Whats the worst thing a girl has ever said to you.
For me
>You could cancer and I still wouldnt find you sexually attractive.
Whats the worst thing a girl has ever said to you.
For me
>You could cancer and I still wouldnt find you sexually attractive.
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I had a girl cut off all contact with me when we had a very intense emotional close relationship together for years. I was having a bad day and she decided I was no longer of use to her and she blocked me lol. It worked out better for me in the end because after she was gone I felt this huge weight off my shoulders and I felt free. She was the problem, but at the time it was devastating to me. I once read an online post by her many months later and she seemed drunk talking about how she regrets hurting someone she shouldn't have. She is mentally ill though so she only misses how I made her feel. I know she is really suffering hard inside cause everyday was a crisis situation with her. She is like one of those workplace functioning psychopaths. Great at work, but a mess at home.
Yes, I did have sex with him
>oh shit
It turned out she wasn't who I thought she was, but it hurt a lot at the time.
Nothing. She didn't respond.
>I hate you
After I failed to fuck her out of ED
i just got called soulless and dead inside a few minutes ago by my ex
and i feel nothing
>you're just mr. neutral aren't you?
After I pussed out on a perfect opportunity to kiss her.
I wish I could turn back time.
>you're like a robot. It's like you don't feel anything
Well, I felt like I dodged a bullet when I saw she got tattoos under her tits and a band's lyrics on her forearm after I broke up with her and cut all contact LMAO
What does cancer wordfilter to?
"I feel bad for you, I feel bad that I hurt you, And I know if I see you again you'll want what we had"
Yeah well she dumped me so she could fuck randoms on tinder.
Btw I was meant to say
>You could CURE* cancer and I still wouldnt find you sexually attractive.
"You're not the physical lover I need"
>tfw 6'2, good face, fit, thick hair, good dick, she came damn near every time we had sex(no, she wasn't faking)
well fuck me then I guess now that you are only 15 lbs overweight as opposed to 50 like you were for two years and 30 like you were for the next 3.5, you qualify for the endless 10/10 cock carousel and I have officially wasted half my prime on a chubby girl falling for the love meme. I refuse to settle for less than 8/10 after this. Average women are just stacy whore wannabes who get forced to play by different rules that shrouds their awfulness, no doubt in my mind after that.
Impressive, she'll probably spiral after 30 dw user
>you know why she won't date you? because you're a pussy
In her defense, hearing that had a really positive impact on me, and I've matured a lot since
Broke up a week ago because she was in "too bad of a place to have sex or kiss"
me "have you hooked with anyone yet"
her "honestly yeah lol"
>you never turned me on
Gf of 2 years who's virginity i took
>you should go see a therapist, I think you're bipolar
wtf did you do to provoke this response? i always know off the bat who is attracted to me not to risk this reaction if i persue
>Be in love with girl for 2 years
>Finally confess to her
>I don't believe you!
Or that roastie in high school, who used to pick me for no reason. She said that the way I am, no girl will ever love me. She was right.
>>You could cancer and I still wouldnt find you sexually attractive.
When was cancer considered hot?
For me it was
>Holy fucking shit user! Unfuck your face you are ugly as fuck.
>No one is ever going to love you looking like that
This was supposed to be my childhood friend when she came back from the military. There's more to it but like most things I just throw them into the void and pretend it never happened. Last time I talk to her we went drinking together which was like a month after she said that to me. I really wanted to die, even tho I already knew my situation. It hurt knowing that one of the few person I've known for so long would do this to me. I've broken all ties with her and we matched on tinder by accident once like a year later. I unmatched her the second I did.
Writing these things make me revisit those memories that I keep locked away. For the most part I don't give a shit and I hide behind the walls I've put up, and that's how it will be. I've completely left my past and see no point in worrying about it.
One of these things didn't happen.
>had a crush on a girl in 1st grade
>snuck in a kiss
>tell friend about her
>he tells the whole class
>can hear everyone chattering
>crush stands up
>"I don't love user and he doesn't love me"
>everyone bursts into laughter
That destroyed me
>don' worry, you will find someone, one day
BPD ex gf saying I meant nothing to her even though we knew each other for years
>we were never meant to be
>>she left me alone
THis goes a little deeper
was having a bad morning, was meeting female for breakfast been seeing her for a few months
>>she was almost 2hrs late
go back to her place after breakfast
>>on the way back to her place got pulled over for not yielding in a round-about because the cop said i almost hit him
I was super irritated and said I just want to go home. and she didnt get it.
>>fuck off user
>>you dont have to pretend to have feelings for me
this was not the case, she just didnt believe i would want to go home after this.
>>didnt speak for months and didnt respond to me via call or text
>>go try to stalk this girl online 5 months later
>>turns out she died in a car crash.
>>i really liked this girl
>>genuine connection
>>i think about her everyday
>>i miss her
>I need to be alone
>dates my best friend after a week
>I need to be alone
>dates her best friend after a month
Roasties are trash
I dont remember. I remember getting upset about something a girl said. It fucked me up hard. I was so upset because I liked this girl, and she said something so awful to me. But I cant remember it. All of my memories with women have faded too. not that I had many to begin with
You have all the good qualities I like in a guy, but I'm just not feeling it.
I was mounting her head for blowjob and she said "whoa bitch"
A few years ago, towards the beginning of college, I asked a girl in my differential equations class whom I had developed a crush on if she wanted to go for coffee. She wasn't a stacy or anything, and I had asked a few other guys in the class if I was in her league in terms of looks, and they all said we were about of equal relative attractiveness. I had helped her out quite a few times in the class, so we were on speaking terms. In my early classes females (both stacey and non-stacey types) would often act nice towards me to try and get help, and I knew exactly what they were doing so I would refuse. I had no intrinsic problem helping them, but I didn't like that they felt the need to manipulate me. For whatever reason I found this girl really cute, so when she asked me for help I did so. We had spent some time together, but it was purely me helping her with coursework. I was rationally well aware that she was using me, but somehow I convinced myself, that maybe that wasn't it. I had been working up courage for weeks, and one day, I asked her if she wanted to get a cup of coffee with me. I knew what was coming, but it still sucked. She refused very politely to my face, and ran away. I was crushed, but I had braced myself for it. Later that day however, I saw her in the library laughing with a bunch of her friends, and she was talking with them about me. She was laughing at me, and calling me a creep. Her friends were all saying I was a creep and a freak, and were wondering how she put up with me for so long. I know I deserved it for going along with her, but damn that really sucked. I'll never forget the feeling of listening to her and her friends going on and on about what a freak I was and picking at every little detail about me. It was the sort of stuff bullies in middle school used to say about me. I dealt with it fairly well then, but I had never made myself vulnerable before them. At least she never asked me for help again.
does cancer somehow change girls' perception of attractiveness
OP where is that scene from I've been looking everywhere for it
not OP but I believe that's from Irreversible (french movie)
>you aren't actually an adult until you have sex
I hate my family's mentality