Why don't you lift?

Why don't you lift?

A big powerful physique can get you attention from girls and respect from other men.

And it's righteous.

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>liver damage
>back damage
>Heart damage
>ligament and nerve damage
>shortens your life span
>royally fucks your joints
>roid and doping culture + snake oil peoduct
>gym wank
I don't need to I stay fit enough at home gardening and walking around

I find that a lot of girls dislike large muscles, actually

>lifts for others instead of lifting for health
>t. normie
all of those sound like roiding and being 24/7 in the gym
you wont get big if you don't roid

Lmao I lift brah. I'm almost 3 PL squat 5x5

I sure would like to be strong. but I think it's only good to have muscles if you also know how to fight. Marius pudzianowski is like 7 times world strongman and hes not so good in MMA. what's the point?

If you juice, sure.
Lifting on its own provides a myriad of health benefits that outweigh its small number of downsides (temporary discomfort). Give me a source for any of those problems, though, because it seems to me like you're looking for any excuse not to get in shape.

Fuck roids Tbqh my dad (long time gymfag) died of a heart attack brought on by decades of weights and no cardio at 70
He would have lived longer had he not had a shit diet + gym but no point me bitching about that now
He never touched roids and hated roid culture
Saw a close friend get cancer from it as well and somehow beat it and went full on new wave hippy shit.
Tbqh I think being Jow Forums is good but taking it so far u need roids is just silly and very bad for your health in the long term

It's the opposite for me I like the feeling and only get discomfort when I go sedantry for a couple of days-weeks due to shit weather (fuck lifting in 40-50 degrees Aussie summer and sunburn out the ass)

Sounds entirely like a shit diet was the cause, lifting is good for cardio health.

>Be me
>Go to the gym for a few weeks
>Start seeing gains
>Take a "Break" because I deserve it
>Lose gains, get fat
>Go to the gym
>The cycle continues

I have no willpower and shit condition. I'm out of breath after doing 10 pushups

>start lifting
>get massive ass&thighs
>arms stay almost as small as ever
totally worth it

Fighting is more of a agility + instinct thing.
I did a bit of karate back in the day and yes I know it's a meme but honestly I don't go around beating up people willy nilly I never got a chance to use it yet
Lol not the weights he did
T. Skipped leg day
But yeah had he not pushed himself so much for so long he'd probably still be here shit diet or not
Poor bugger had a weak heart since he was a kid and multiple bypasses later long story short had he not gone to the gym so much and pushed himself so hard he would not have died so soon.
Literally me
I find gardening fucking dope for keeping me motivated + uper body and core (thick ass 50cc mtd whipper snipper + long ass wheat grass and fallen trees) look like arnie in no time haah
But yeah sadly I get all that work done by winter and have nothing to do for months usually fall back on cardio and wrenching by then.
Pushups are a meme unless your at a level where u can do them comfortably
Just start with slow walks and gradually speed up + longer distances

Buttbro? Nohomo my mum has a huge ass and so do I + thighs
Cycling gave me hueg calves as well
Wide boy shoulders but don't do much upper body stuff

1 - i do lift

2 - i'll never get big without TRT, shit muscle building genes i guess

3 - i am poor, so i wouldn't be able to afford roids

4 - if i wageslaved (about to get a job), i wouldn't have time to get big on a cycle

5 - a manlet anyway

Currently I'm only working out at home. I love the pump and I feel like I'm only happy and have mental clarity after a good workout.
I would like to go to a gym, but I'm scared, I'm neet with social anxiety

I mean, my resting heart rate has dropped like a stone (which is a good thing btw) since I started lifting heavy.

there's no point growing muscles if you dont know how to fight. how can you even justify having the muscles if you wont really ever use them for good reasons? like you go somewhere and theres a guy whos about the same size as you but you know how to fight. guess whos gonna have the last word.

>lift hardcore for years
>only additional attention and compliments I get are from my own mother

Well it was definitely worth it

Where do you live that you get into fights that often? I have only been in like 3 in my entire life.

