Tfw skipped the "going to prom" side-mission

>tfw skipped the "going to prom" side-mission

no redos either. Fuck.

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It was ok. Truthfully, I barely remember it. I was so shy back then. Nothing happened, but it was a nice night. Chocolate fountain was tight. But don't feel like you missed a life changing experience or anything. I definitely have a long list of times in my life I want to remember, and prom is far from the top of that list.

>tfw never installed the "high school" expansion pack

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you dodged a bullet motherfucker, its fairytale bullshit and amusement for the faculty

prom was trash I just faked being excited and happy and even at the end of it didn't even get tits or pussy

I skipped all the side missions
Not kissless or hugless though but at this point i might as well delete save file

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Welcome to the bad ending

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I skipped. Was overpriced and no date. Hung out with a group of friends that night instead.

I had no friends.
Teacher asked me who I'm going with and I silently said I'm not going.
Then lied because 8 don't want to.

I just imagined myself there all alone.

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>went to school ball
>went to another school's ball
Both were dogshit. Like weddings, they exist so the girls can spend obscene amounts of another person's money on a dress, their hair, shoes, a limo and whatever else and feel like royalty for half a day. The boys are there to indulge them. And god help you if you don't like crowds, noise, dancing or being trapped at a table.

I only went because my asshole mum made me. I didnt take a date or comb my hair and remember she kept asking why. I to,d her its her fault for forcing me to go. And I got drunk in the limo in the way.

>TFW banned from prom for being too autistic

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>tfw showed up ALONE at hs prom and was also the first person to show up
I still remember the pitiful looks in the teachers faces

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>cried in bed all day due to anxiety and not wanting to go to prom
>parents force me, telling me I'd regret not going
>show up teary eyed, dressed like shit
>don't talk, dance, or even eat any of the food
>ask parents to pick me up and take me home

Best night of my life.

>tfw finished most of the side missions
>got no rewards

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Prom is a meme. I went with my group of friends and we just sat around chatting and drinking over-priced beer. The bar would've been cheaper and less depressing.

Thank god there are no proms in Germany.

>no redos
lmao he didn't know about junior prom or the option to romance underclassmen npcs
the sidequest has limited triggers, i missed it too

Its not really enjoyable unless you find somebody to go with, plus it was around 80 fucking dollars just to get the ticket. Dodged a bullet there op

>completed the prom side mission
>dance partner choose me to avoid even bigger autists
>she asked me to dance despite never really speaking before
>i felt like she lowkey hated me
>barely looked me in the eyes

i still regard it as a success story because the afterparty was fun

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>go there
>loud normie music playing
>everyone is dancing
>sit alone and drink
>other guys join me
>get hammered and go to bed


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As someone who completed that side mission, you didn't miss much content.

>dropped out and failed the main quest

I demand a redo.

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>go to prom
>saw actually a couple of qts with not so good looking guys because none of the guys wanted to dance

>Rushed through character creation
>Accidently clicked Hard Mode(Male)
>Hit randomize on body structure
>Didn't invest any points into INT, STR or CHR
>Leveled to 26
>Haven't completed any quests
If your character dies do you get to start again?

that's a side mission you actually HAD TO DO to get better stats for further gameplay. you basically messed it all up

Good thing my third world country has no concept of proms. That being said, my HS had the "advanced" levels of every language make a film as their final project and they even held an Oscar's-like ceremony at the end that you had to attend or you would get a shit ton of points taken from you. I didn't have much trouble because I had some good friends and most of the people there attended under the threat of losing points.

Only normies cared about it but they did go full tryhard, Chads and Stacies left and right in expensive suits/dresses, very well groomed, Stacies caked in makeup, some normalfags even arrived in limos for whatever reason.

As time went by the faggyness of the event skyrocketed to the point where for whatever illogical reason we got a catwalk-like thing in one of the entrances to the auditorium with pro-photographers, and the event was somehow sponsored by local car dealers and some other brands that had nothing to do with anything.

I believe some held an afterparty but only the turbonormies attended those, the rest of the alumni were tired from the past days of classes and left for their home.

