Asian bot here. Can I have a white fembot gf please?
Asian bot here. Can I have a white fembot gf please?
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Don't think I've ever seen a white female/asian male couple in my life
Asian guys really just aren't attractive in any way
White bot here
Can I have a tall lanky asian fembot gf please?
I've seen a lot of white girls on r9k say they want an asian bf
Hahahahhahahahahahah retards
When the stormfags start a race war and inevitably lose (just like the Nazis in WW2), every non-white man will get a white woman as a slave, including you Asianbro.
Black, Brown and Yellow man, unite!
Hey white girls.
I'm not fat, not ugly, not a manlet, got a job, and am asian. One of you date me.
good luck then my man, not trying to be racist but you'd probably have better luck with asian women
Hey white girls, this is stuff I can do for you as your asian bf
- watch anime
- watch any show you want
- play any game you want
- cook you food
hey white girls ill literally beg you to be my gf
White fembot here. nty only date Chad.
yes but she has to be brown haired and brown eyed
I don't want a roastie I want a cute fembot white virgin
implying that wasn't all orchestrated by zionists to facilitate world wide sympathy for the justification in creating the state of israel
>white women
I'll take it as long as she's white. Are you a virgin?
I'm a white fembot dating an Asian guy. He has a bigger dick than my white exes and makes me very happy. I hope we get married someday.
Can you be my gf after you break up with him?
t. asian masculinity
asian men have TINY yellow pricks
That's not nice. Oregano
>Are you a virgin?
So you want to date an asian guy?
nobody should do this
no you must commit credit card theft for me to get one
best i can offer is to date an asian trap
Can white men and Asian men organize a trade?
No I want a white cis woman, that's all I ask
nope. cant trade what we do not possess.
Sure if you can find one that isn't a coal burner but I'm gonna have to take one of yours in exchange it's only fair
>you want
>you want
stop focusing on the you's and focus on yourself. Girls will come after.
otay maymay
you'd be the trap
No, I will do anything for my white girlfriend once I get one
what if im not trans?
guess its pretty bad out there? scraping the bottom of the barrel.
got a big dicc tho?
How is a white virgin gf anything other than perfection?
what if im a bear
White girls are perfect angels.
How do I get a qt asian gf as a pajeet? I'm trying to talk with this one hapa girl.
and they should be with White men
Nah they should be with asian men. Asian men are more kind, gentle, and intelligent. We also make more money.
i mean i am all that you say.
if only it was this simple, OP
No you're not kid
i guess thats true too.
throw yourself into the STEM field, and use reddit tier memes to woo the asian women you encounter in work/study
I've talked to her before and I know she browses Jow Forums and leddit.
fuck off racemixer
ok white girls can stay with white men, but you forfeit asian women now.
whatever you say. and blacks keep to each other, everybody wins.
Whites consolidating and regaining in strength is not a win at all for non-whites, especially given the fact that whites will never leave non-whites alone. Race-mixing is beneficial for non-whites and detrimental to whites, which is why stormfags oppose it, and desperately try to get non-whites onboard by pretending it's a matter of principle for them.
good. mutts and blacks are so against Whites politically, that they sold themselves to democrat jews. the original slavers were jews and theyre still your masters today.
I'm not even white, I'm a pajeet lmao. Are you white or a pajeet?
asians are fucked
>southeast asians
creepy ugly weirdos
soulless ugly bug people who have obsessive power fantasies regarding defeating you in their head 24/7
prissy, feminine, stuck up plastic surgery drones
only cool asians but they don't breed
t. ugly white incel who thinks his race makes him any less ugly and rejected in life
t. retardo
If you saw what I looked like you would be eternally butthurt.
what do you look like? prob some 5/10 twink
its pretty easy to get any gf if you are attractive.. desu it sucks but we asian guys get a pretty shitty rep so if youre even average youre fucked. its just me but as american as i am i couldnt stick in long terms deals with white women or any woman that wasnt korean just because its a big part of my life
good, asians shouldnt be breeding anyway.
lol im breeding bro and the only reason to hate another man for getting laid is if you arent getting any yourself
cool story "bro". very good read
thanks feel free to read it once more
i did, an epic tale for the ages.
what kind of asian are you op?
i had a bulgarian gf in high school, idk if that counts as white.
you're an ugly delusional faggot who browses r9k lmao.
>i-i would make you suicidal..
complete cringe. post your face then incel.
>infp asian male
haha im destined to die alone haha
this thread sounds like 16-17 yr olds. Fuck, I'm getting too old for this place.
crusher is so gay
hes JUICY bro like wut cud dim
fuck off crusher
lol he doesnt browse this shit hole. that man is pure juice