Be honest, why dont you have a GF? What is the real reason?

Be honest, why dont you have a GF? What is the real reason?

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Cause I am ugly and insignificant. Like a stupid background character

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why does this color contrast make me so horny?

Plenty of ugly guys have a GF. I dont think thats a legit reason.

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Ok down how about the other reason? I'm a nobody. I'm an idiot. All of my accomplishments and accolades? No one gives a fuck you know why? Cause I am who I am.

I think the reason I don't have a GF is because of my social anxiety disorder and being a shut-in. I am afraid of having a GF even though I desperately want one.

I have no friends or social circle so apart from my job I don't meet women.

I have various mental disorders including a crippling form of severe social anxiety

I'm a former hikki who is just now entering the sexual marketplace at 25

Most of my life I was considered fairly attractive. In fifth grade the girls conducted a poll of all the boys in class they "liked" most, one boy per goal, and I had the second most tallies in the class. I was one of the first kids to go to a dance with a girl, in sixth grade. We danced awkwardly by ourselves in front of gawping eleven year-olds because nobody else had gone on a date with somebody

I've had a couple girls who were openly interested in me throughout middle and high school, but I always found an excuse to not pursue them. Some of them were cute and out of my league looking back, but I really do hate myself and the way I look. I could never take my shirt off in front of a girl or work up the courage to kiss or approach one. It's just my nature.

When I had still had friends they considered me asexual and didn't understand why I didn't have a girlfriend. Once or twice I was even asked whether I was gay. I'm not gay, I'm just extremely shy and misanthropic. A psychiatrist told me I have schizotypal personality disorder. There's probably something to that

Never asked anybody desu

Don't actively seek for one. Unwilling to compromise lifestyle. Don't trust anyone but me to have my best interests at heart.

Because I prefer a simple life.

I dont go outside. Haven't even showered this month.

Dude, normality is doing sick things to your wife behind closed doors. Think of your worst masturbatory fantasy, and I bet she's game for it and begging for it! Treat her as more of base slut than as Goddess. And if even if she tells you to fuck off, I bet she'll be whispering it to her friends and her girlfriends will get wet cunts thinking of the sick things you could've done to them.

Because I no longer know if Im gay or straight and dont want to put another woman through the annoyance of dealing with an insecure man nor do I want to fuck a guy to find out

The only girls who ever liked me were huge whores. I can't explain, this is how things are. I rejected them to avoid becoming a cuck.

Epic win style bro

Women are also demons desu.

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I'm also an epic virgin, it's better than being a tool but still, it would be great to attract normal women.

Because I'm an idiot

I had the perfect gf, loving, kind, gentle, red head, loved vidya, loved getting high, loved having sex. But I fucked it all up because of my own insecurities. I don't deserve to be happy.

coz i'm a manlet obviously

Was a cunt after hs without the social status to back it up. Had relationships but still paying for it because I can't relate to people. Probably doesn't help that like 30% of the people in town are older than 60. Just don't take yourself that seriously in your early 20s and hell even beyond. It's more challenging then because you're pressured to succeed in everything so I understand.

I still maintain my belief that women are the closest thing to demons in this world, aside from actual demons.

Wouldnt touch one with a 10 foot dick

Yeah, normal people just cannot understand how crippling social anxiety can be. You want to have a girlfriend so bad, but you just cannot summon the courage to make it happen.

I'm not attractive enough for girls to pursue me, and I don't feel like pursuing them

I really hope some of them are more manageable than the others. The ones I've dealt with tried to destroy my self-esteem just to prove their point.
This one girl that I rejected at the uni found a dude who's a tanned version of me and asked him to sit where I sit, to dress like me, to act like me and she's almost fucking him in front of me and everybody else in the hallway. Crazy stuff.

I'm not good looking enough for girls to come to me and I'd rather not waste my time on thots or golddiggers so I don't bother.

Do you think taking a picture together at a party means they are dating, retard? If so, I must be swimming in pussy.

I'm a manchild that doesn't understand love and can't even fathom being in a relationship. I also have so low of a self esteem that my subconscious has coped by deluding me into thinking I don't want a relationship or sex.

my brain goes blank when it comes to a qt showing interest in me and i am too scared to make a move in person, doing so afterwards online by dm is a major turnoff to them once you dropped the ball irl when it was slowpitched to you

A lack of interest

I don't think its cope, its just reality making you less interested. Of course we all want sex when its the ideal situation and girl, but we know that's not how it would go. You want something that doesn't even exist or is impossible.

Im ugly and boring
Also small dick

because I'm scared I will be easily manipulated

Main reason is that I completely isolate myself in my room so I don't really meet people.
Also I'm 5"9' and not the best looking.
Among many things this is the main problem.

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I mean I feel it's a cope because it's not like I'm asexual, I still fap and feel attraction but I don't have the desire to pursue relationships or even sex. I think it's also a combination of laziness and wanting instant gratification.

Damn. I need to remember these 3 exact things when the next NPC asks me a redundant question.

