Nonvirgins,do you feel alive?

nonvirgins,do you feel alive?

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no. But at the same time it gives me some confidence that a girl wanted to have sex with me

I do yes, but its only because I have a girlfriend that I love

Pretty much this. Everything sucks but at least I can die slightly more at peace.

i feel even less alive that i know that my fantasies were fucking lie and everything is boring and ugly

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This is how it is. Sometimes I feel like I can relate to inanimate objects because I feel so little.

Go to literally any other board. I swear you just want to rub it in our faces and make us feel like shit.

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what a retard
believe me getting laid doesnt improve your life at all

i disagree, when you lose your virginity you stop obsessing over it and start focusing on more important things

Having sex doesn't solve the underlying problems

No, you don't. Originally desu

I guess, I never cared that much just wanted a gf. Still dont have a gf. I'd trade back my virginity for a potential wife or something for gods sake

>believe me guy who literally has never had a girl think he wasnt repulsive enough to be intimate with it totally doesnt matter at all I have it just as bad as you lot
Go and stay go normal slime

being a virgin is the least of my problems, and I'm 30

That's how it was for me. I used to be so thirsty to get laid and now i really just don't care, and my life has gotten significantly better. Not that I don't want to get laid now, I just don't care as much

>girls being attracted to you is what decides your life
You're literally just a failed normie and if you weren't ugly you'd probably act exactly like they do

>tfw had sex multiple times a week for half a year and am now in a two year dry spell
Oh well
At least it's been a good opportunity to start self improving

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>if you werent a robot you would be a normie
Precisely im glad you now understand faggot

>wants to be a normie
>only difference is inability
so you're not a robot, i.e. you're not different than a normie at all except you're a failure. I could be a normie if I wanted to but I am disgusted with normies and am not mentally alike to a normalfag in any way

I wish I was a virgin again. Every time I've had sex I regret it during and afterwards

Yeah. This is gonna be a bit long and sound normie as hell but: I use to get upset about being a 23 y/o khhv and thought I was missing out on something. What I needed all along though was a peace of mind with myself, some confidence to back me up, and to discipline and develop the habits I wanted all along and was too scared to actually get.

Personally in wanting to be a better man for myself I took up the road to becoming Jow Forums because I was an ex chubby dude. This lead to me eating better and working out 6 days a week, which lead to me realizing my weight was only a fraction of my insecurity. I took to public speaking courses to learn to communicate better/more confidently which made me realize socializing really was a skill. If you have the mindfulness to observe social situations you'll have the mind to appropriately gauge them too. So I took to the self improvement route and I've become studious as hell. Found my passion in learning, the arts, and I began planning my life. I failed hundreds of times already but the success I've had were all worth it, I genuinely don't feel bad about myself anymore. I'm actually happy for the first time in my life because of it. Pic related.

Life doesn't inherently get better with a girlfriend and it doesn't improve because you fucked x amount of times. Some introspection as a former robot, this board really does pose a sense of psuedo-intellectualism. Its a board consisting of people who allow their shortcomings to completely ostracize them, especially social shortcomings. Using backwards logic to ultimately give up and never start actually living for themselves and fall into vicious cycles of self loathing and finger pointing. Like that one small town robot who shits the board up with his probation bullshit and blames whitey.

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o rly? go fuck yourself

typical Cumbrain thinks sex changes anything. You are born a robot and will die one whether you become a king or anhero

It might not improve your life that much but being a robot as it has always been defined in r9k requires virginity. This is not up for debate. I mean you can still be a loser who has had sex though

Yeah Im just constantly looking to do more ridiculous shit

Had a girl play with my ass once, loved it, want more. Its really hard to bring it up tho

See I just don't get that at all. When I lost my virginity that was not at all the effect that it had on me. If anything, I wanted sex even more.'

I think the people here don't quite realize though that it doesn't take getting laid once to solve everything. You have to have sex regularly. Last summer, I was hiring prostitutes on a weekly basis and I truly felt better. A lot better. I wasn't satisfied per se, but I wasn't depressed and hating my life anymore. Then I had to go to college again and I don't have a job here so I ran out of steady source of money.

