Why the fuck do cunts get so angry at people who owned slaves in a time when slavery was normal?

Why the fuck do cunts get so angry at people who owned slaves in a time when slavery was normal?
If space people came to earth and liberated dogs from their owners and then throughout human history the owners who continued to fight would be called slavers, and then people: they’ed Look back at normal people with disdain as sickos.

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Where is this coming from OP?

who are you quoting



This is why no one respects you alt right faggots
Learn to accept that your ancestors did things that were actually evil even if it was "normal"

People not liking George Washington SOLELY ON THE FACT THAT HE OWNED SLAVES
Hey guess what? My family is from Poland, we got ducked by Krauts and Soviets, to this day I fucking hate Nazis and Soviets. But certain men were most definitely good, at least hounorable, such as Erwin Rommel, and such

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kill yourself

I-I see

That’s the thing, yes it was evil, but it was in a time when you judged men on social status, colour, and etc, not by personality, unless you were lucky enough to be in the position.
I’m not saying they should be forgiven, and their evils overlooked, but rather they should be judged by their evils and goods. George Washington led the people to freedom against the British Empire, he then brought the nation to be after it nearly fell apart(after the war ended) and yet people dislike based only on the evil of slavery.
If you went to war and protected thousands from death, you’d be judged on how many you killed rather than defended, and it’s infuriating.
Also not alt-right, not really into politics, I just dislike commies and nazis

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No u

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Oh no

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>when niggers learn that slavery is still a thing in Africa and that's why they won't go back

Niggers and Jews cry the loudest and most often. Babies of the world.

So basically what you're saying is "It was just the time when people judged each other by the colour of their skin rather than the content of their character so it was totally fine to destroy others lives cultures and families"

i couldnt figure out what this post meant so i stopped reading half way

More of
“Shit was whack, so instead of hating the founder of the country because of one popular evil, let’s learn the things he did right”
But history should be less of “they did __ so they’re bad!” And more of “within the context of the times, people did___, which is not in any way shape or form okay today, for obvious reason, but was done because of ___” like, for example the German people listened to Adolf Hitler because of Germany’s Great Depression, he fixed it (to an extent at least) and the people continued following him, and because anti-semitism is easy to spread, as it puts group-A against group-B, it makes the world simple in the most unfair way, so the people followed.
Now I agree we hear a lot of shit about “muh minorities” but they’re a lot of people who don’t do that stupid shit, besides, they do have a reason to be afraid, as history has not been kind to them, but people abusing the system is the problem.

I don’t blame you
This was originally a shitpost

Every race has killed in the past. We whites fought to defend ourselves from the invaders, and became the strongest. There is no shame there

Fuck off

Are you sure that the Americans weren't the invaders?

We also invaded lots of people to become the majority... you know that right?
Like, we killed a fuckton, willingly or otherwise. Then tensions rose(white devils coming boys) and so they defended themselves via good offense.
They were brutal, but it’s understandable as shit tons of them died at the hands of white men.
Even I have to agree

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The native Americans did colonise and invade the Americas thousands of years prior to the Europeans, yes mate I agree with you

Fuck, why want I fought this shit? It’s always something about cave drawing and statues of fertility with big tits

Of course I know that. Global history shows that neighbours were always fighting their neighbours for resources and for survival. Regardless of which skin colour their neighbours had.

Have no idea why leftists like to believe this isn't a fact.

I want to mention I’ve had this argument built up for a while and really don’t give a shit, it’s wuite literally political shitposting

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i’m sure there are people who think slavery wasn’t wrong, and who want to instill it again to this day, but i have yet to see one. that could be my personal ignorance, but still it’s not even like getting white people to acknowledge american history is going to lead to a redistribution of wealth, or promote a healthier lifestyle in black communities

I don't think that it's considered invasion when no one else is living there. Who did the Natives invade exactly user?

I’m just thinking of the Aztecs in CK2 going to England and Spain

Because I'm sure you polacks still have some teachers from the Soviet era who still buy into the 'muh whitey is evil' theory.

