Give me one good reason why I shouldnt go on a shooting spree right now

Give me one good reason why I shouldnt go on a shooting spree right now
>inb4 because ur a fagot

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Because it's not your place to take life. Those people never did anything wrong to you.

These feelings wouldn't exist if you just accepted that you're gay

Because you won't even get five kills, faggot. Your spaghetti arms will just make the recoil so much harder for you to aim properly and you have shit aim.

Because you're an edgy kid looking for reactions.


yeah youd be on my shitlist too cunt

simply put whatever it is you are thinking these people did nothing to you its the plight of the normies all you can do is look at them in distaste and shake you're head

Because it won't fix the hole that's in you
Find something constructive to rebuild. Hurting other people won't make you feel any better, and once you've done it thousands of people will make fun of you for it. You'll be another dismal failure of a person, like Elliot or Randy Stairs.

There's always hope for improvement, user. You just have to keep trying. Don't be weak.

it's true, bro. you did this to yourself.

Make sure they're libtards

>yeah bro you got em good
>libtards get rekt SJW epic style

Bullying creates character. You were weak from the very start.

You're trying to be edgy. You're failing at it worse than a redditor

it's not nice to go on a shooting spree, so don't do it

because it's completely pointless. What the fuck will that do? Have hundreds of people cursing your name during the coming days? Making your parents wish they had aborted you? Disappointing everyone who'd have known you?

I mean u took the bait and replied bro soooo

I win again I guess

Parents already hate me and never listen too what I have to say
I have no friends
Everyone already hates me

Might aswell make them feel pretty fucking stupid when I put a hole in their heads

killing them isn't going to make them feel anything you fucking retard. If they manage to survive, they're not going to feel bad for you, or realize how they'd made you feel. They're going to look down on you and see you as a worthless piece of shit. Think about it, all killing does is, well, kill them. It won't make you feel better knowing they're dead

Because you don't have to be this pathetic dude.

Because you probably don't have the right equipment.
Get yourself a proper rifle and/or shotgun, no more of this bushmaster AR-15 crap and no handguns for anything other than a sidearm.

May you slay countless norms and thrive in the afterlife as Elliot tips his glass at you from his villa across the lake of fire. You've probably endured much suffering and the norms must pay.

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>it doesnt make you feel better knowing theyre dead

That is the most retarded thing Ive ever heard

I guess all wars and all the bad and good people that have died didnt make anyone feel anything

ionno. as long as they're bad people/californians (not just people you dislike/faggots) I don't really care

I can't. Go nuts, but only at degenerate normalfag locations like parties and raves. Don't shoot innocent families.

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"killing them isn't going to make them feel anything you fucking ret-"
I thought killing people doesn't make them feel anything, user.
*Cuts off balls and knife fucks your asshole*

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there's so many mass shootings that you'll be forgotten in a day

if you are going on a rampage make it interesting, use a katana or poison gas or something

I couldn't give a fuck who you shoot. The people don't matter as long it isn't anyone near me. Go crazy my mans

I say don't do it (wink wink) I just said that so if you do actually do it the FBI doesn't raid my house but if you were to hypothetically go on a shooting spree I would advise you to only shoot people who have done you wrong don't take innocent peoples lives but this is all hypothetical

Just do it. Kill as many as you can user, then kill yourself. There is no God, no re precautions, fucking kill them all

This or just off yourself in class right in front of them

Bullying destroys character, and now he's destroying back. Enjoy.

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I was thinking about how it would get forgotten pretty quickly

Dont worry though guys I thought of a solution

I was going to kill the person that bullied me with a POV cam and then dismember him and upload it too his Facebook if his phone is unlocked

Ill put in a catchphrase on the post and post a dead mans switch with times and dates posted too Jow Forums

If his phone isnt unlocked Ill just post it too my own Facebook

After that I will try to go around town and kill as many more as I can before I either an hero the police gun me down or I get arrested

Anymore ideas would be awesome

stop helping the gun-grabbers you assholes


Originally one

Because shootings have a minor amount of casualties

learn basic chemistry and create some sort of explosive instead

Because you could do something more productive, like kill someone important and awful.
Why the fuck would you kill randoms as your last act? That's pathetic and pointless and aimless, just like your life probably was.