Relationships are a lot of work and I don't think the reward is worth the effort.

You can fuck off now. You've actually been in a relationship.

Just not worth the effort and time consumption

Dude, I didn't fuck or even kiss that girl.
She's just insane, I think I'm the first man who ever rejected her.

Bla bla bla my gf this my gf that
Get out chad

im a autistic manchild you DIP

also i dont want a girl who just wants me to use me

I'm a khv, are you retarded or simply underage?

Go and talk to your girlfriend chad
Get out and dont come back

Being 5'9'' has absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm 5'9'' and have had girlfriends since I was 16.

It probably has more to do with your face and your frame (more physical and mental.)

When did this place become that retarded?

Because I fell for the 2D meme and i cant get it up to 3DPD anymore

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Because I never leave the house, and I refuse to appear desperate by going out of my way to add them

Wtf Srikant I know that mofo.

Anti social and pefer to be alone

Too insecure to talk to girls. Everytime I'm around one, i feel like they're judging the shit out of me, watching every move i make

If he didn't even kiss or hug her, I don't think it really counts desu.

I make up excuses like:

>no job
>no car
>she'll have more needs since i don't like to travel or go outside or do things normies deem "fun"

i can give a mean dicking and i'm a decent cook, but i don't see how living with a woman would give me anything special or extra, since my needs are non-existent and i'm pretty happy by myself

I have to do nofap for 90 days first.

do you find crossdressing arousing

I think i'm too boring to spark any interest and don't want to waste anyone's time. Also, If we ever get to the point of having sex I wouldn't want to show my sh scars.

Because I don't trust anyone anymore. I surrounded myself with people I thought loved me. I really poured my heart out there, and nobody seemed to care. I'm done with any form of social success, I'm tired of living for other people, and I'm tired of working for gratitude that never comes. I don't care about sex or how fucking ugly someone can be I just wanted a fucking hug and I can't even get that. This is the third time I've fallen so low and I don't know if i'll bounce back from this.

would yall date me? I'm 29 years old with 3 kids. i also got a tummy tuck & breast surgery

i'd prolly date some of yall

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me all dolled up w/ my makeuplol

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i do have one though. here's our current facebook profile pic.

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at my bday party on Christmas

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Never had a gf so now i can't have one

Yeah I would date you I think you are really pretty. Only problem is I'm a loser with no job.

Because I was a pussy while I was around lots of people my age and now there are less opportunities to meet people my age. Also I'm still a pussy. Oh and I'm autistic as fuck.

I have onitis to a girl with a boyfriend. I woke up in a sweat last night when she touched my shoulder in my dream. It was probably so PG because I'm a hugless, handholdless, kissless virgin

Please go to fit, read the sticky, report back in 2 months.

Sounds like a pain in the ass. I don't have the patience to put up with anyone, especially not a woman

56% oreganoface

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I'm an autistic shut-in neet who lives with his parents. How many opportunities do you think I get to meet women, let alone get a gf?

I don't understand why anyone would want a gf. Literally only benefit is having sex and you don't even need a gf to do that. Getting a gf is like buying a DVD when you can just use Netflix.

I'm a shy, awkward manchild who cant be fucked to change himself to find a gf.

Why do you think I deserve a gf?

ive actually been workin out for years

why do you mention that? Is it because i mentioned that i got a surgery? heres a fullbody

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I don't have the right personality for a gf. And since I'm a guy, no girl will overlook it.

Also cuddling, hand-holding, kissing, hugging, spending time together doing activities like watching movies, hiking, go to dinner, going to parties. Moral support, emotional support. having a partner for everything. connection, oneness

That's exactly why I mentioned it. Exercise means nothing without permanent changes to your diet. Don't get surgery when you can't eat right

>No timestamp
>No Jow Forums stamp
>No tits
Yeah okay pal

i want to be somebody's gf but i was born a man ;_;

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Work is tiring (i have two business trips in the next 3 months fucking hell), doing some school on the side can be tiring, and sometimes getting the energy to go on dates with girls can be tiring especially when you have a bunch of friends who are so much more fun to spend your free time with.
I've been on a few dates recently and they're fine but just over the past few months, finding the emotional energy and time to squeeze in dating in isn't super high on my priority list.


Maybe I'm beyond jaded, but none of those sound appealing anymore.
Guess death is the next step.

that surgery didn't do shit lady. You still look fat as hell and full of cellulite
this is why i fucking hate surgery, not only did it didnt do shit for you but i just hate fake roasties in general

natural beauty is best

Well, i have had the chance, many chances to be honest to have a gf, but i am still a 26 y/o virgin, why?
well, because i always found a reason to not date or pussy out at the end of getting a girl that was interested in my.

Many girls told me they wanted to be in a relationship with me, what did i do? well, i turned them down with no fucking reason at all, they were really cute too, so i don't know.

I have been called "cute" "handosome" and been rated 7-8/10, but i think it is definitely a joke, i don't see myself as someone who is cute or handsome or even a rated higher than 4/10.

