Fembots, I'm genuinely curious to know how you ended up on this board. If you're willing, tell me your story. What was your childhood like? Where did it all start going downhill? How did you find this place?
Your replies are appreciated, thanks
Fembots, I'm genuinely curious to know how you ended up on this board. If you're willing, tell me your story. What was your childhood like? Where did it all start going downhill? How did you find this place?
Your replies are appreciated, thanks
You mean faggots? Lmao they are from reddit and tumblr
I only gonna say that I'm just bored and lonely. I'm here because of these reasons, I can't really get into a closer relationship with people.
Be my discord girlfriend and stop being lonely n bored forever
That's so nice user but I don't want to make your life shitty
You won't I'll take care of you for sure and will support you everyday and won't let you fall down
my story is pretty long, but its not worth typing out here or anywhere to begin with
I would like to hear your story.
If u want we can try talk a little, your discord?
You will probably be the best thing thatll ever happen to me
I would also like to hear it fren
I'm neet and don't really have other avenues to socialize. Not much else to it, I'm a boring person
Oki Doki
Can relate, I have emotional issues and makes errybody sad
All women are boring though. That's not why you're here.
I'm a neet too, if you're in Europe I'm willing to watch movies or whatever with you everyday or just chilling listening to music
its not even an interesting story. its only long because i can accurately recall all the abuse i endured
Pretty normal childhood just not a lot of friends ever so I pretty much grew up on the internet.
Sorry man, north america
It's an accessible place
That is sad to hear that you had to endure abuse. How bad was the abuse? Did things ever get better for you?
Daddy issues, and social ostracism since I was fat and people only knew me as the smart girl. I dress weird and am also autistic. I don't really care to associate with most the NPCs around me, but it does get lonely sometimes.
i am a shell of a person. the abuse doesnt go on anymore but its left me in a bad irrepairable state, so i am not sure if that is "better"
That's because you aren't as smart as you think you are
>age 13
>started high school
>didn't know anybody
>heard kids talking about Jow Forums
>i go online and look it up
>go on /b/ which is too fast
>go on r9k which is a good speed
>have posted here ever since
I don't feel like telling you about my schizophrenia or shut in years or abuse and shit, that has little bearing on why I am here.
Which part is?
I was glorified by my peers and teachers.
I got over it and I realize I don't know as much as I used to, and I was subtly arrogant about it. I was a bitch.
Now, I realize there's a lot I don't know, and I also realize that filling my head with things that didn't matter to me is useless anyway. I'm at peace now with my few hobbies and interests, and try improve myself and know about them. I don't give a shit really outside of that.