Just blackmailed my ex into dumping her current fwb to fuck me robots

Just blackmailed my ex into dumping her current fwb to fuck me robots.

Nudes hold immense power

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Can post the story if anyone's interested

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nobody gives a shit about the story feel free to dump the nudes tho

She has friends and a cousin that browse can't risk that nigga

i like to fuck with woman as well, but only online cos tahts all I can do

i care about the story post it

I'm interested, specifically in how you blackmailed her with the nudes. Been thinking of doing this myself

>be with said ex for just shy of 2 years
>had a rough patch last few months
>have serious talk about it
>ask if she still wants to stay and whatnot
>she assures me she does
>still on the rough end tho
>month later after not talking to me for a few days she dumps me
>we argued obviusly
>little over a week passes
>still miss her wanna atleast get a good last few bangs so ask flr fwb status
>says she'll think about it
>2 days later tells me she already got a fwb
I should let youu know she always told me that sex doesn't matter to her and whatnot
>still insist to fuck her because she like it rough and i never forced anal
>she agrees to meet up

That was kind of the back story now the juicy part
>keep thinking of these loose ends
>things don't add up
>confront her about it
>long story short
>tells me i never turned her on ever since i took her virginity
>lied about countless other things
>call her out on it and she gets all bitchy
>tells me she doesn't want to see me again
>bitch i already booked a hotel
>she doesn't care
>tell her to refund me then
>"lol no"
>okay thrn i suppose i'll have to share you nudes
>y-you wouldn't!
>go all in on her called her a lying slut and a whore and how i hate her and what not
>told her i dont even care about the hotel anymore i just want to see her suffer
>begs me not to that she'll do anything
>tell her i'm not stupid and that i don't want to get accused of rape
Aaaaanything huh?
>she says she'll make a consent message if she has to
>continues begging and saying she'll do anything
>fine dump your current fwb and fuck me until i don't get bored
>reluctantly agrees

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OP is a norman that should go back to le reddit

Ignore all the mistakes it's late and i'm tired and the whole ordeal brainfucked me

real and heterosexual

Like you wouldn't want to make a whores life miserable if you could

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this is fucking majestic, make her your private whore untill your cock is all she lives for.

No I wouldn't because I'm not a bitter dicklet like OP. Honestly easier to just find some new pussy than put up with all that bullshit, blackmail included.

I want to make your butt hole miserable

>Rape is bad therefore to teach you rape is bad I want to rape you
queermo of the highest order.

>>Rape is bad

never said that, I just want to fuck a cute jaded guy

>in America this is illegal
>revenge porn is also illegal
>EX tried to do this to me
>reminded him of law
>shit never happened

There's no point to this thread if you're not going to post the nudes.

im reporting you to the cyber police, they'll back-trace it

good fer ya mate

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>im reporting you to the cyber police, they'll back-trace it

It seems that a faggot has appeared.

so you watched vr porn and thought it was real i C

>He doesn't know.

No one tell him