Why does time hate women?

Why does time hate women?

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didn't she have problems with alcohol?

See how you look in 30 years. I think she looks fine for a woman her age.

Why doesn’t time hate people more like. Very few people look good past 35

There are a few lucky ones.

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more like Sean OLD!

time hates wh*te women
both blacks and asians are still fine after 35

>tfw no mature batshit crazy gilf gf

Attached: sean young.jpg (450x663, 92K)

To be fair that woman is mentally ill and an alcoholic

Is that McFadden? Take her off the list, she's revolting

Time hates beautiful people
Ugly people look always the same

She was honestly level good looking.

Only because women her age generally look like dog shit. I'm not actually some mad incel hating on them, I kind of feel bad that their shelf life is so short.

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Looks great for 59. I would.

This desu. She has that swollen alcohol look.

which level?

Just my type.

I'd still fuck her.

I agree. I don't get why /tv/ has insanely high standards for 50+ women.

I worked with a woman who was in her mid 30s. She was in shape and pretty but a smoker. She wanted me to constantly call her fat so she would be motivated not to eat. Other girls in the office got upset when I did it dispite her telling them she wanted me to do it.

Women are a meme.
Men look better with age, any woman will tell you about the appeal of a grizzled mature gentleman.
>fine at any time

Full redpill level.

They use makeup, which ruins their skin. Women are retarded.

It hates men too. I would say 40+ men mostly look like Danny Devito rather than Pierce Brosnan.

bad example. she looks great considering she's a bipolar alcoholic.

I started losing hair at 16, then my skin aged like crazy.
I'm a male and I hit the wall at 21, now I'm 24 and I've pretty much accepted that I look like total shit.
I work out, use all kind of hair treatments and have a extensive skincare routine, but I still look like shit.
Pierce Brosnan or George Clooney aged like gods, but saying that "men age like wine" is a lie. I wish I could hit the wall at 30 like you say women do.

But which way round did it happen? Did she get ugly because she drank or she did drink because she got ugly?

True. 1982 her is a whole league above the generic Kardashian clones of today.

It's times fault she couldn't put the booze and carbs away?

Here's a thing: Almost every woman on earth could be decent looking all the way into their 60s if they only took care of themselves.

Just shave your head and put on muscle. Go for the tough look.

>men don't drink or eat cake

I'm in love.

God damn. Who is top right corner?

Well, there's also the fact that men's value isn't solely tied to our looks. Money, social influence, power, ability to provide a comfortable living etc. we just keep appreciating in what we can provide to women. Some of us might hit a wall in our looks at a certain point, but that can still be compensated for.
Meanwhile all women hit the wall hard at 30(most well before that) in the only area they have any worth: their looks.

that bitch was ugly as fuck her entire life

What's this mental illness called?

Legit looks trans here holy shit



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>married to a white chad
>talks shit about (((them)))
fucking based and /ourgirl/

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Lucy Lawless, fellow Zoomer

5 is perfect.

None of these look remotely attractive except Marisa Tomei

She always looked bad.

Internet says she was in Bone Tomahawk?

Young Seanaissance when

>that guy

>mfw Susan Sarandon
I'd kill to suck on those good ol' saggy milkies

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You have no idea how far gone Americans are.

kys discord tranny

You're a homosexual m8.

Sounds like a job for the architect

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alcohol fucks people up. there are more women alcoholics these days too kek


The last pic looks like she was cummed on.

Wasn't she an alcoholic though?

>Men look better with age, any woman will tell you about the appeal of a grizzled mature gentleman.
Lmao, leave the basement. Golddiggers and your mom aren't all the women in the wolrd, incel.

There's a reason male and female pension ages are 5-10 years apart. Women always marry older. Pretty much without exception.

She looks really nice/wholesome/cute in the bottom left 2002 pic.

A woman's value is largely her physical beauty, and their value usually peaks around 18 or thereabouts (or much younger for this board).
A man's value is mostly what he can provide for a relationship, and is shit when he's 18 but peaks in his 30s and 40s. It's cruel that nature has us mismatched this way.
I too feel sad for women who are terribly ugly or are past their age of peak attraction without a partner. They must know how valueless they appear to men, and even if they have a partner they certainly feel the stress of the threat of replacement by a more attractive woman.1

white women age like shit

i dunno, as long as she still has that nice juicy penis like in ace ventura i'd hit it!

>hurrr you didn't consume the exact same media as me you suck

>50 pounds of makeup
>professional lighting
>professional photoshoot
>professional photoediting

>Sigourney Weaver
>No Jane Seymour (unless that isn't Mary Steenburgen)

>usually peaks around 18 or thereabouts (or much younger for this board).

This board is just honest. Best time e for woman fucking is when they are 9-11 years of age. We all know it, even the normies do deep down.

>All white

Is column 1 row 4 that dyke from AHS? She is no bueno.


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All surpassed by one single male:

Larry Ellison

Born: August 17, 1944 (age 74 years), New York City, NY

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>no Diane Lane

Nigga wut

i like 2002 though

salma hayek is going to be hot well into her 70's

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yeah but I don't want to fuck him so I don't care

Women age like milk. Men, like fine wine.

because father time is a man

she's going to look like a worse Meryl Streep

>include Xena
>do not include Callisto, despite the fact she looks EXACTLY the same decades later in her 40/50's
You had one fucking job.


She looks fucking fantastic in 2002, even better than before. I guess time just hit her all at once after a while.

Men look like vomit after 25

she got fat, pretty self explanatory.

are we robots now /tv/

We're winning, honestly

Don't forget plastic surgery. These are all older female celebrities: there is no doubt that they've had work done.

you've just fallen for the obsession with youth pushed by Jews

Being an attractive woman is so unrelentingly awesome that it's not even funny. Time is the great equaliser - the one thing that can permeate their barrier of Easy Mode. Yes, they'll get to live large for a few decades but once they hit 30 it all starts to slip away and they have to live with having known true privilege only to have it snatched from them and replaced with a void of worthlessness.

why would the jews push something that encourages whites breeding with younger women?

because centuries from now there will be no more adults to take care of things except a chosen few

>lucky ones
what the fuck are you talking about they all look so saggy and old. women past 40 have lost it all

For every man who looks good in his 60s there are countless Val Kilmers, Nick Nolte (once named "sexiest man alive"), Brenden Fraser, etc. And those are celebrities, now imagine what it's like for men who don't rely on their looks for a living. Jesus, just go to a ten year high school reunion and you will see guys who look like absolute dog shit

It doesn't, society does. Postmenopausal women should be leading raiding parties on the enemy tribes and teaching their granddaughters, we just don't live like that any more.

Men die sooner than women. Time doesn't actually hate women. It just seems that way because of survivorship bias.

I saw one of my old friends last year (he was about to turn 25). Back in high school, he was tall and good looking and when I saw him, he was balding and looked a good 10 years older than he is. Really changed my mind about "fine wine".

Wait for it...
Really wait for it...

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This does not get made in 2019.

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you're the reflection of your lifestyle
that simple

Sean Young isn't that bad. Now Lara Flynn Boyle, man what a shame.

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When the 70 y/o looks better than the 30 y/o

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did she poop her pants?