Besides that, i have an schizoid personality disorder and have no actual sex drive or the need to form relationships with other people, i don't really mind having a friend, but not having one or a GF is the same to me as having one i guess.

So in general, i guess it is because i never tried to get one.

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>no friends since grade 4, besides one that used me to play my vidya and then stop talking to me in sophmore year, literally have the social experience of a (awkward) 10 year old
>never interacted with a girl cordially outside of family
>dropout due to getting kicked out of the house by my father, forced to stick it out with my near homeless mother in the middle of senior year
>no dreams
>no desires
>no prospects
>no experience
>slowly gaining more weight after being somewhat in shape under father's training
>no motivation
>zero outstanding talents, just mediocrity in everything can do
>the amount of self loathing needed to make this post
I think that sums it up nicely.

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>Also cuddling, hand-holding, kissing, hugging,


>spending time together doing activities like watching movies, hiking, go to dinner, going to parties. Moral support, emotional support. having a partner for everything. connection, oneness

They're called friends

I've been diagnosed schizoid when I was 16 years old and everything you said applies to me as well. Every social contact is a pain for me, I rejected many girls just to avoid the effort of dealing with a relationship. Having friends seems already hard but a girlfriend would be too much drama. I wouldn't be present enough for her and end up getting cucked in light speed.
Also, I feel like the girls I attract are way above my level of attractiveness.

Still a kissless virgin despite all of that, I only got a hug when I was 14.

I'm too rigid and abject . I live an extreme lifestyle.

Here's my honest to god, objective analysis
1. I make min-wage and until recently I poured into vidya, I should've got a car or something
2. I'm unattractive on many levels, my teeth are falling apart due to years of neglect, I'm skinnyfat, my skin is bad, my clothes are oversized and old etc. Not to mention I'm not blessed with attractive looks.
3. I'm a coward, I unironically think I could've beem a bouncer if I was buff, but I'm reluctant to get out of comfort zone and that's really what being a coward means
4. I have standards, because I'm looking for someone to marry, I did have girlfriends, but they were either twice my age or super trashy. My standards are - be around my age, like me very much, have basic hygiene, be lower height, status and education than me so that our marriage doesn't collapse.
5. For my age(25) I'm extreme under achiever, it's only few months ago that I got a full-time job. This is due to a history of diagnosed mental problems, most of which has faded away safe for bipolar and I guess I could have had avoidant personality disorder all along, but was never diagnosed.
I know there are 30+ working class people who somehow manage to get young loyal poon, I either be one of them or die trying. I don't even mind if she'll have a kid as long as she is young enough and too stupid to see she can do better than me.

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Also, the number one thing holding me back is inability to decide what area of self-improvement to focus on, if it's wealth than I'll probably have to migrate to first, if it looks and charisma I won't be able to focus on wealth, if it's finding a suiting partner I should be memorizing Quran right now and learning third world languages.

>cuddling, hand-holding, kissing, hugging
Nice but not particularly worth the insane amount of stress and expense involved in getting and keeping a girl around.
>watching movies, hiking, go to dinner, going to parties
Far more fun with bros.
>Moral support, emotional support.
A meme. Women will drop you if you show vulnerability or will remember anything sensitive you tell them to use against you in the future. I wish I weren't speaking from experience, I really do.
>connection, oneness
Never experienced that with a woman. Nothing that compares to what I feel when jumping out of a plane, riding down a steep hill at 65mph on my bicycle, hopping on my motorcycle and riding through a remote part of the country on a gorgeous day, etc.

At the end of the day, I don't have a gf because they add nothing to my life.

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because i'm too nervous to jump in and flirt and start convos with new girls and girls online aren't interested in me. i'm a bit of a niche person so that shrinks my pool a bit. maybe i'm ugly too

I actually do believe this may be written by a woman, since only a woman would be fucking stupid enough to write "prolly."

I'm terrified of social interaction with women
I tend to oogle at breasts
I hate small talk
I've never used hair gel
I don't have a drivers license

cause i'm fat and an uncharismatic guy who can whine about his problems really-really long. well, im getting better for last 2 months,but it still needs more

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Because I'm unattractive both physically and in personality.

i don't go outside or have a job.
i'm also afraid of getting close to people, so that doesn't help either..

During high-school I never really bothered, a few girls were attracted to me but I didn't start a relationship for some reason or the other.
Now I just have a general distrust and disgust for modern women so I again don't bother, it's not worth the hassle, money or time just to adhere to degeneracy, if I find a moral women then sure but else it's no big deal

Because I am a nihilist to the core and and ugly too. Furthermore my left leg doesn't work properly.

Objectively I'm not hideous. Like not in a way that I wouldn't stand out in a large crowd of people. But apparently, there is something about me that makes me extremely unattractive in a sexual way. I have female friends I get along with and even talked about that with them. But none of them can point out exactly what it is that makes me so unattractive.
You can be "ugly" and still have a gf as people have different niches. You just have to be someones niche. Of course it's the easiest if you are conventionally good looking cause then anyone can find you appealing.