How can you tell if a guy on r9k is just using you as a practice gf and isn't really serious about you at all
How can you tell if a guy on r9k is just using you as a practice gf and isn't really serious about you at all
fuck off discord roastie
fuck off discord roastie 2
>How can you tell if a guy on r9k is just using you as a practice gf and isn't really serious about you at all
discord roastie watch out this could happen to you.
over 3 months made a girl fall in love with me just to hurt her.
be careful, lots of people like me enjoy hurting woman for fun
You can't really
Unless it's me because I don't need practice I just need an actual serious gf
Whats his personality like and why do you like him?
kinda late but fuck off discord roastie
fuck off discord roastie 3
have common sense, retard. If you're already questioning it, then it's likely
Just ask him if that is what he is doing and hope that he is being honest when he answers. I personally would never do that to a girl, but I'm someone who strives to be honest and open.
How come you would do this? Don't you feel bad about hurting her?
>How come you would do this?
for fun
>Don't you feel bad about hurting her?
I didnt feel anything, I am however mad as she was saving money up for me and I didnt scam her first.
I do this to everyone, I dont hate woman, I actually like talking to woman more than men in some ways.
If he's ever said anything to you from his past that makes your feelings waver.
Like showed, it's hard to not mention how shit you are when talking to someone. They often make it obvious in a comment or two. Never think 'he's different now' or 'we have a connection and our feelings are strong' when something like that pops up. It is a serious red flag and I know this from experience. I brushed off what a man on here said about how horribly he hurt a girl thinking it was just his inexperience and cold feet, but it turned out he was just an awful person who used everyone from his family and friends.
>are you ugly?
yes and no. if he talks about having a future with you then you should be okay. if he runs for the hills when discussion about the future then yes.
>are you attractive?
then no
fuck off you ugly discord roastie neck yourself
If you're in a LDR, cause that shit is a meme.
if you are a fat goblina or fat sheboon then the chances are one hunnid
chances you are a fat goblina or fat sheboon are 100%
fuck off loser
So you're a complete sociopath then
both of you are pathetic lmao I cant imagine the things you had to say in that vocaroo she keeps
fuck off discord roastie 6
nah hes just a faggot. those "girls" whose feelings he hurt are desperate female incels/neckbeards, but those same girls wouldnt even acknowledge anons existence if they had met IRL. essentially hes just a >faggot
basically hes lower then an incel
>So you're a complete sociopath then
ASPD, sociopath just sounds edgy.
i mean basically yeah, wish I wasnt as I cant make friends for shit.
and I lose connections or cant connect to people.
>both of you are pathetic lmao I cant imagine the things you had to say in that vocaroo she keeps
I just said nice things, my voice is VERY youngish.
I am 25 but sound very young and femalish in some ways.
I use that to my advantage.
if some young girl asks me how old I am, I just do a vocaroo, doesnt sound so weird when someone who sounds their age tells them they are 25.
or I could lie but I never lie, just misrepresent things.
I should start lying as it would help me a lot but I just do this for fun.
>any girls want to help us both make money???
add me, I need a time stamp girl
>nah hes just a faggot
pretty much this desu
but only trannies are lower than an incel
this passed the robot?
why waste time on roasties. if you dont like women then dont talk to us. thanks
>why waste time on roasties. if you dont like women then dont talk to us. thanks
I actually talk to girls all the time.
I relate better to females.
I dont dislike woman, I dislike incels so much!
add me if you want, im a nice person.
tfw i did exactly the same thing but my victims were men
Are you ugly or pretty?
just master the prostate and he'll be "wrapped around your finger"
>tfw i did exactly the same thing but my victims were men
good, the world needs more suffering.
are you a woman, based.
I wish I was a woman so I could easily get orbiters and crush them or abuse them for $$.
I can give you the discords of some weak incels that you could build up and destroy if you want.
add me, tehy have $$ as well.
otakus senpai
Fuck off whore jannies ban this hoe pls
if you are hot then is serious for him, are you chubby/fat/ugly/old/not perfect then there is a chance he playing with you. Otherwise if you really want to know? you have to fuck him and then talk to him, if he changed somehow well... move on.
Why the FUCK do i have to explain this to you? what are you a martian?
also share nudes please.
>ASPD, sociopath just sounds edgy.
i mean basically yeah, wish I wasnt as I cant make friends for shit.
and I lose connections or cant connect to people.
Fucking retard, poor excuse. I bet it's self diagnosed otherwise you lied to your psych. You can't play an emotion card on Jow Forums you fucking soulless cunt.
>I bet it's self diagnosed otherwise you lied to your psych.
I mentioned some things to my psych I shouldn't have.
No they say I have ASPD and I wasnt even honest with them about shit as in I didnt want to have that on my record.