No. I think I am dying of some disease. Stay a virgin. Health is more important.

yes. for a lot of people losing your virginity wont change your life around totally but it did for me. i worked hard to lose weight and to become more sociable but still lacked confidence because i was a virgin. would be at smaller house parties playing kings or talking about sex and it was hard as shit keeping my story straight. as soon as i lost it, even though it wasnt a great time, it became way easier to get laid again and it helped me feel good about myself.

Once you buy a on-a-hole this becomes self evident very quickly.

I don't. Sex is fucking lame btw. Yeah, it feels good, but you know what else feels good? Being drunk or high. Do that instead.

You honestly think alcohol is better than sex? Wtf?

you're a fucking idiot if you're obsessing over it to begin with

Not really. But my eating disorder got rid of my sex drive anyway so I don't really care about sex anymore.

>be me
>not a virgin
>have had sex before
>last time i had sex was 8 months ago
>i am now horny despite having had sex before

What the fuck is this shit? What kind of a fucking ripoff? I thought my excruciating horniness was supposed to go away after putting beenis in vagena. Can some one explain??? It's almost as if your sex drive is something that never goes away, due to natural selection causing organisms to mate as many times as possible before dying!!!

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This was meant for you. Zim zam slippity slam

It isnt about the sex drive you clueless mong. At least for me anyway. Its the feeling that you are unwanted and unable to experience something that all of your peers have and is talked about none stop in the media.

No shit. I am telling you, that never goes away. You do not "move on and focus on other things" after having sex a single time, or even a bunch of times. Hit any dry spell, even a month long, and you will find yourself right back where you started: "Why am I in this dry spell? Why doesn't anyone want me? I'm the only person in the world who has dry spells like this"

Your brain is wired that way. Evolution made it so. Your psychology will punish you severely and relentlessly for any lack of sex spanning 2 weeks or longer

Doesnt change the fact that you got over the initial hurdle. Our situations are not the same quit pretending they are.

You are making the classic mistake of thinking human psychology adheres to logic. It doesn't matter to your brain. I absolutely guarantee to you, both of our brains are releasing the same amount of self-punishment and misery hormones / electrical signals / whatever the fuck. Does it make sense? Of course not. The sex drive does not make sense, it is simply built to be as unbearably fucking strong as possible, regardless of how many times you fucked in the past.

Are you angry because you're wrong?

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NPC waste of life spotted

It isnt the same man. I already told you mine isnt even about sex drive. You and your dumb gorilla brain can think whatever you want though

>nonvirgins,do you feel alive?
Yes and no.

Yes because I have some kind of goal right now, to find someone dumb and ugly enough to marry an introverted, bipolar low status man and be loyal to him, after getting some women attracted to me, I think it's not impossible.

No because I have no idea how to do it, the task seems impossible, I know I have to self-improve first, but I have little clue as to what area should it be, should it be looksmaxing like going to the gym or something practical like getting a license and buying a car or looking for a better job?
The problem is that I don't really have money for both and worse I don't have willpower for it.

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Why? Your incel tiers are tasty

Gorilla brain confirmed

>he obsesses over it in the first place

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Ill tier you a new one for that

You are like a man with legs telling a man with no legs that he is making too big a deal of his situation. And no I do not think the analogy is extreme.

Hmmmm. Somebody thought this was an okay thing to post...

>exposed gorilla brain immediately goes into damage control mode

The man with no legs can work around it. You goons are too obsessed with your virginity to do anything

Stay salty, dumb incels

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people with sex and relationships take it for granted, news at 11. literally everyone past the 6 months stage of dealing with a woman starts getting even more miserable than they were before. the most no hope people you'll meet are the ones stuck in codependent relationships that make them worse in every regard.

I'm doing just fine thanks :)
good try normie

I may be a normie, but at least i can get my dick wet :)

doing fine, thanks for asking user, not like all my life is together but everthing is working out

My fren, I understand that feeling. I blame porn, romance novels, and soap operas/TV. It wasn't anything like I thought it would be, sex itself without any real love or emotions is absolutely meaningless. I don't even feel more confident or anything, I regret it. It may be corny and cheesy, but it really is better to just wait until you can do it with the ideal one.

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