Women are boring, vapid and shallow

they are not into politics
they are not into history
they are not into philosophy
they are not into outdoor activities like camping
they are not into cycling
they have shit taste in music and movies
they do not know how to cook

only redeeming quality is they can make babies, that's all

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I've been thinking a lot about this as well. I think it's because a womans appearance is the most important thing, and so their only passion or interests end up being make up and fashion.

men no longer get to decide whether women are important or not

They never needed to develop a interesting personality, they have high sexual value as soon as they are out of the womb.
Men not only need to work on their appearance, they also need to develop interesting characteristics to have a value in the first place. That's why hero journeys are always about men.

>capable to find the exceptions
>fall in love
>"I has bf, lets be platonic friends user!"

I WISH I could just claim they did not exist, I really do.

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thats only Stacey.

hstorically only 20-40% of men reproduced. but over 80% of women did.

what traits did those exceptional men pass down that women didn't have to possess? thats where the difference lies.

i need some stats on this. i feel like if that were true, there should be much more beautiful people on thid earth

No, that is all of them.
Females will get a bf whenever they desire one, it is as simple as that.

nope. its only Stacey.

There are no expectations dipshit. You've just proved that to yourself if you head wasn't up your ass. Why do you think so many men get screwed over? They all think the same dumbass shit as you
>n not muh gurl, she's the exception.

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those exceptions have even higher market value that's impossible to find single one

Are you XX female? Go post discord, area and pic on /soc/ and start sieving the worst one.
>10 interesting candidates before Monday
>likely relationship before Wednesday.

Sure thing boyo.
Stop looking in the wrong places.

>making babies
>redeeming quality
some would disagree

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no. its only Stacey, orbiters dont orbit non-stacies

>orbiters dont orbit non-stacies

post tits with timestamp and you'll see how wrong you are

what are right places?

they dont. remember that justine lua cassidy chick? nobody orbited her, so she fucked off

Those are some hardcore normie interests there.

>no. its only Stacey, orbiters dont orbit fatties with ugly faces

Fixed that for you senpai.

I don't, I don't frequent r9k that much, but I remember that once some asian chick with deformed arm posted and orbiters swarmed in

ok beckies get orbiters too for sure

You're all pathetically naive to the point of mental retardation.

Really just underlines the point, don't it?

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The only value a woman has as a human being is through her beauty. Without beauty and her as an object of desire, she's not even much of a human being. She has nothing else.

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same with men. pretty much

>muh you are normie if you don't watch anime and don't play vidya
I don't, I'm older than 18

No, men is not a purely sexual object. I would go as far as saying that soul has been given solely to men and not to woman. A woman is nothing but her sexuality, if you want a comprehensive explanation, read this book called Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

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Then why can you see plain or even ugly girls with bf all the time?

go for trannies instead, they are completely vice versa i.e. fun and barren

i always thoight that men wanted stacey girls, that virgin,weeb,shitposter girls that like intelligent convos wernt welcome. sure my bf says he loves me, but he probably prefers the stacey even though he says im his ideal.

>they are not into politics
Jow Forums is not politics, and we both know it m8
>they are not into history
Granted, at most they'd be interested into traditions and clothes
>they are not into philosophy
You are a pseud that doesn't hang out in the right circles
>they are not into outdoor activities like camping
Good activity for an animal. But I live in a mountain area so I see lots of females taking the trails with a backpack.
>they are not into cycling
Autistic factor for deciding they are boring. Even as a guy I find cycling boring af
>they have shit taste in music and movies
Maybe different. Depends what you personally like
>they do not know how to cook
Most people here don't know either. Girls just order food online or make meme salads and sandwiches

go die faggot, noone needs your input

men are power plants, like the mitochondria. but some power plants are much more desireable than others, because sexual

because he misspelled vagina as beauty

>they are not into politics
stopped reading right there. if you are "into" politics in any way, you need to seriously rethink your life.

you are pretty silly

Even an undesirable man has a soul and interests while a woman does not. A man has a life and a sexual life that are separate, women have not. Women's life is intrinsically linked to her sexual life. Man is also sexual, but woman is wholly sexual. She has no value other than her sexuality and she damn well knows it. Read Otto Weininger's Sex and Character and as long as you aren't a dead smooth brain retard you will understand what I'm talking about. Women have no soul.

