Is vaping bad for looks?

Give it to me straight robots, will vaping make me look even worse than the ugly motherfucker I already am?

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Bump because a loser like me can not afford to look any worse

Yes it will. Don't do that user. Have some respect to your body.

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It will make you look like a fuckboi don't do it

I vape because I quit smoking, it's better than smoking desu, I'm 25 and look pretty young still desu.

it's less unhealthy than regular smokes, but it looks gay af. Literal zoomer tier thing. Trust me you dont want to start this hobby

>if you have any taste you will smoke one of these

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I do currently smoke cigarettes, but one time my brother gave me his e cig and I used two canisters of juice.
It gave me such a high that cigars and smokes don't do it for me anymore.
Apparently one canister is equivalent to 60 cigarettes of tobacco in terms of nicotine.
Plus it's cheaper.

Are cigarettes more aesthetic?
I certainly don't like to vape in public, but do occasionally

Is it really cheaper? I always thought it was more expensive. I prefer smoking but dont dislike vaping, but the ridiculous amount spent in tobacco would make a solid argument for switching if I'll be saving money in the long run.

How much would you vape a month user?

You can buy a gallon of the vape juice pretty cheap, and it should do you two years.
E cig one time buy.
All about the nicotine.

I buy a big 150ml bottle of juice every month, costs 30 pounds, it's a more expensive juice but tastes good, coils are 10 a pack but last fucking ages, 1 coil last like a month+ and you get 3 in a pack, the vape cost like 50 pouns

All in all I barely spend 30 a month once you bought the vape and the odd 10 every few months for coils.

I used to buy a 20 deck of smokes every 2 days, cost 10 pound a pack so going from 150 a month on smokes to 30 pounds on vape is good.

Need that nicotine user.
It's the best pain killer there is.
Are you the same guy who said he looked young at 25?

yes user, I used to use 6mg nicotine but cut down to 3mg juice.

I wish I had some right now, all out.
I'm considering buying a gallon of juice.
I think it's about 80 dollars.

make sure you really like the juice tho user.

All about the nicotine for me.
Idgaf about taste or clouds.

I have two kangertech and two rx 200
I'm back on fags now.

Do what you want fuck head. I vape because it gives me something to do with my hands when I am out in public.

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Girls like to obsess over guys who smoke cigarettes on tumblr but they don't like it in real life because it looks cool but then they have to smell it 24/7 and breath it in and kiss him and taste it so I just wouldn't do either

Its god tier if youre a stoner and want to high in public without getting shit for it.

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the only vape that doesn't look pretentious and stupid are e cig type things like juuls
don't start unless you already smoke

I just vaped while I walked in the to beer store. WHy would you give a fuck what others think?

Yesterday I vaped before putting my son in his stroller and another milf checked me ot hard core.

Be a man faggot do what you want