18 year old

>18 year old
>about to start working at new company
>read policy
>"some positions may require drug testing"
>they already sent me offer letter and nowhere in the offer letter does it mention drug testing
>only mentioned in the handbook
how likely it is that i'm going to get drug tested? if they test me, i'm fucked.

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what drugs do you use/cant stop using. they will typically give you time before you get tested. most drugs can be flushed out of your body with a lot of hydration and sweating. you can also buy one of those piss cups at cvs to check if you are clean before the actual test.

i smoke a lot of weed and im planning on tripping on dxm tonight

Get a fake pee squirt bottle make sure its warm and use the fake pee

In general the rule of thumb in my field (IT) is that as long as you dont Gove em a reason to test you they wont. I smoke weed every day, drop acid regularly, and do dmt from time to time, as far as anyone in my office is concerned I'm just the quiet nerd linux admin and have never been tested after 8 years in this field

weed can be flushed out in under a week if you drink a shit load of water and jog, especially if you are average to slim in weight. dxm stays in your body for like 2 days. just stop being a junkie for like 5 days before the test if you care about your life at all

You'll need 3 ish weeks to be clear of weed if you smoke once or more a day. Dxm isn't what they look for.

www drugs com/ article/ drug-testing .html

cause testing people costs the company money, so why would they randomly do it? they only do it initially upon hire to weed out the major fuck ups that cant put it on hold for a few days or like annually.

If you absolutely are going to be tested you can dilute your urine to bring metabolite levels below detection threshold. Marijuana on a standard 5 panel trips when its over 50ng/ml I believe. Drink a shitload of water, and take the test on your 4th or 5th piss of the day. This will dilute the urine. They can/will notice its dilute if your creatine levels are low or if its clear. B vitamin supplement and creatine ingested will offset this

The beginning and end of your urine stream have the most metabolites in them. Start your piss in the toilet then shift to the cup and end it in the toilet

what company dick head

Yeah but if you dilute your urine by drinking too much water it fucks with the specific gravity of it and sometimes they look for that shit to know you are trying to dilute out the drug metabolites

Source: med lab scientist who runs drug tests.

How about you don't rely on drugs to feel better about how shitty you are, you weak-willed fuck

Legit just stop doing drugs until the test. You'll be alright. How much time do you have?

It's unlikely they'll ever test you again unless you get hurt on the job.

>implying im shitty and weak willed
>lined up for a $15/hr job at a major corporation

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i don't even know if they're going to test me as mentioned in the OP. in the handbook it says only for certain positions and it says nothing about it on the offer letter, nor have i heard anything about it in person

>can't stop doing drugs because bad fee-fees will come

even if i did stop doing drugs, i'd still test positive for them if the test is administered within the next one to two weeks you absolute fucking retard

Don't chance it. Just stop until you know for sure.

>15 hourly is a lot.
>working for massive company is an achievement.
>Has never been drug tested before in his life.
Not very chill for a stoner. Stop smoking until the test, drink fluids, stay calm.

Lmaoing at ur lyfe.
>there's a chance I could fail so there's no point in holding off for a couple days
>i might fail so why bother trying
Get some self-awareness buddy, aren't druggies always saying drugs give them some sort of higher consciousness? Maybe you do need a crippling vice after all!

depends what you're doing.
some places only test you if you're injured in the workplace

i never said i planned on continuing to do them, i said that if i chose not to, i would still test positive.

>pic related, it's you

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Thanks for that info user!

I'm super anal about hydration 24/7 so I almost always have clear urine and "overhydrating" to dilute is only a little more than my usual intake. I've been pinged for dilute before but they cited creatine levels on the form.

What specifically causes that if you dont mind me asking? What parts are out of balance to fuck up the specific gravity? Too much water duh but not enough what?

Just stop smoking weed so much. No other drugs stay in the system as long incredibly long as weed does.

15/hr at 18 isn't bad especially in this entry level-must have experience shitshow

Shit at 18 i was working minimum wage while in college.

Sure it ain't 50k+ but atleast he's not a degenerate NEET

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>why would they randomly do it?

They get a discount on insurance if they run random tests from time to time.

Is it a piss test, or a hair test?

All of the tests I've had when starting a new job have been hair tests.