Wake up to an alarm clock 5 days a week, rush to work, spend 8 hours making someone else rich

>wake up to an alarm clock 5 days a week, rush to work, spend 8 hours making someone else rich
>finally retire around age 60
>call this a "successful life"

why do normies do this?

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Cause if you're good at it you make yourself rich too.

>8 hours

Lol nigger, what are you talking about? It's 9 hours minimum. A 45 hour work week is a modern dream job, most competent people end up working 10 - 12 hours per day

What other option is there?

You will never make yourself rich by working for someone else, no matter how good you are. However if you actually are highly skilled, you will have a shot at becoming semi / fully self-employed and make an actual decent living.

>smoke weed all day
hell yeah it is

You don't seriously believe the only way to make money is by working for yourself, do you?

Can you Imagine being this retarded. lol

You can make money working for someone else, but for 99.99% of people, it will never be enough to get rich, and even if you do make a nice profit margin for yourself, your work/life balance will endlessly suffer.

Your reading comprehension is horrible, so none of the above really applies to you, you will simply receive retard bux for your entire life

what's the point of being rich if you're wasting most of your youth slaving away doing dumb shit?

Because work isn't your whole life, you hang out with friends and have relationships which make it worth it

This is basically my situation. I am 25 years old and make a salary of $75,000 already, up from $57,000 just a year ago. However I work 60+ hours per week and have sacrificed so much of my life already. I have lost 25 pounds in the past year from stress, despite no longer working out (due to lack of time). I am cripplingly stressed at all times and have lost all my friends as a result. A relationship is similarly out of the question.

in my experience it's the best part of your life. you give up your whole fucking day every week. by the time you get home, it's already dark out and you're exhausted.

fuck wageslaving

i had this same issue but made like half what you did. but i gained weight (fat) also started prematurely balding as a result of wageslaving

Hanging around people I hate spending time with and only endure because I need their social approval at work makes it worth doing the work I hate every minute of

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Normies have wives and kids. So they work to support them, they have social fulfillment and a purpose to work for his offspring which is a big cope.

I don't have friends or relationships

Ah, it feels good to own a business. I get to work my own hours, I get to work hard for myself while obviously offering the best quality and service. Robots, being a wage cuck is not bad, its bad if you die being one.

what is your business?

the reason i can't see myself ever owning a business is because i hate talking to people about that sort of thing. i just code in solitude now, but owning a business... i don't know. it just doesn't seem enjoyable at all unless it's very low maintenance

Go live in a van and spend the rest of your life living off the savings and doing small part time jobs as you travel.

>i don't know. it just doesn't seem enjoyable at all unless it's very low maintenance
Its a good choice unless you enjoy being a wage cuck.

what if you enjoy neither of the choices?

A lot of people are rich and almost none of them are self employed.

What kinda job you in that you make that sort of money?

Anything in science or tech gives you a work week of 35 hours at most, and even most of that time Im spending talking to friends or browsing the Internet. You have to beg for more work

Thanks for making me form another reason to regret law school, my dude.

Very true what you said, dude.

Then you will live probably live a worse life than others, unless you enjoy being a neet/wage cuck.
Nice meme, go look at the top 100 wealthy people and tell me if most of them are employed. The only wealthy individuals who are employed are STEM grads.

>unless you enjoy being a neet
i do enjoy being NEET. i just need money, that's the problem

>top 100 wealthy people
first of all executives are still employed at a company and work for someone.
second, self employment is a meme. you have to be a certain type of personality to want that kind of stress, and unfortunately that personality doesn't make the most of being rich, which you think means being a millionaire (it doesn't)

>i just need money, that's the problem
If you don't work you won't make money then.
>which you think means being a millionaire (it doesn't)
Being able to control high amounts of stress is a crucial factor for becoming "rich" user.

if i had a qt waifu work wouldnt be so bad, its good to keep the mind stimulated, however would be lonely without companionship at the end of the day

less than half a milly is top 1%. thinking you're confused.

why aren't you utilizing your "free time" at work to make money on side projects that could result in future neetbux?

> top 1%

We are talking about wealthy individuals who pull 150k-200k+ a year

i'm not the kind of person who needs more money or to work less. i enjoy my work, and it leads to treating more cancer patients.

i like the idea of traveling from time to time but there isn't a side project i'm interested in. plus, i get to enjoy much more of my time now as a young dude instead of having to wait until i'm 40, 50+ if i'm lucky. there's always a limit to how much more money you can make per hour of extra work. i'm most efficient and happy when i work around 30 hours with some exceptions before deadlines or for training.

So every programmer, skilled tradesman, middle manager or higher, engineer, and tons of government workers?
At that range self employment is an even more ridiculous meme unless you're talking about being an investor.

dying of old age after eating every day and producing at least one child is a successful life you faggot

See STEM jobs are the exception. Are you saying a low skilled tradesmen will have it better if he is employed by some company, than if he works on his own and maybe starts up his own company? I do understand that not everyone is cut out to own a business though, but I would say its better than working your ass off for someone else only to be underpaid. Also, investing counts as self employment.

how pathetic does your job have to be to get underpaid though. you're also implying you can't underpay yourself after all the expenses.
low skilled tradesman probably doesn't know much about accounting, insurance, or marketing so it would be a large question mark. usually starting a business means you are working 2 or 3 times as much as a regular employee.

it's a valid path for someone who really doesn't want to work for a boss. it's a fucking stupid path for someone motivated by making more money. the only low risk scenario to actually have a business succeed YoY is if you are already rich and have decades of industry experience.

Good thing I can abuse the welfare system here.

Sucks to be you, the other anons who want to be NEETs but aren't able to.

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not the guy you were talking to but aren't most jobs for a company underpaid because you need to bring in more value to the company be being there than is paid to you

Oh, it's worse than that. It really is.

Social security doesn't kick in until 67. When the system was put in place there was an actual and realistic expectations that the majority of people would be collecting a pension AND those benefits.

But now there are legitimately people who will not be able to stop slaving for a minimum of 40 hours a week until they are 67. At 67 you are essentially a walking corpse. It's not like you can do anything fun or adventurous at 67. You will have missed out on your entire life.

Most people don't have any savings, no way to retire sooner than 67.

I am no memeing making 92 thousand dollars a year. More money than anyone in my family has ever made. If I throw literally everything into investments, no wife, no children. Live a frugal and responsible life and just throw everything at investments I MIGHT be able to comfortably retire at 50.

It really is horrifying when you really think about it and I am in a truly fantastic financial position compared to most people.

Is life more enjoyable when you have enough money to never work a day in your life?

>is life more enjoyable when you're an old man who wasted his whole youth accumulating stress wageslaving


>how pathetic does your job have to be
Plenty of workers are underpaid, and they aren't working pathetic jobs. Think about workers in cities especially.
> low skilled tradesmen doesn't know
You can be self employed and not own a business, they are different types of ways of working for yourself.
> who doesn't work for a boss. Its a fucking stupid path for someone motivated by making money
Not really, unless you intend in pursuing STEM.

>not really
yes really. you don't become self employed for the money.

Meh, I have enough distractions to keep me from going insane over it. I have friends, I go on vacations every now and then. If that makes me a wage slave or robot or some shit like that, then I honestly don't give a fuck. I'm happy.

these aren't wealthy people, these are driven people.

Good goys, keep working for your bosses so they could make good amounts while you slighty make above the national average.