Most people on Jow Forums live in the first world, where disputes aren't settled with fists. I can justify having muscles because it gives me an advantage over you if you look like a skinnyfat loser and we're going after the same girl.
You are looking for a reason not to get in shape.

No what the fuck, I ain't gay(no homo). I just get really good lower body & powerhouse gains. It sucks because upper body strength is what most people judge others by.

Also, since I'm a retard and didn't think about it until after I hit send -- having developed muscles makes life easier. Imagine being able to pick heavy shit up without putting in much effort. I get that you can't understand since you lack the perspective, but believe me when I say, being strong makes your life easier.

Also based
Idk more fapping power plus bragging rights over framelets
Yeah iktf
Sucks because I'm naturally stronk so do T have to work out upper body at all but all the gains show down low

I'm lifting already, but unless you roid or is fat it's still not going to show above the clothes so it doesn't matter.

>You are looking for a reason not to get in shape.

huh. i said to both train and learn how to fight. besides, if im a good fighter and youre not, chances are the girl will be mine.

I lift casually, it's great. I also run which is also great.

>Lifting on its own provides a myriad of health benefits
it's just myriad, my nigga. it's a noun.

lifting provides myriad health benefits.

I mean not* a noun, at least not classically
it's supposed to be an adjective, used as in my example

I didnt say otherwise, but if lifting is all you do, I think it really is wasted potential when you could also learn how to fight. people will rarely ever intimidate you because of their physical presence.

>if I'm a good fighter and you're not, chances are the girl will be mine
hilarious. fighting skill is not an outwardly visible trait unless there's a confrontation, you sperg
the man who looks better will, on average, win the girl and the man who looks like he's in shape looks better

>lift once
>get horrible DOMs, CNA barely move
>lasts for a week
>finally able to lift again
>can only lift two thirds of what I did the first time for some reason
>get angry at myself

>try starting to lift again a few months later
>don't push myself as hard as the first time
>exact same pattern happens
>keep trying for several weeks, still getting insane DOMs and going backwards in progress

I was not born to lift. Nothing I've tried to fix this has worked.

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>people will rarely ever intimidate you because of their physical presence
this is patently false
myriad (noun): a countless or extremely great number
first result

>myriad (noun): a countless or extremely great number
>first result
yeah but that's like "selfie," brainlets ruined it

the type of person who looks for an excuse to criticize vocabulary based on archaic usage is the type of person who looks for an excuse not to go to the gym based on the effects of steroids
get in shape

I'm in great shape and I love goign to the gym, I'm not looking for excuses, I'm just grumbling about normies turning IRL into Idiocracy. This is an actual abuse of our language lol

ree etc

Nah I think there will be verbal confrontation beforehand. If the girl sees that I dont shun back, I dont think she'll go to you so easily. If she does well whatever, not gonna fight over a dumb bitch. But dont say it's because you're more alpha or shit like that you'll get your ass kicked.

>you'll get your ass kicked
again, why are you assuming the default interaction between two dudes in the /CURRENT YEAR/ is a confrontational one, in public, over a woman no less? that's fucking retarded and the fact that you say "you don't think she'll go to you so easily" tells me you speak in a passive voice anyway
first impressions matter more than anything and the man who makes the best one will have the best shot at a woman

>you speak in a passive voice anyway
that's true. well you know what if the guy has more muscles than me despite the fact that I dont look out of shape and she decides to go after the guy who has more muscles simply because he has more muscles, I dont think this broad was made for me anyway.

you're on Jow Forums. sour grapes make for a bitter whine. go to the gym and get buff.

I'm 5ft 9 so if I got too buff people would think I am over compensating, I'd rather stay slim and lean with a bit of muscle

have you had big muscles and they didnt like it?

I'm not sure why you're telling me to get buff. Only appearance? Again if shit goes south I can take out guys who are much bigger than me. I train MMA and lift weights also, but the latter in itself isn't my main focus.

My point was if the girl doesnt even want to investigate who would go down first in a fight, she's not made for me she's most likely a dumb bitch anyway.

bodyweight stuff is fine like chinups and dips