AMA drunk fucker with current gf and has had sexual relations with 100+ girls

AMA drunk fucker with current gf and has had sexual relations with 100+ girls

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how easy is it for you to put on a condom? I have trouble since it keeps rolling into my foreskin even when I pull my foreskin all the way back. I even asked my sister for help since she's a nurse and says I really shouldn't be having that problem since it's not like my penis is very thick.

its pretty easy but maybe youre packing a monster? im 6 inches and normal girth from what i can tell and durex invisible, my goto condom, always fits surprised you asked yoru sister for advice though i think its pretty cool you guys are that close and cool with each other

My sister saw my dick and she said it's pretty average so it shouldn't be a thickness issue. 5 inch girth. Thanks for the condom recommendations. I always been using Magnums since they are easier to put on .

Nice post user. I got a mild boner to deal with now.

yea sounds like they were too big for girth even if you have a long dick. i go back and forth between the durex i mentioned and trojan ultra thin but i think the durexes are the thinner ones

Sister is a nurse so it isn't too weird. Free check ups at home.

i mean cool but id rather pay some money, which is pretty small since insurance covers most of it, thn have my sister check me up down there

I remember you from the last thread, you disgusting piece of shit. Here to post bleeding anuses and vaginas and whinge about how love isn't real because you burned out your dopamine receptors?

what thread was this? i havent done this in a few months and idk if youre talking about real pictures of bloody anuses or vaginas but that wasnt me. i also believe love is real

Oh. Well, pardon me, then. A while back some sociopathic sex addict did exactly that, claiming to have slept with a hundred plus women and proceeding to post a series of absolutely revolting images. I hope there is a hell, and I hope it's filled with the likes of him. Anyway, you said your dick is six inches, right? How do women react to it? Mine is six and a quarter, six and a half absolutely bone pressed and I'm super self-conscious about it.

How many encounters can you actually remember?

its okay, sounds like a nasty fuck. honestly i used to be self conscious as shit about it too. im on the taller side and it looked tiny compared to the rest of me and i was naive and though porn dick or kms. none of the girls i have been with ever said anything negative about it but i have had cases where they would talk to me aftersex and tell me how they were at first a little put off because they though it looked so small. again this was in cmparison to the rest of me but they said they were pleasantly surprised once i put it in. i still do make sure to be good at foreplay as well as the actual fucking though. size queens will not like us but you will be fine with 99.99999% of women bro

i was drunk for 90% of them and almost black out drunk for like 80% lol. however, the second time i stayed relatively sober so i do remember a lot of them iif they called back

Best and worst lays you had OP?

as normie as this answer is, the best is the last sex my current gf and i have. i used to sleep with a ton of girls to feel alive for an instant of cumming but i realized having sex with someone you love and who loves you back is unbeatable. worst is maybe my first time. i was drunk and had whisky dick where i got hard but couldnt cum. i fucked her for about 20 mins before she said 'why cant you cum already' and ended up jerking off on her face

So did she see your boner, did she help put it on and touch it too?

Yeah. She even tried putting on a condom after my failed attempt.

Did she jerk it a little bit?
Did you jerk it infront of her to get hard?

What do you look like OP? I refuse to believe anyone can have sex with over a hundred women unless they are Chad.

im not going to post a pic of myself althoguh ive done so in the past like an ass. im asian and on the tall side which is my biggest selling poitn

I jerked myself off to get hard. I got soft while she was putting on the condom, but stroked it to keep it erect, but not in a sexual way.

stop larping bro lol jesus christ you stroking now in a not sexual way thikning about your (You)s youre getting?