Nah, it was and still is wrong, but I’m just arguing (half-assly) that it wasn’t uncommon as manpower was very very important, and the global population was nearly as close as it was today, so that’s why it was done, rather than killing them, they simply made it based on color to lessen the fact of its inhumanity

I’m American-Polish, raised in American schools my whole life.
Also fuck California, unironically, it was the worst place I went to in my entire life, and many of problems stem from there, also the American education system is beyond retarded until middle school

Like it matters. It wasn't theirs to begin with, and if whites don't belong there, then neither do they


Okay retard. Every race of people came from Africa. So I guess England doesn't belong to whites either.

Jesus. The Soviet seeds of subversion blossomed even stronger in Califuckingfornia than Poland

Because it's a legitimately dark piece of history, yet you try to diminish it as not being that big of a deal throughout history out of your own white privilege.

Slavery isn't the only issue here, there's also imperialism, and privileged douches like yourself also think that's normal. Had the UK ever attempted the amount of wealth it has extracted from India, and JUST India without including its many other former colonies, it wouldn't be able to repay it back at all.

Long story short; you're a privileged white male who refuses to think outside of his privilege cocoon.

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Seriously fuck that place, it brought me to suicidal thoughts when I was only seven, and has been effecting me since, and you wanna know the Stacies that did it? Three white girls and, I shit you not, named: Winter, Spring, and Summer
Fuck them and I hope they grow up okay, so they can look back and realize how much of assholes they were

Out of Africa is merely a theory at this point, come on mate you're better than this.
But Yeah, bingo, you're right. Humanity was a constant struggle to survive. Whites seem to be better at survival than others though.

i agree and i’m adding that lingering on slavery isn’t going to fix the negatives that resulted from it. like yeah, once slavery was abolished there were tons of misplaced black americans with no education, and little effort was put towards integrating them into society. jim crow came about and did the exact opposite, and only reinforced racist attitudes. poverty culture developed as a result, and then higher rates of criminality came after the civil rights movement, which even further allowed people to justify racism. knowing all this only helps so much though, and white people get defensive because they feel attacked, so that distracts blacks from looking at the toxicity that arose from both themselves AND the discriminatory system they historically lived in. but that system is more integrated than ever before, so despite lingering racist attitudes, black communities need to work on themselves and find ways to integrate.
like it’s genuinely dumb how africans can immigrate to the US from war torn countries, find success, and yet black americans go on about how the system is still rigged. YEAH ITS STILL RIGGED BUT YOU CAN MAKE PROGRESS

Even if it's "just a theory" every race of people migrates from one place to another
Natives have been in America for tens of thousand years. You're not making an intelligent point at all.

You're the Supremest of all the supreme gentlemen. You were too good for them anyway

I understand that slavery is a bad thing, and a bad part of history, but it is annoying when people will hate a certain person from 200 years ago for one evil, that was wnactwd by many across the world by blacks, and whites alike, the reason why it’s discussed as if purely a white thing is because of the problems it led to in America, the whole world moved on, it’s only America that has such racial problems, even a hundred years ago the French, and Brits were okay, but America dragged it the fuck out even today

Is that seriously the only issue you have with California? The rich white girls? Hahahahahaha, you really are a privileged spineless cunt.
There are many, many, many, MANY more serious problems in California than how some families name their kids. In fact, the problems in California are also America's, mainly with police brutality and the ever-so-powerful oligarchies we have in place.

Jesus, just imagine getting suicidal over some dumb names. I weep for you, luv.

I wish you were intelligent enough to realise that I've been agreeing with you this whole time. People have been migrating and killing throughout ALL human history

No, they got the whole school to bully me for years, my parents were at the lowest time in their marriage, and I had no genuine friends, I couldn’t care less about them, but they mad sure to make my life hell at school. Oh well
Also are you a communist? Just out of curiosity

Alright, I’m done posting cancer on this thread, you guys have a good night

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>slavery is bad
>i hate it when people hate a slaveowner for owning slaves
Really? Enslavement of humans is evil. Also, your comparison of dog ownership to actual slavery to diminish it just speaks VOLUMES about you.