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Went to my prom, it was nice, but imo it wasn't worth it.
>Spent a fortune buying my ticket and renting my tux
>Didn't even have a date, the girl I wanted to ask started getting distant
>Go with friends instead because none of us had dates either(lmao)
>stop at friends house for a pre prom party
>Loud ass aunt won't shut the fuck up
>Her husband is the DJ, is literally playing lil John
>Says "omg where's all the girls at??"
>Silence for a good 30 seconds
>Say "they're all already at prom"
>I really thought I was a Chad for saying that
>Eventually leave, can't handle any more early 2000s bullshit in my ears
>Arrive at prom, already a long line to get in
>Get searched, go in
>Nicely lit place, decide to sit for a little bit
>Spend majority of night sitting and talking with friendos, occasionally will get up and walk around
>See girl I like, say hi to her and her friends
>They didn't even expect me to show up, all of then thought I was gonna bail
>I should've
>School hires a shit DJ, so allot of Kesha and old 2010 songs playing
>This bullshit goes on for about 40 mins until the DJ starts to play True
>I am frightened
>Everyone starts to slow dance with their dates, I awkwardly walk away back to the tables
>Literally the only one there
>My friends practically disappeared at this point
>Don't know what to do at this point, decide to walk around.
>Apparently this qt girl tried to say hi but I couldn't hear her.
>I regret not looking to my right to this day
>Find friends, they're in the crowd forming a circle
>People start to dance in the middle, I try my best to stay away from the middle

keep going i wanna hear the rest ;;;;;;)

I dropped out at 14

Also forgot to mention how fucking bad the dance floor smelled. I have zero words for how fucking abysmal the place smelled.

>Eventually get roped in by friends
>Even my crush pulls me in
>Get shot out into the middle, all eyes on me
>Don't know what to do, I really can't dance for shit.
>Literally hop around until I return to my spot
>People are staring at me, even my crush is wondering what the fuck that was
>We're barely an hour in
>More slow songs play, I'm forced to leave again
>Wanted to ask crush to dance with me, couldn't find her
>See her walking with her friends
>Started to walk towards her, but she sees me
>Immediately goes for the bathrooms, her friends follow suit
>Walk back to table, once again I lose my friends
>Sit there for a while, occasionally go back to dance floor if a good song was playing
>Start to enjoy myself for a bit
>Can't remember much, all I know is I almost fought my friend because he stepped on my dress shoes
>I liked those shoes
>Prom ends, walk with friends back to the car
>Other friend depressed cause he couldn't talk to a girl he liked
>Friend who's driving pulls out some vodka he had stashed in his car
>Take some shots on that on the way back home
>End up crashing at friends house
>Wake up and go home happy
Prom wasn't the best but it was an experience. Girl ended up rejecting me anyway so fuck her.

>Highschol chad was an ultra heavy mental dude
>Two hours in he got bored took a case of beer and left for the woods
>Wanted to blast music and drown himself in beer with two of his buddies
>You could hear all kinds of shit from the woods
>Bottles breaking
>Engines going apeshit
>Even a fucking chainsaw
>All the hot chick and jocks followd suit
>Only the uggos autists losers and super thoths in expencive dresses were left
>still didnt talk to them
>turnes out up there was cool as fuck
>i wasnt there


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>was normalfag for one year in high school (senior year)
>had digusting gf
>went to prom
>went to her house after prom and fell asleep in her bed in a tux
>woke up at 5am in a cold sweat
>was afraid her dad was gonna blast me with a shotgun

>completed secret mission "become Prom King because other normies pityvoted you"
I didnt know it existed

>when you skip all the side quests don't level up enough in the early part of the game

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Are you my friend? Ill never forget going to prom with all my nerdy friends who somehow came to bloom senior year and the absolute feeling of pride when my friend was up there wearing a wreath on his head and was nominated as prom king. I literally couldn't believe it.

Help a non-Americuck understand something
Is prom a yearly thing or is it a one-time "In final year of highschool" thing?

For me there was a few dances "like prom" but the one that is called prom is the last one in your last year of high school towards the end of the year.

Sorry for the long wait friend, was talking to my cousin. Hope the ending is satisfying :]

I doubt it because i didnt have any friends at school.

skipped my prom too. I remember my mom being very upset. I stayed at my step parent's house and played video games because I didn't have a date or any real friends.

sorry you got an autistic, unrelatable daughter mom..

Whats was the game? Did other girls shun you?

Well its better than never unlocking it before the timer runs out I guess.

Skipped mine too. My mom tried to convince me to go even if I didn't have a girl to go with. That was probably the point of no return. Now I'm 33 and never been on a date.

At my prom they played the music so loud you could not talk to anyone. It was typical normie rap shit so I was not going to dance. I ended up just leaving early and telling my friends to meet me at the car, I was the driver, when they were done

>guy that friendzoned me said he'd take me as a pity date because he "promised, I guess"
>racist ugly fat guy asked me as his backup date in case his ugly gf said no
I stayed home on Jow Forums and never talked to any of those people after highschool again. If you were a fucking loser in highschool it's best to just forget it and create a new life. I will never attend a reunion and as far as I'm concerned I got my diploma and got the fuck out

>Oh yeah I got fuckin smashed!
Drinking alcohol is degenerate. I'm disappointed in all of you.

not at all, I was just friends with the other autists and didn't want to go out with them

I'm just now realising quite how many second (third, fourth, fifth, etc.) chances you get in the early game with all the different sidequests. Not just in regards to sex and relationships either, but all the main questlines.
The overwhelming majority of different endings are started there, and (especially if you start with a shitty roll) the game becomes really punishing if you just sped through it. I'd say a good 60-70% of the in game content is locked off for you. I often think about whether I should cut my losses and delete the save file.

