What would you do if your cute, loving and loyal girlfriend was raped while you were in a relationship with her?

what would you do if your cute, loving and loyal girlfriend was raped while you were in a relationship with her?

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Rage, I would want nothing more than to kill the guy who raped her.
My view of her wouldn't change. I'd still love her all the same.


but op
where do you think we are?

why have they raped our fair SHIBUYA RIN. I hear a very gentle sound.

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if she was actually raped and was not using it as an excuse for her cheating on me I would try to sue the rapist for all hes got and get him the maximum sentence possible or the death penalty
but where I live its more likely my GF cheated because she was "drunk" rather then being raped

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Check if she has STD's

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Not entirely sure I could ever forgive adultery. I know it's not her fault but fucking the same hole another man raped is gross, I also have zero tolerance for adultery so I would just dump her.

my GF wouldnt be raped in the first place because I taught her self defense, common sense, avoiding shady areas and gave/taught her how to use a gun

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If she was a virgin before she got raped then she is used goods and I would have sex with her while she is vulnerable and then dump her.

If I had already taken her virginity before she got raped I would tell her she has one last chance, if she is ever unfaithful again she is gone.

Absolutely this, OP is a cuck

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Pretty much this. I would probably to kill the fuck, but after initial rage I would proceed to beat the fuck out of him in court in organised manner.
You do not understand what adultery is, do you?

How would she be raped if she almost never goes anywhere without me? And the few times that she does, she's a good runner, told her what areas to avoid and to never be out at night or in areas with low amounts of people. Plus in most cases it's friends and acquaintances that do it. We have neither.

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If it's a normal girl I'll let the big strong police officers handle it because I am already lower than dirt in her eyes. I've failed my primary responsibility as her partner and she'll be looking to ditch me at the first opportunity because it's obvious that I am nothing more than a limb dicked, weak wristed eunuch.

If my cute, loving and loyal girlfriend was Shibuya Rin I would hunt down her rapist and butcher him, his dog and anyone who gets in my way. I would paint the walls of his miserable domicile with his fetid blood. I would dismember him then drive down the highway, throwing gory chunks of his body at roadsigns. I would go to the ends of the very earth to ensure that this piece of human garbage, this misconceived, soulless limpet who dared to touch my precious JK experiences a demise fitting to his stunted stature.

Dump her, used goods is used goods

I'd make sure that she was okay. I'd try my best to help her through it and just be there for her.
I would want nothing more than to strangle the life out of the fuck that did it to her, but her wellbeing is more important than my impotent rage.

Comfort her. If we assume that the title is all true, she couldn't have cheated on me, so I'd try to make her get over it. On the other hand, I'd either make sure the rapist gets jailed or, if there aren't any evidence, try to ruin social life by doxing and just make his image over the internet really shitty, I suppose with the help of (you).

>inb4 also check her for STDs

based obsessive bf

An eye for an eye, a rape for a rape. Show me where he lives.

She'll leave you.
You can't save a relationship after you let your woman get raped.

>cute, loving and loyal girlfriend
If she is indeed that (hint, no girl truly is) I would seriously have to blame myself.
If she was indeed "loyal" to a controlling ass like I am, it must have happened because I have not taken her safety serious enough and allowed her to ever get into a position where she could get raped.

If she is however the usual modern girl that "needed her night out with the girls and freedoms" against my wishes and decisions? Bitch made her own bed.

Kill the rapist.
My country's fucked justice system will let me go because i'm whiter than most of the populace and also rich and i have no criminal record of any kind.
Finally i'll have an excuse to unleash all my years of misdirectioned rage in one single person and know what it's like to take someone's life.

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In a way, that turns me on. The more ashamed and broken she feels after, the better. That way she is more clingy and dependent on me. Perhaps I can work something out with the rapist to stab her. After that, she'd have to be devoted to me. I'd be her beneficent overlord. She would only trust me. And she'd be adorable and ashamed.

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>tfw no obsessive bf that thinks about me, thinks about every single detail of my life and plans things for me

Depends on what you mean by letting her get get raped, but I won't simply be 24/7 right next to her.