
lazy entitled bitch OR perfect wife material
such a hard choice...

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They should date each other and be CUTE lesbians.

I would prefer the girl on the left, since I do want to be the caretaker in the relationship. Why the fuck would anyone want the girl on the right? You might as well start dating your mother.

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they're both cute in their own ways
this, however, is based

>tfw no right bf

Some people want to be spoiled and some want to spoil. There's no right choice, it's just symbiosis. It's like a yinyang, neither part is better, you must have both to make a whole. If you don't like the one on the left, it just means this is the part you want to fill in a relationship yourself

the other images in the series are more even-handed

Dude they're both women so either way they will be entitled bitches

based and yuripilled

>not wanting a mommy gf
Fag detected.

reminder if you want right it means you ARE the girl on the left, so don't act like she's all that bad unless you hate yourself that much

I don't want either one of them desu.
I want a girl who will roam the streets beating people up with me and stealing shit

first post best post i'm so proud of you user

post these pictures originally

My first thought when I saw that pic. FPBP

How into stealing shit?

Balance and versatility is key. A mixture of the two is ideal.

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Cuz I got shit to do nigger, I got money to make.
My wife needs to do two things well: tend house and birth children. One of which only she can do and the other she is most likely more capable of doing than me. After that, I'll take care of the rest so she doesn't have to worry about anything.
There are two worlds in existence, the small and the large. The small is the home where rest and rejuvenation takes place for the man, and the other is the large where work is contributed to advance the society. One cannot exist without the other and neither is more important than the other. Different sexes are more inclined to manage each of the worlds - men to large and women to small. Both halves contribute something meaningful to the while.

Right girl or bust.

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The solution: They date each other.

If you desire the girl on the right you have the mentality of the girl on the left. A grown man shouldn't need to be mommied, fuck's sake you incels are pathetic

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you're on Jow Forums, you aren't doing any of that shit

>hug right one
>take food
>give food to the left one
>get hug
why not choose both

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I wouldn't expect my gook gf to put on a full yukata for some shitty firework show.

there's a couple [1/3]

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different ones I'm the series [2/3]

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these are all the translated ones I could find [3/3]

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(here's a bonus image)

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Protip: left only works because it's 2D.

I will take literally someone who loves me for who i am please.


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I'm a big fan of this post desu

I don't know how to cook anything that isn't pancakes, steak, macaroni and cheese, or a sandwich.

Wish they did those with men so I knew what is wrong with me.

desu user, thanks for feedback I'm glad my post made a difference to you

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all the ones on the right are better
also heres a correction for

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stop it STOP IT


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Fuck that I rather have an abacus calculator

>woman does something
>"Woah dude it's like dating your mother dude"
Absolute state of normies
Bsaed post

Doing what? Having a job? Because I have a job.
Getting the wife will hopefully come later

yes hahahahah YES

what's your job? what could represent that much of an advance for society that you need a mommygf

It's shitty customer service atm, but I'm looking to move into a cybersecurity engineering/analysis position. Currently in the networking phase.