this is the end of the white race.
the white genocide has begun.
black is just better.
This is the end of the white race
>tfw black dicklet
My existence is a mistake. I'm good for nothing and God is laughing at me.
why is there a white girl in 2d pic realated
Very true, we are living in the final days of the white race, and the dawning of a new epoch - the Age of the Black Man.
You're not the mistake.
I look like a giga nigga but I barely pass the 6 inch mark, my penis looks ridiculously tiny on my body.
I always wonder what roams in the minds of such OPs.
Did that island in north west Europe really rule 1/4 of the earth because of their tremendous dicks that just made those Indians (rightful), Indians (American), Negroes, Chinese and whatnot just bend to their masters or is there more behind this?
sissy ass witebois
>not posting the captioned version
the puppet strings go beyond Britain and Ireland, into Greenland
first of all blacks arent smart enough to be superior
second of all interracial couples destroy both races retard
One of the two races in question is a smaller group, and full of recessive traits.
Oof, I feel bad for you user, hope you find something to make life worth living.
Nope. Billions of pure Blacks will still remain in Africa, an endless supply of fresh BBCs while the white race slowly dwindles to extinction in its homelands.
mutt blacks can breed pure blacks, breed that part White dna back into the african gene pool.
they will flood into israel and demand gibs
I feel ashamed for having this fetish
Yeah, and given the size of the total african gene pool that would get diluted to hell and barely matter a few generations down.
1/4 whites and 1/8 whites would stop seeming even remotely white, and would likely blend in there, if not in a few generations more.
Blacks don't actually have big dicks women just prefer stupid men because they relate to them better.
and? i dont see the problem, oh wait are you a mutt and terrified of pure blacks? funny
I mean, I was replying to a guy who thought interracial breeding would destroy blacks as a race and providing reasons why it wouldn't.
I'd find it unfortunate if white people stopped existing, but it's largely out of my hands and I'm not as invested in it as I could be.
beta cuck why are you into beatiality
because it's hot and the skin contrast is great
you duck the question entirely, you are a mutt and would absolutely not mix with pure blacks. so why do you push for the mixing of Whites? to make more like you while refusing to mix with blacks yourself. funny how that works.
There's millions of white babies today, don't know why you people talk about white people disappearing when you will never live to see it even if racemixing becomes mandatory.
Dude, I'm a fucking blonde haired blue eyed white person, I don't think I'm much of a mutt or whatever.
no youre not. good larp
Also half of white people still marry white people, and pretty much all race mixing is other races horning in on whites so really whites are both here to stay for now AND the ones who are propagating their genes the most. Get bleached mofos.
Yeah, I'll absolutely never see it, and that's good.
But there's no denying that unless something is done, white people will dwindle in their home countries and maybe get replaced.
There could be smaller countries of mostly white people after that, but somehow I think they would find a need to import tons of refugees to "fix" some sort of problem.
I am, and I'm not really pushing for anything, I'm more of just a passive observer who is barely invested in either outcome and sitting around chatting about it with you in this thread.
I'm not the OP if that's what you thought.
You should honestly. I'm not even going to sperg out and talk about Jow Forums-infographs, or how this fetish is racist, or anything like that. I like NTR as a fetish but this is just the ultimate beta boy fetish--its like your so beta you can't even have your own fetish you have to have the fetish of some home-schooled thot who was never let out of her house cause daddy didn't want her around niggers.
Its just sad. Literally the fetish of a person who only expects rejection from women and can never see himself as being equal or superior to another man. Honestly, the whole dirty Old Man meme is a superior to this normalfag fetish.
i've accepted my fate
OP, why do you, a white guy, like roleplaying as a black guy and posting passive aggressive stuff just to get a ruse out of other white guys? Does this stuff not bother you, or do you just want (you)s that bad?
Couldn't have said it better myself. No point going against nature
Reminder that all Overwatch girls love BBC
not going down without a fight, allah snackbar my comrades, i'll see you in hell.
>black men impregnate all the white women
>create 50% black + 50% white children
>these halfbreed children proceed to impregnate more white women
>create 25% black + 75% white children
>so on and so forth
>long-term result ends up being black men breeding themselves out of existence
I'm a white girl who prefers black guys. But OP is a pathetic cuck faggot. I've fucked with both white and black guys. Yes on average black guys have been bigger. But there are white guys with big dicks. Also dick size is not the only thing which matters. If you can't last long or know who to use it, your dick is fucking worthless.
this implies white birth rates trump blacks which is not true
just erased every nigger posting in this thread along with all your families. You will all die an accelerated death.
I also erased you
Can you cuck me with a BBC pls?
>on average black guys have been bigger
God, that's hot
Can you erase me too? I've only been basically begging god for death for years now.
Again with the roleplaying OP?
Proud CUC,K here.
It's unfortunate that in real life white women still seem to prefer white men.
Although I have strong Cu,CK urges, it's unfortunate that it doesn't match what I see outside the Internet.
I am hoping that the younger generation of white women prefer black men especially with all the shilling of Black artists in terms of music and movies in the media. However I believe unfortunately people are programmed to like others who look like them.
But I have to admit, witnessing the end of the white race would be hot as fuck.
Still it seems like a stupid fantasy even to a proud CUC,K SUCH AS MYSELF.
fucking hell cucks make me sick.
No girl wants to cuck any man. Cuck fetish is retarded. If I dated a guy who asked if he could watch me with another guy, I would never talk to him again.
It seems that white women prefer blue eyes unfortunately!
I will eagerly await the next 10 years and hope to see more mixed couples amongst young people.
So what you're saying is you're single and trying to hook up then? Bet lemme get your snap then
If you're a cuck, why do you only want black guys cucking you? What's wrong with with white guys cucking you? It's the same thing in the end, you're gf/waifu/whatever is still enjoying another man's dick over yours.
He's just trolling because he knows it'll get a ruse out of people.
If you're a real girl, then I'm so glad to hear women hate cucks as much as men do.
Cu,CK poster reporting in... I suppose the interracial aspect of CU,CKOLDRY is important because in real life most white women I see go to White CHADs the type who would me piss me off in school and such. So while my social experiences with white men have generally been antagonistical despite being a white male. I have had no social interactions with black men, so I am neutral towards them.
If I have to watch porn , I'm watching some other guy fucking the girl who is not me.
So I'd rather watch black men who I've never had problems with.
Than some white scumbag.
I can occasionally watch PoV porn of white men and self insert but fuck that.
Too much interracial nowadays I'm hooked.
i like parts of this fetish but i'm picky. like, whenever i see one of the niggers faces or even a lot of their bodies it's a turn off. same if they talk or make much noise. and also if the cuck is in a video or something, and these professional videos are awful, only the amateur stuff is good. that and 2D.
i like it because it's degrading for both the woman and cuck, and because i'm attracted to sluts and whores.
and if it goes too much into 'white genocide, say goodbye to your race white boy' it's also a turn off. I just want to see filthy whores degrading themselves on nigger cock and so on.
Not only that but since I don't see interracial in real life as much.
It puts more emphasise on the fact that it's not real it's only porn. Which is paid prostitution.
Plus when I watch interracial and hear the white women scream out in pain I enjoy it because I know she is hurting and not enjoying herself which makes me get off. Because fuck women!!
Are you ok, pal? You seem kind of deranged.
Or maybe roleplaying.
It's R9k what do you expect?
Fucking NORMIE
I guess that's fair, I was mostly latching onto your weird capitalization stuff and seeming focus on being excessively a cuck.