>Get searched, go in
I don't think americans realise just how dystopian their lives really are.

My version of the game doesn't have that mission.

I skipped coz no one wanted to come with me lol

I followed my father's footsteps and never went to prom. Prom is for faggots who need to feel like they are in a fucking high school movie.

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>be girl
>never get invited to Prom by any guy
Nah you're just fucking ugly

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if you do enough side quests you can often jump back into one of the main lines. you can spin this as being more "cultured" and "experience" than those that stuck to the main quest lines

>literal faggot who didn't go to prom
>"prom is for faggots who bla bla"
lol. it's not a big deal either way. senior year we partied every weekend and i can barely remember prom. people went because they wanted to dress up to look nice and dance. what movie are you talking about gaylord?

I never went because I didn't ever want to see anyone from high school outside of school. I don't like those people.

Sorry but I was looking forward to real life. You sound like one of those faggots who think High school was their glory years

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I skipped the college graduation party

I avoided the social shame of having no date and did not had any bad side effects from missing it

never join normie social events if you know you won't get anything out of them

Tfw denied 3 girls because I was an angsty faggot back in high school. Glad I didnt go but wish I would have went out with one of those girls.

I only know one of them now 10+ years later and she said that haunted her for years. Kinda feel like a dick kind of feel alpha. Small victories I suppose.

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>literal faggot who had his head in the clouds as a teenager
>"you sound like one oft hose faggots who bla bla"
high school was the awkward years. my life turned out p. good, you're trolling the wrong one

I went to prom twice and I am a 30yo neet, I wasted hundreds of dollars om tailoring/grooming and I ended up having more fun in my senior year when I threw an anti prom party.

They breathalyze at my school's prom which is why only fucking lame people went.

I don't know if I should congratulate or reprimand you

>skipping the college graduation party
I'll be doing that too along with skipping graduation ceremony because I'm a fucking adult and I don't care about some ceremonies. I'm only here to get the fucking paper and get my ass on an airline once I have the hours

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Puritanical cuck

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I skipped it too.
Zero regrets.

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How do I unlock companions?
I had some during the school turorial but I think they're just complimentary with the game right? I've been playing for a while now and without the added flavour dialogue and character quests there doesn't seem to be much content until I have to start balancing health stats in middle age.
It's like I'm playing a beta version of the game, can anyone help?

Prom itself usually is alright or sucks, it's the after party that you want to go to

I asked a shrimpy asian nerd girl.
It was pretty fun desu.
It was lots of fun... one of the best nights of my life...

It was 2008 btw.

Went to prom, was alright. We had more of an official ball than party, so parents were invited. Was in a very large and fancy hall, hung out with parents the entire evening, laughs were had. Quite honestly might as well have stayed at home and had dinner together.

originally requesting a story of what happened

>meet random guy online when I was 16 who happens to be in the same state
>meet for the first time to go to his prom in this small hick village
>hes awkward and a fucking psycho horrible person thats very dry and fake
>talks about wizard101 on busride
>im too shy to say more than 2 words or dance so I just sit alone waiting for it to end and go to the bathroom panicking
>we go to the photobooth
i turn the picture thing down on the table so i dont see my face and look down at the table
>we awkwardly slow dance to 1 or 2 songs
>some chad comes up and pushes us together since we were far apart
>he gets uncomfortable

the thing is im hot now but still a virgin. I really wish I could redo high school and be stacy or even a cute girl next door. Even though technically I went to prom I feel like I still missed the experience since I didnt know anyone there and the guy was so wierd and it wasnt at a school in a wealthier area.
Im lucky that after high school people mostake me for being 15 or 16 still. I wish that I knew a cute teenage boy that would take me to his prom.

>no prom, that disgusting Americanism had not been imported yet when I graduated
>leavers disco held in a shitty local community centre instead, as it should be
>no limos, no fancy suits or dresses, just a crap DJ in a cramped room
>go for like 20 minutes before leaving to drink cheap lager on the beach with friends
>one of them brings vodka, it's his first time drinking it, gets utterly smashed and can't stand
>see police nearby coming towards us, leave him on the beach and run off, see them attending to him so don't feel bad about it
>find out the next day he ended up in hospital and got his stomach pumped

Okay night 6/10

We need a story and we needed it yesterday

I have great memories from my prom nights

Junior prom: had a CAL-im match playoff match in cs 1.6
Senior prom: My guild's first c'thun kill in vanilla wow

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I know what other robots are saying but it's something you never forget.