>that was wnactwd by many across the world by blacks, and whites alike
It was wanted the most by white colonists, most notably the Portuguese and Spaniards, but the French weren't that far behind.

>purely a white thing
It really was a purely white thing. As soon as the South American countries became independent from Portugal and Spain, they started banning slavery, and the slave market started moving up and up all the way towards the United States, the last place in the Americas where it was still LEGAL.

>it’s only America that has such racial problems
The racial problems happen in America because systemic oppression still happens. Just recently, a cop pulled his gun on a Latino because he thought he stole a Mentos that he paid for. Again, the cop pulled a goddamn GUN on an assumption, over a fucking $.99 mint, and he only apologized after the cashier told the cop he paid for the mint.

Black people got harassed for less, got shot for less. White people just get kind words, minorities get fists and cuffs, and maybe even bullets if the cop is a paranoid piece of shit.

Well, sorry for mouthing ya, but that's what happens when someone has class privilege. They used their status to place you as an easily-targetable outcast, and probably because they don't consider Poles as whites. It's a remanent of the Nazi culture that tried to cultivate here during WWII.

>people don’t agree with me
>they must be communists!

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actually white people in the US get shot by cops more than minorities. given that’s per capita, but i’m not talking percentages here. just saying our law enforcement in general is a joke who places their self preservation over maintaining order
>t. hispanic

>your ancestors did things that were actually evil even if it was "normal"
no society has ever considered their "normal" as "evil" and you are therefore wrong.

inb4 you're a christfag with "absolute" moral values lmfao

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>places their self preservation over maintaining order
Don't forget they also place corporations over people.

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>Enslavement of humans is evil
by what moral standard?
what about eating meat? is that evil? maybe even... eviler?

l m a o

If you don't think slavery is bad, let me enslave you. You'll do fine as a housemaid and a strap-on test subject.

>If you don't think slavery is bad, let me enslave you
I asked by what ethical system of values it is considered "evil", mostly pointing out that there are other systems (like those prevalent in earlier times) in which it was not considered evil.

also, personally, I do very much consider enslaving an unspeakably evil act if performed by others upon me.

if performed by me upon others it is a perfectly ethical action.

What do we have here a pole hhm?
Shut your mouth you coward.
Beeing all smartass and quoting other people.
Feeling safe under that rocketshield that the americans put up your ass hm?
What if its gone?
Where would be your courage kid?
I think polad is one of the worst usa puppet regimes ever.
You only bitch and bitch tell EEEVERY one how patriotic you are and point fingers at those who raped your pathetic nation in the past.
You are the biggest usa ass licker out there.
You are Opportunist
You are followers
You are weak

You think that slavery isnt bad because you are one

>ethical system of values it is considered "evil"
Humanity? The fact we humans shouldn't be enslaving one another?

>other systems (like those prevalent in earlier times) in which it was not considered evil
Foot binding wasn't considered evil by the Dynasties in the early 20th century China, but it was still evil from a humane perspective. Is a man like Mao stepping up to declare it as evil the only redline you'd accept?

>slavery by others on me bad
>slavery by me on others good
I wish Stalin didn't stop at Berlin. Neofeudalists like you would be ashes and bone.

dude there are no absolute morals, Im simply asking what your ethical point of reference is.

I assume it's humanism, which I consider an evil ideology, considering humans are currently causing a great extinction event and shitting up the planet for good.
"humanism" is not ethical, it's just the fashionable default choice for brainless sheep

>I wish Stalin didn't stop at Berlin. Neofeudalists like you would be ashes and bone.
I am not a neo-anything. and btw, wishing that thousands should have violently parished just because you dislike my personal opinion betrays just how "ethical" of a human you really are.

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>"slavery of people I consider as lesser-beings and denying them of their freedom is not evil"
>"extermination of my literally caveman-era ideology is evil muh freedom!"
haha, sure thing, pathetic incel. i'm not entertaining you any further.

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good riddance