> poor excuse
like I said I wish I was normal, but its whatever.
I cant change I just blend in and get better at being bad :TFW:
Pretty based. I used to do this when I was younger, it gets kinda boring in the end tho.
You can still do that even if you're not a woman, just pose as one.
Does it matter? I met a girl in real life and she made my life miserable every day.
He's probably going to stop being caring and stop kissing you after some time and won't spend much time together with you
he's on Jow Forums... that's about the best answer I really have for this question. Don't go to a korean glue manufacture forum for love. You'll just end up with an ass kicking and your feelings hurt.
I would never do that.
I feel sorry for that girl and for yourself, I wish you get the help you need for the ASPD. I just hope she doesn't neck herself yet.
>inb4 gtfo whiteknight faggot
Also t. another aspd fellow member
is this you
You can't know but as a word of advice I wouldn't reckon to date anyone from r9k
>tfw no gf to love ever but sociopath user got one
I prefer my psychopathy to your sociopathy. I will agree, people are fun to play as pawns but throwing them away is retarded fren. Everyone has their long term uses, even roasties. If you can truly get into their heads you can change their entire personalities, alter them to be the perfect parlay tool... or political gain monkey. It's pretty much how I got to my current social status IRL. Don't always go for immediate gratification, long con the shit out of people. Believe me, as long as you can remember your lies you'll always come out on top.
You're really cruel.
If you don't like roasties, just avoid them instead of possibly hurting the 0.1% of nice girls.
I'll advise OP to never give him money and don't have sex too soon.
If the lad pressure you, he's probably an ass looking just to play.
>practice gf
Answer me this. What fucking soulles bastard would use anyone for a "practice bf/gf"? Please, tell me. I would like to know so I can kick this stupid fucking piece of shits teeth in for not being grateful when there are people who don't even get the opportunity.
I low effort, like I told her I like to manipulate people even showed her my piss bottles.
I fucked up like I said by hurting her for fun when she could have been a cash cow.
I dont lie.
I should start but dumb roasties like you if you are shit.
I never really try or put effort into manipulating people, just grab at chances or play with people if I am bored.
I should try actually get good.
>You're really cruel.
>If you don't like roasties, just avoid them instead of possibly hurting the 0.1% of nice girls
tehre are no nice girls, she was mean and insulted my friends Waifu and said he should die .
seriously fuck her, I hope she killed herself
>user mentions he manipulates people for fun
>b-but im different! I'll change him!
>gets btfo
>y u do dis? so sad :(((((
no sympathy from me. doing gods work user. play with and destroy their feelings like they all do it with others
Done this too, but only to essentially stacies and nigresses. I think I fucked up the latter considerably. Also several guys.
I am however envious that you got a supposed loli weeb gf in the first place. Always wanted this but could NEVER find one. I want a girl to protect and love, not some nasty ass stacy that wants cock.
Never low effort socio friend, It will end you up in a really bad spot that will possibly cost your life. Not that people like you and I truly care, but life's too much fun to waste.
>no sympathy from me. doing gods work user. play with and destroy their feelings like they all do it with others
dumb roasties man, they LOVE guys who are shit.
they are attracted to shit lie flies
do it to everyone man, especially incels.
, but I think im just incapable of caring :( except rarely
>Never low effort socio friend, It will end you up in a really bad spot that will possibly cost your life.
im hikki, I used to run round doing drug shit etc, obviously you gottah be smart then.
but my life is a waste so I can only do shit through the PC....
and its because im so bored
> Not that people like you and I truly care
I wish I could man, dont you wish you were normal?
One of the perks of being a psycho. You never have any real empathy or wish to be different, but you can fake it all. The only real person that I keep around just for enjoyment is more of a pet really, she does amusing things. I can't even feel anything when my family dies. Being normal would be less fun.
>You never have any real empathy or wish to be different, but you can fake it all.
tahts my thing, my friend wanted me to change but I only tried because they told me, and I just fake that I am being nicer when im still the same.
even my mum is just a tool for my benefit.
I would rather be normal though man.
I want to wake up and care for people, not be mentally ill.
im losing my shit day by day
That's where we differ my friend... saddly sociopaths have a sense of self and being. Psychopaths like me don't. We just know what we enjoy. That's the only drive we have, amoral hedonism.
I was made this way I was not born like it.
so yeah.
That's where the Socio in Sociopath comes from, it's not your fault friend. I was born like this, I've accepted and embraced it.
thanks for chat, I guess I need to accept I am like this and abuse it.
if I still went outside it would help me.
Is that you, gunjy/mouse, you mental case.
that's the spirit man, and go outside. You might like it more than you think.
jesus fucking christ you're both so cringey, you belong together
how do you approach this? what is the thought process?
just find it interesting, not wanting to do it myself