitter brainlets who spout "There ARE no 110+ IQs anywhere!!!1" pussy-bullshit?
I'm the antichrist anyway; keep your heaven.

>Who the fuck is so insecure they'd pay for an IQ test?
I was IQ tested as part of my ADHD evaluation. I believe it's also common if you're being evaluated for autism.

Be my GF, my dad is rich you'll never have to worry about anything ever again.

please sell my information I want to feel valued

Attached: datamine.png (507x580, 23K)

I dunno, getting it tested soon
Some college

Please let me in, I could draw dicks in heaven

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Dying for that Heaven's Feel

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what's this for tho

Im already in heaven

Attached: ljhjhjjh.png (508x584, 31K)

36,200 hours in ms paint with my new drawing tablet

Attached: drawingthing.jpg (1758x1862, 273K)

owo be my cyclops gf

Cleanse your sole

Supposed to have leather jacket

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fuck wrong image lol

there you go, jesus

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