I just had a threesome with my girlfriend and my ex. Ask me anything

I just had a threesome with my girlfriend and my ex. Ask me anything
Pic unrelated

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how numb do you feel? would you do a couple jumping jacks right now?

Good job user.
Just here to say that i've done it multiple times as well with my gf and my ex. It feels amazing. Especially when they both start liking each other.

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sigh. its a harem/paypig society on looks.

I have one thing to ask of you.

Go back to facebook and neck yourself

Your current gf will always be insecure now. You ruined your relationship.

relationships dont matter. we are heading towards a communal relationship where monogamy doesnt exist

>just had sex
>better go boast to a bunch of social reject virgins

Why do people do this

And here I am, not having had sex in 4 years.

I agree, they're friends now

because monogamy doesnt exist, instead you tell the global community because we are one big relationship with each other.

>want to kill myself
>not do it, but whine about it here

It's the same thing for everything. Attention. Every single thread here is made for attention and (You)s.

I only feel numb because I'm baked
I've never in my life had a facebook.
Nah shes into girls, so it counter acts it
Im sorry bruh
Just apply yourself you got it

Well what else is Jow Forums for dumbass?

>tfw soon the "tfw no gf" threads will turn into "tfw no gf for me and my gf" threads

I never said to not do it idiot. I just answered your question why.

>Nah shes into girls, so it counter acts it
It would have if it was a different girl. She'll always compare herself to your ex now and wonder if you like sex with her more. I think you fucked up.

No lol my girlfriend wanted me to retard you assume you know everything. We are comfortable in our relationship and she knows I don't think higher of her because if I did I'd be dating her

How long do you think it will be until your relationship dies a fiery death?

Just had a foursome with OP his gf and his ex. Ask me anything.

Prolly a while
That's sick

>tfw I have a wife who hates faggots, dykes and "bi"fags
Bretty gud

>thinks it's cool to fuck two landwhales who go out with a drug addict

>have a wife who hates fun
>hate fun
>wtf why do i have no sex life anymore

>mfw all these sour grapes itt

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>"bro, you should be happy for me bro"
Just fucking fall head first on a nail you nigger.
Anyone around here can fuck two stonehead 10/10 escorts any day of the week, you're not special.

>his face keeps puckering up

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>homosexuality is fun
Not as fun as it's going to be when the caliphate is established and lezzers get thrown off of rooftops.

>the caliphate wont accept you for following their laws and having multiple wives

tfw have masturbate to that pic several times

They won't when they find out his wives are carpet munching freaks. Pretty sure OP is Jewish too.
Me? I'll pay my jizya and join the Virtue Police.

>he has no idea how Islam works

He believes rooftop execution of homos are a meme or he is fishing for (You)s

yea but most people come here to relate to other social rejects, not to see some chad boast about all of the sex his had, although op is more than likely just a virgin too.

What happenes to the r9k i once knew? Why isnt anyone being hostile to this normalfag? These fucking cunts need to leave

Would you and your girlfriend be willing to be fucked by a horse?

I am asking for a friend.

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i want to be loved
am i asking for much?

I'm not here to ask you anything, just to warn you. Don't ever get into a committed relationship with both of them if they want you too... it's a living hell that a worse punishment couldn't be imagined even by the gods of pain and suffering themselves. Every day you'll beg for death and it never fucking comes. just run while you have the chance.

Yes, your mere existence deserves death and disparity. You have ravaged life from your very birth and deserve all the pain life has to throw at you until your body shrivels in decay.

nice prose you got there user
have you ever tought about writing a book ?

Now I am interested on why, can you please elaborate? You sound like you are talkinf from experience.

Hahaha, that's cool!
I just had a threesome with them too.

If they're both not in a caliphate or morman or some bullshit then they're mentally unstable. I've done this stupid shit twice. Once in highschool and once as an adult. They obviously have to either be Bisexual (Which usually carries the weight of being self centered and hedonistic) or Mentally unstable (Which carries more emotional weight than even a psychopath who feels no empathy can handle) Every opportunity they get they'll either remind you how lucky that you are or accuse you of liking the other more. If you don't give a shit about the former they become violent and began trying to entrap you, if you don't give a shit about the ladder they will try to one up each other which ends up physically tasking for you real fucking quick. If you do give a shit about the former the pendulum continues to swing lower and they begin treating you like a toy or an object, if you do care about the ladder your an idiot and will become emotionally exhausted withing a year... tops. the threesomes aren't worth it... watching them fuck isn't worth it... Alcohol can't fix your issues... it's just better not to get in that car, the son of a bitch will crash when the wheels fall off.

Please stop with the roleplaying. No one on r9k has had sex before.

I always thought it was already a burden to handle one girl, but Jesus Christu trying to please two of them sounds like an absolute pain in the ass by your no win description. The brief moments of pleasure and the bragging rights is all you really get.

>implying we don't get the last laugh when OP gets cheated on, has an STD or in jail for a false rape.

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no shit women are never pleased because of hypergamy. my mother is a fucking nagging cunt that is never pleased and is bored with the current relationship.

buddy I could go into deeper detail if I had the time. but yes, that is the short version. it's never fucking worth it because eventually no one gives a shit about those after a short while either...

was it good? I'm having a hard time finding another girl to fuck my gf and I, they all want relationships, or are already in relationships.

Even Eve in the Garden of Eden got bored with perfection itself!

eve was just programmed to be a submissive wimp and followed any orders given to her. At least Lilith got kicked out for having her own personality.