The year is 2020 and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now president...

The year is 2020 and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now president. She has decreed that everyone who has posted to Jow Forums in the last ten years will be identified and their posts will be attributed to them. Special emphasis is made on misogynist/racist/transphobic posts. How fucked are you?

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ill get funny looks for sure. but its still not as funny as anyone other than his Magadency being president in 2020.

Legally change my name and start a new life away from everyone I currently know levels of fucked.

I'm in the clear for the most part. But I have a huge latina fetish, and post threads about it all the time. Does that count as racist?

Not at all. I doubt that anyone has the competency to do that.

AOC cant run for president until shes 35. so you'll have to wait for 2024 sweetie

ok the year is now 2024

completely safe, unless i get fucked up in the head and start being an incel fag

not at all, I don't live in that shithole of a country

>tfw vagina envy spammer

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not at all, my posts would be hidden for fear of woking the public

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I actually like to fantasize about the day when this actually happens. I'de imagine it would be more of reconciliation type thing like what happened in South Africa after apartheid. Go forward and admit it then have it expunged from your record. Thing is its not really possible to prove who is behind every post. Sure you can get IPs but 10 years worth? Ive been posting on Jow Forums since 2007,probably used a hundred different IPs in that time on multiple devices many of which are now destroyed. Besides you can never 100% prove that it was you that typed it. IPs can be hijacked, people can literally use your phone or computer to type shit.

Also shes not gona win anyway haha. Shes a brain dead moron.

Does someone have the full webm of this?
I was on the fence when I first saw it, but I'd really like to beat my dick to it.

>tons of celebrities get outed as posting racist shit on Jow Forums in their spare time
AOC truly will bring us into the golden age of luls

You shouldn't have done that. Don't blame me, for what happens next.

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She can't run until 2024

Why would she make it public how much the left gets btfo when they can't sensor

Shit is going to be pretty fucking awkward since I make hatefuck threads and always post Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Other than that I am sorta kinda fucked since im NatSoc. But I may be let off a little bit since I don't make nigger hate threads or anything of the sort.

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Nice try, but I'm in incognito mode. They cant track me

Not fucked at all; I proudly own all of my posts.

A fun fact; if you opted into the "April fools" Facebook extension, and didn't disable it before it disappeared, it's still running and doing its job. You might be owning all of your posts as well.

I mostly nicepost and am generally a very positive person.

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>The year is 2020 and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now president.
Not fuckin possible.

kinda fucked here, even if my posts about womemes are mostly just in jest.
probably the most fucked here, though i don't think of myself as that racist anymore.
probably not very fucked on this one. depends on if they think that saying "discord trannies" is the gravest offense, it doesn't go much farther past that.

all in all i'm probably fucked but there are people on this site far more fucked than i am.

Nothing because

>The ISP probably deleted everything.

>Freedom of speech

>I don't live in USA

>She will probably never become president

I'm not in USA and my country is one of the few with the right to be forgotten.

>my country is one of the few with the right to be forgotten.

What about services outside of your country?

Does Michelle Obama look like an ape?

Holy shit origiganiggally

I have called more people a nigger om this website than I have talked to in my entire life.

>"April fools" Facebook extension
what is this?

She would have billions of posts to look through. And since near-complete anonymity is given to posters, she won't really be able to attribute posts to people beyond a reasonable doubt.

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That face is very unsettling.

Very very unsettling...

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>tfw baneposter

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I'm actually a militant feminist. I believe women are genuinely the superior sex, and men exist exclusively to serve and worship them. If women ran the world from the beginning, humanity would be in a much better state.

Don't fall for this baitey shit, Jow Forums was shilled to death with ocasio cortez stuff a few weeks ago, not the shills are targetting Jow Forums because they think you guys are susceptible to being bluepilled