Dont think I havent thought about killing someone important

But it wouldnt matter just as much as a personal attack would matter

If I kill a Hollywood jew he will be replaced in a day

If I kill the president he will be replaced in about a year

If I kill some celebrity it would just be like killing a pawn

I get your point but we are all replaceable and the people who arent are not touchable

Or at lease thats what they think

The president would be replaced instantly though, still, you'd go down in history

this. mass shooters are looked upon as betas and they are forgotten in a matter of weeks. bombings however...
if you can become a serial bomber, you'll achieve some pretty good notoriety. just make sure the people know it was you. a calling card, if you will.

It'd be a better action than taking out random people, and you could potentially make the best of your awful urge to go out violently making some difference in the world rather than just being some shitty news headline at best.

Just fucking do it none of these faggots deserve sympathy kill them all

I love how normies try to shame people into not being mass killers.
>thats pathetic user dont do it
You really think some incel school shooter isnt just going to get more angry at that response

Because, you won't. All of the people who have ever posted about their murders/shooting sprees/etc have posted when they were about to do it, or had already done. Everyone who posts "durrr should I do it? Why or why not?" is just looking for attention and should be banned

True, but OP has to be reasonably intelligent in the first place for this to happen, Kaczynski didn't get caught for decades for example, if he knows the adress of his bully as well he can send him a nailbomb there, even if it won't kill him (assuming it's a chad jock type meathead) it will mangle or cripple him for life which might as well be just as bad as death

It is pathetic, it's probably the most senseless and wasteful killing you could do, if you want to throw away your life and kill someone aim big instead of just killing someone's mom and a few wallmart employees.

I'm not going to.
Go get the latest high score, user.

Breivik will be a hard one to beat

>Those people never did anything wrong to you.
We live in a society. Everyone should take responsibility for people being cunts.

be my hero today

why even use a gun at that point, not advocating this but might as well use dinomite or something
using a gun will just get them banned

I don't want (((them))) to have more bullshit "excuses" to trample on one of our constitutional rights

Because you do not want to throw your life away and also violence is wrong

>and also violence is wrong

you should do it and get away

It seems like a lot of work.

because only niggers go on shooting sprees. are you a nigger?

>Because it's not your place to take life.
Whose gonna stop the bullets then?

Ur a faget. Plus if you live in Murica no one will care since this shit is basically a daily occurrence.

You will go jail. People die. Many sad.

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Don't do it because it would be mean and it's nice to be nice

If your jewish fuck off.
But you should read siege first and help us in a way go ahead.

Based bully

you'd kill at least one half decent person, which would be pretty sad

>Bullying creates character
I agree, but for different reasons than you probably think. Bullying properly shows someone how gay the world is at a young age and hardens their shell until they become unable to feel. After that, doing what is necessary is so easy, because all empathy has been beaten from them. I blinded better kids than deserved it before the age of 16. I only have you, the bullies, to thank for removing all restraint.

Go suck a few dicks

Because you'll probably kill a robot

It'd be one more futile gesture in a lifetime of futile gestures.

Most school shooters don't even kill the people who tormented them.

And he would be thanked
God I hope it's me he kills.

Then do a murder suicide, I enjoy alcohol too much for some random faggot to light me up while I sit alone surrounded by normies


Stay strong for your race user. Do it for him.

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because all human life is precious user.

Just kidding, just use like a pump action shotgun or a revolver, we don't need more gun control

Unlike you faggots I will end all life.

It's dumb. What satisfaction would it give you killing a bunch of randos? Wouldnt it make more sense if you instead just murdered the ones activily playing in making your life a complet hell?

Because you need to order a gopro first.

This is probably a troll thread. Dude people will just think you are a faggot. Also you're just gonna make it harder for the rest of us to get guns. Also random people aint to blame for your problems. You literally are doing eliot rodger tier thinking. inb4 normie. I have autism and people bullied me throughout the entirety of my public schooling.

I'm not a normalfag, I'm just telling you how stupid your idea is, you don't make the best use of it.
No one thinks you're a badass or special or important or scary for having killed a few unarmed, unaware civilians with an assault rifle, it accomplishes nothing, it makes you look like a deranged idiot who couldn't even kill himself properly.
You're too lazy and stupid to come up with a better way to go out, and you probably want a way to kill yourself because you're lazy and stupid and fuck up your life to begin with.

"Hey strangers that know nothing about me, i was just epic.trolling you the whole time! I was only acting like an autist. Lolololol"

what a good thread, glad I was here

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