Anyone wanna start over?

Anyone wanna start over?

I make $2,200 a month and am about to get a apartment. I've been thinking about letting a random robot live with me for free? How fucked will I be? I would have some type of screening process. Would anyone actually accept?

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its not starting over if they're just going to live with some neckbeard from r9k that expects them to clean and do chores and shit like that

you aren't getting a gf this way thirstman

idk, I'd consider it if there were no real conditions and was sure you weren't going to murder or rape me or anything, or be irritating.
I absolutely hate my current roommate situation.

Femanons dont exist and I plan to clean/cook when im home but not anons bedroom I plan to never go in that hell pit.

Youre either naiive or are some creepy Jeffrey Dahmer motherfucker

Depends where you live orgim

Really the only thing that would be a no go If I have to see,smell or feel bodily fluids. And they are a Racist

>2200 a month

lol look at this guy making less than 50k a year


Im Definitely the first

I was a neet for a year and only have HS edu. So not that bad

I'll take that offer. Im depressed, unemployed, and my rent is due in a couple of days with a negative balance in my bank account

very hard to think this is real but if it is good on you for getting a decent paying job without higher education and for trying to givev people a chance. hopefully you find a real bro who can get his ass off the bed/chair and contribute to the rent eventuallly

I would do it desu, I would even clean most every day, but I sleep almost all day so it wouldn't be like having a roommate really

Whats your preference for me to contact you? Im going on a business trip tomorrrow and wont get the apartment for another 2-3weeks

Iiiiii would not recommend that. Youre asking for a freeloader to use you and abuse you? Why?#

^ didnt want to sound like like a bloomer fag but yeah thats why. I was going to go offline forever till a robot talked me out of it for like 5hrs one day. I want to help someone and give someone a chance.

in all honesty i would advise you to not do this but if youre really up to it plese be as anal as possible about the interview process. i would hate for you to run into trouble for some robots fuckups

Hopefully it goes well for you and for them, that other user seemed like he needed it more anyways.

I've lived with roommates before who were practically random people.. it's not that big of a deal.

In most cases it probably doesn't matter, but it's best to be safe.

ive had my fair share of roommates and most of them were fine but one of them was pretty wierd. it was in college so you tend to be more open to late night shenanigans but he was gay and would come in with a ton of girls every other weekend or so. he would cry about how he loved some guy who was straight, i think, and my roommate and i would ask the girls if they wanted to drink more if we were home

It's not possible to be THAT safe about it. Anyway since nobody else left any detail I'll be brave: blank_spice#6267