>Ask a qt to prom and she actually says yes
>Ecstatic as fuck to go with her
>A few days go by of us getting the plans together
>She mentions bringing her friend and me picking her friend and her up to go to prom
>I say her and i should do something together for prom instead
>Tells me she has a boyfriend. She basically wanted me to be a chauffeur for her and her friend
>Don't talk to her for a whole year after that
>Ff a few days
>Another qt i used to know whom I used to work with finds me in the hall before class
>asks if i want to go to prom... As friends.
>Say yes because i still wanted to go but just not alone or with a group of friends like a loser
Cont. ?

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Went on both mine

>Junior Prom
We had em with the seniors, we were paid with a senior that lined up with our height (Literally stood in line by height and was paired with the girl across). Got paired with a real QT but I can sense she was pretty disappointed with me. She went off and became a lesbian later on, or Bi I'm not sure.

>Senior Prom
No juniors here, it was more casual. Assigned a partner by height again, but since there was literally only 2 Senior Classes/Sections (whatever you call it) everyone pretty much just knew each other.

My highschool was pretty tame, there was no big controversial event. No one got pregnant early, nor did anyone bring alcohol or stuff like that.

*paired with a senior. Not paid.

go on mate, cont. this shit

>high school was the awkward years
>he claims to have gone to parties every weekend

Turbo normies like you should have their eyes melted with a bic lighter. The fucking audacity.

I did it but I was honestly overated. Had dinner took some pictures with friends, Danced to normie music and went to a hotel with my gf afterwards. Im not a party person but I can say for certain that it was shit. There was an after party but I didn't go because it was going to be all of the Chad's/Stacy's.

Prom is a total waste of time unless you have a huge social circle. If you're just gonna sit by yourself in the dark for a couple of hours, you can do that for free at home where it's much quieter and more comfortable.

>establish a cool guild in 6th grade
>do fun quests and raids together
>after the main quest graduation many friends leave the guild
>The few left are in-active except for the boring yearly happy birthday side mission

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They search for alcohol and drugs more than weapons.

Pole here
They search us too even thou its impossible to get guns here. The searches are all for alcohol

I'm jealous dude that sounds fun as fuck. I wish I was able to actually accomplish something in games.

>Too lazy to play the ticked and rent a suit.
>Didn't have a date to go with either.
>Where I live, traditionally on last year of HS, they orgazine a vacation trip, which is pretty expensive, and they all come back from it looking like hammered shit due to partying almost every nigh, not sleeping well, heavy drinking, being on a different climate.
>I saved up all that money to upgrade my PC instead.
No regrets, really.

Nothing exciting really happened to me at my prom, danced and took pictures all the normie shit
However, soon after it circulated someone sucked off another bloke in the toilets so that was

I went to a all boy private school and they had a mother and son dance. I wish i could've stayed longer in that school to experience that

I went to prom. While I was trying to ask a girl out at the end of the night someone came over to interrupted. It was dark and I couldn't see who it was so I told them to fuck off or I'd punch them. It was a teacher. Night did not end well.

>Get searched
>at prom

>never did highshool main quest
>convince myself persona 4 was my real highschool experience

Everything went better than expected.

tfw, school didnt allow prom when it was my time
tfw, we went for eating pizza instead
tfw, will never now the feeling of hormones and youthful panick

i got banned by the high school admins long before i had any chance at the prom event

>Tfw me and a bunch of potheads smoked our lungs out that Saturday instead, hung out for 2 hours and then went home
>Tfw I was laughing like a faggot the whole day instead of wearing an uncomfortable suit
>Tfw I ate fruit loops, jacked off, and played vidya again that night higher than a kite
I don't give a fuck what anyone says, I probably had more fun that day than if I went to prom. I heard from some friends that it was boring and all the girls thought it was cool. Apparently people had cold feet about the fucking, and no one really did it unless you were close to your date.

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Prom itself was just like a wedding reception but without your old relatives. The afterparty is where the action is at.

Prom is just another example of how real life is nothing like the movies or TV.
You should go so you won't have the regret of not going. But you shouldn't spend any more money on it than you have to. Wear you graduation suit, call an uber, and have a plan for what you're doing afterwards.
Renting a tux and limo is for retards.

Same actually. The principle knew I was a spastic and he didn't want me causing trouble for the normies at their precious mating ritual. So he invented some reason to ban me from going. I was banned from the senior field trip too for the same reason. I should have bombed that shitty school when I had the chance. It would be meaningless to do it now after so long.

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>tfw skipped the prom side-mission and watched anime instead
Nobody liked or knew me well enough to go with me and I didn't like much music that wasn't in Japanese so I sure as fuck wasn't dancing. Crisis averted I'd say.

They're looking for liquor, not guns dipshit