Buy these pills goy

Buy these pills goy

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hit me with a bottle of these, stat

i've found that kratom works pretty well for this

Its called bourbon.

>Modern life has led to greater isolation

Uh, no sweetie, that's just an incel conspiracy theory. Who let the incel write a news article teehee?

please dont type like this, even as a joke.

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Too an extent we already have them in other forms. Vidya, porn, anime, drugs, teh interwebz and junk food mess with the brain and artificially makes you feel less lonely. Ditch that shit guys.

kratom is all I take now. It doesn't get rid of the loneliness, but it gives me a high that makes me feel good for a little while and not care about the loneliness.

>Actual fucking soma
Huxley was right.

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Lonelyness is what makes us reach out to others. Without it you'll see a lot of disfunction, people not talking to each other, single men and women everywhere who are happy alone. It's lonelyness that makes girlfriends text and call you all the time. Inb4 normal fag, I don't have a girlfriend.

But those anti-loneliness pills already exist, they're called oxycodone

I do not wish to interact with others anymore, and a lobotomy is not good enough. I would take hers pills like candy.

satanic trips of truth. I'm with you, satan

These kikes are up to no good

>Pharma is working on a way to kill off all the people not aiding the system. They're thinking cyanide, but that may be too quick and the masses may get suspicious.

Reminder ted was an incel and was right

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>Pill for loneliness
Why does this bother me so much?

They already invented this it's called moeshit

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>implying he was not a volcel

>Implying pills for depression and anxiety work
Whoever wrote this piece of shit article hasn't felt true pain in their life

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ITT bitter lonely losers with made up mental problems who think they're too smart and wise to take help from medical professionals because muh jooz

I should but it's incredibly difficult, only if I had friends with a lot of free time could I ever see myself doing that and I have no friends.

I've heard depression meds are a placebo but don't anxiety meds actually do help?

Actually, I will take the sedative if it becomes cheap enough

Volcel and incel always has some degree of overlap

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In a way. But they leave far worse side effects, its like throwing a brick through a window so you don't have to see a crack in it anymore

Wow. I wonder how much more retarded society is going to get before it becomes destroyed

he was even right about centrifugal bumblepuppy for some reason

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In America, medicine is a business. I dont fucking trust therapists. They're likely going to be a normalshit, and theyre idea of "treatment" will likely be to make me more like the norm

SSRI's typically only have real effects for people who suffer from real clinical depression (i.e. chemical imbalance). They are not as effective for those with hormone induced mood problems or external life issues. Anything can have a placebo effect though. SSRI's are also commonly prescribed for anxiety, so same story.
Benzos and anti-psychotics on the other hand are psychoactive drugs and therefore with a high enough dosage anyone can feel the effects of them, regardless of the nature of their brain chemistry.

>Using drugs to feel better about your situation while doing nothing to solve the problem and in fact making the problem worse
There is literally no difference between these pills and cocaine.

Yeah, because they are both celibates

>there is literally no difference between herbal supplements and vaccines
get an education, idiot

Ideally, the pills would help people who are immobilized by these mental/mood disorders function in a way that would allow them to create a good routine for themselves. After they've done that they would be able to wean off the pills and live their lives happier with less baggage mentally.

does it feel good being an idealist

Ideally, no.

does it feel good being a nameless, uneducated, unimpressive pessimist?

primitivism is the true way for robots

Solitude in nature is MUCH better than being a computer bugman

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Jesus, I've been thinking this for years, turns out my philosophical spirit animal is the fucking Unabomber.

Brother, take the greenpill.

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it's a pretty common idea, hard to trace it exactly but it is certainly older than unabomber

>ditch that shit
So that I can feel lonely and miserable again? Why the fuck would I want that?

The opposite idea obviously remains much more common.

Welcome Uncle Ted into your heart, anonymous

Tfw no Jow Forums+/out/ general

Why do traps get a general but not redpills and tedpills?

meds dont fix anything though

I can only afford tramadol in high doses.

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If you honestly think psychiatrists in the united states have the the well being of their patients as a top priority you're a fucking retard.

But those don't fix the problem. You are still lonely. You still yearn for affection and love. The moment you stop taking the drugs, it'll come crashing down, harder than ever.

>There is literally no difference between these pills and cocaine.

Yea there is. Cocaine makes it easy as fuck to get laid.

yea lets just keep making and taking pills, what a great fucking idea. fuck modern life

id prefer friends but beggars can't be choosers

Don't need a pill when we got something called alcohol.

alcohol only makes me sadder desu

Will those pills get me friends or a gf?

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Loneliness is a chemical reaction

they'll make you not miss not having a gf or friends

please be a suicide pill

This stuff exists
>it's called weed