ITT: Asian Women

When it comes to human evolution, they are at the top of the pyramid. Highly educated, perfect etiquette, high fashion senses, health conscious, cultured, traditional, loves pleasing her man in the most sexual deviant manner possible, as well as, being sexually pleased by her man in return.

Name another female race that can do ALL of that?

Protip: you can't

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sage goes in all fields because this is an original comment while this post is unoriginal

>human evolution
>lists only learned things

Wrong, scienctists have found a special gene within the Asian female race, which has, for whatever reason, skipped all other female races, that allows them to evolve both mentally and physically at an alarming rate, thus leaving an open book when it comes to the next step of human evolution. This evidence is undeniable.

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100% true. and theyre only for WHITE men

This is the average asian female most white guys get

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y u do this? asian women love White men.

dont worry, asian men will teach White women to be just as submissive as asian women in bed. and in a couple generations White men will want to trade back


this is the sort of post that needs saged

Here is the average african/black woman white guys can get.

>black women

wow way to interject a group of women nobody was thinkin about until now much appreciated

jews brought their black slaves to America. jews have enslaved blacks for milennia

yelowfeverfags BTFO
that's you average asian female

are you the black woman? black people crowd asian spaces like fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk online

Lol, forgot the pic.

Anyways, on average WMAF couples are less attractive than WMBF, BMAF, and even AMBF couples.

And its extremely hard for me to find children out of those relationships that are mentally fucked in the head.

Meanwhile WMAF produce mentally insane or defeatist nihilistic offspring.

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nope thats wrong, jewish slave master

Just keep looking at them through your screen

actually the mentally hapa offspring are jewish. looks like jews have yellow fever, go mix with your pet blacks lol

lol yep slash thread

quit shilling the racemixing, shlomo. also, wmaf is easily the most subhuman racial pairing and if they have sons ALWAYS result in elliot rodger tier mentally ill self hating truecels

yes the jew hapas are fucked i agree

go mix with your pet blacks, jews. your talmud is a book on slavery you wrote about the blacks

>hey joe, i just got my asian wife in today
>thats really cool harry, we should get the guys and their asian wives together and celebrate
>later that evening

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all consentual
no jews

jew mad? go breed with your pet blacks

You guys should check out Jakenbake on Twitch. He's a white guy who streams in Tokyo and has a qt Asian girl with him named Amy. He's live now.

he's also gay, oh wait sorry jake.

You're gonna get a lot of hate for this OP but you're right.

>And its extremely hard for me to find children out of BMAF relationships that are mentally fucked in the head.

Thats because they're non existent. Asian women hate blacks.

>all hapas are Elliot

>meanwhile full whites do elliot tier shootings every WEEK

Hapas are less mentally ill than whites or blacks

OP is a retard who tries to group people into categories that follow some exact specific traits and probably has not dated an asian women

wow, talk about narrow minded user.

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Lol you're a huge cuck. If anything they're the most bitchiest woman on the planet and only care about getting higher on the status ladder

Nice outlier user. What he said is true though

Do you guys think it's feasible to go to thailand or whatever and just straight up bring a girl from some bar home? How do people export wives from there anyway?

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This post is beyond delusional. I'm just going to pretend it's bait and move on with my life.

>Asian women hate blacks.
Ever heard of Blasians?

just go there and use some dating app. bam, you have a wife. Make sure she's somewhat westernised so she's not expecting a dowry or other bulshit.

Wrong. Ive seen some brilliant WMAF mutts, and some WMAF mistakes. Just being a mistake with asian genes is being unlucky and nothing else

Mixes exist with every race, even abbos or indians. it's just extremely rare.

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no, he's only right that asian women don't like blacks, but he's wrong to say that ALL asian women don't like blacks.

educate yourself you bigot.

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>Mixes exist with every race, even abbos or indians.
No shit, sherlock.

>asian women hate blacks
Unfortunately, mistakes are made

I've heard of asian americans fucking blacks, but those aren't real asians. I've never seen a true blasian

I was in Tokyo recently and saw 90% japs, 9% WMAF, and like 1% BMWF.

Didn't see a single black guy with an asian girl even in Roppongi. Also the women in Tokyo are the most beautiful on earth. No other country can compete.

>Asian-americans aren't real asians
>I've never seen a REAL asian with a nigger because they don't exist

checkmate whitey

God she looks so fucking unattractive, like she reincarnated from a fucking fish from the deepest parts of the ocean.

except they live in america retard. hence asian americans

user, you know damn well if she was with a white guy you'd be talking about how much you want to suck the shit out of her asshole.

hah same desu, what is it about seeing a girl with a black guy that is so revolting?

yeah, they MOVED to america, RETARD, doesn't make them any less asian.

they're scared the big bad alpha nigga will steal asian women away from them.

hence why they always try to talk shit about us and asian men, to asian women.

They really can't stand seeing white women with asian men either because their tiny dick meme didn't work on some of them.

I've never seen a white guy care about asian guys getting with white girls. I have a few friends like that. The really racist ones only care about black guys taking their girl.

this is the biggest example i could find but,

basically a bunch of white incels on this girl's stream are mad they gave her their money and she's marrying an asian guy instead of one of them.

>internet comments= real life racism

Also, they were probably more upset at the fact that their favorite e whore has a bf in real life. Shit like this happens all the time.