what do you think of this album I made?
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It's not bad. but I really think you need a better theme than "cartoon cats" and cat stuff. almost looks like youre a cat lady except male and gay.
Honestly, I'm on the third music already, and I have to say: so far so good. Congrats. I'm trying to compose too, any tips? Stuck in the lyrics (already have a chord progression and some demo loops). Also, kinda agree with
comfy psychedelic tunes, OP
This is really good op. Pls don't ever stop making music.
Thanks man I am glad you like it
This is good stuff, keep it up OP
Could not be arsed to listen to a whole song, zipped around the first one for a bit.
Sounds nice, reminds me of David Bowie
fucking great op, if i decide to buy, do i get a download link to flac so i can store on my phone/pc? gay band name but u do u i really dont care, fucking 10/10 dude aaaaaaaa
Nice op
i didn't listened to it but just from the cover i can tell you have good taste
good shit man, keep moving forward and make it big
Not OP but yes, that's how everything on Bandcamp works.
This is actually pretty good. I'm actually surprised someone from this board have this much talent. Very good OP, I love Maya especially! Did you made it alone? This is quite good.
Great music. Not really what I normally would choose to listen to, but I can tell it was made with passion and took time and skill. My favorite track is 03 - Maya.
Work on your lyrics dude.
I made it all on my own. I was working full time and taking a college summer course while I wrote and recorded. It is all on my iPhone GarageBand app with piano guitar and box and synth.
Goddblessss to whoever bought it yess
It is also on Spotify
Thats good. I'm curious. do you actually "gain" anything from having your music on Spotify? It seems to me that it might be less profitable than selling the actual album.
Oh I do not make much money with my music either way. I am just a student working part time and studying.
Sounds very good. I'm buying an album.
you didn't fucking make this no way, it's actually good sounding music, whenever someone on r9k says they make music i expect garbage ambient or dissonant "metal"
Yes I made it all on my phone
thats fucking great. I'll listen to it on spotify keep up the work!