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Disagree. 40+ women are tend to be much more normal and down to earth than younger ones. 50+ women (who are not alcoholic) are sometimes even bro tier. It just that you don't look at them like women anymore.

>Don't even watch or think about how people are fucking you over, that is not for you. Just consume and follow the rules, drone!

Useful tool.

Sort of. "How people are persuaded to vote" is a different discussion from the gossipy minutiae of what Steve Bannon's drinking habits are

wrong. wrong, men and women have both such lives. wrong, women are professionals too.

no your opinions suck. i dont need recs from you

don't be delusional, real men prefer virgin shitposting girls that like inteligent convos

>no politics
good, i wouldn't date a fucking Jow Forumstard
>no history
most of it is just surface level eurocentric shit
>no philosophy
"duuuude, what if we like... live inside a computer duude...
>no outdoor activities
outdoors are either too hot and filled with disgusting invertebrates or too cold, not worth the trouble
>no cycling
only faggots ride bicycles, either you drive a car or you walk.
>have shit taste in music and movies
all music is shit except the stuff i listen to, movies are obsolete and have been surpassed by video games
>no cooking
food is shit.

>women are professionals too.
More a point for being soulless than against it desu

roastie detected
stay mad, sexual object, your whole worth is your fertile hole between your legs

>weeb,shitposter girls that like intelligent convos
>has bf
What surprise.

i don't know if thats sarcasm or not
i really dont feel good enough for my bf, even though were both similar people and stuff. idk what to do i feel like shit because maybe he'd prefer a stacey and i feel like he'll leave me for stacey when he gets fit. im not fat or anything and apparently im atractive and beautiful to him, but i dont really wear makeup and shit

dont matter, men are the same

yea ok

>he thinks politics is spouting nigger, cuck and kike
wew lad

she's a typical female robot

Wrong. Men are the ones deciding it, just not men like us. Stacys dont put on makeup and dress up for themselves they do it for chad and he allows because why wouldnt he

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i think its pretty surprising that i have a bf lol

it's not, i'm serious.
sure you'd like to bang stacy, but what else would you do with her

wrong. those men are a relics without an heir and will die out.

Women are absolute thrash. Are you a roastie trying to defender the nigger of genders?

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stop. you know im not

im female desu, not a tranny

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i really wish Jow Forums has a similar rule to those henhouses like lolfarm and to wizchan and banned whoever claimed to be a woman on spot

holes aren't welcome here
no, your personality doesn't matter
no, we don't care if you think you are a robot or something

You're a dumb roastie whore. You're thrash. You're shit under my shoe, you filth.

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keep going robot

Pretty much this. If you start paying attention it becomes kind of obvious too.

>guys getting a free fuckhole every WE
>without an heir
lol k

The absolute state of that fucking bedroom jesus titty fucking christ man.

ok your words not mine. cant blame others for misogyny when u perpetuate yourself

feminists btfo, gg

I hoped I was talking with a female and not a mentally ill man

>Jow Forums was ever made to be a board for loser incels
>even with the raid overstaying for almost a decade it will ever become one officially
>people here care about you, your life or your personality either
>it's not the orbiters, faggots, discordfags and trannies that ruin this board by constantly larping and begging for cock and pussy instead of posting original content

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that could be, but i see you interpreted heir as purely biological and not mental. their sons will be soft feminine boys

i wish I could kick a girls ass right now or kiss one, or both

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fuck off underage tryhard subhuman

There is a reason why women are all the time worrying about makeup and being pretty and other girls being pretty. It's their value. Everything, since the VERY beginning of woman is her sexuality. There's NO DENYING THIS. Women were made and all her psychology directed towards sexuality. You can see this even at children, while men are interested in toys and many things and adventure, woman thinks only of ONE thing, what leads to marry, she dreams of meeting her enchanted prince EVER SINCE SHE WAS A CHILD, and the only toy she enjoys is having a BABY toy because even as a child, her biological instinct is to take care of her babies. She has no sense of adventure, of curiosity, of nothing. She is purely sexual. She dreads when she hits the wall, while some men embrace it as the time of more wisdom and financial security etc. Young boys, before puberty, detest the idea of marriage, women embrace it. Is there any more proof that woman was biologically determined to ONLY want marriage and children and fulfill this role? They have no mentality nor capacity for anything else. Woman was created for man, and woman will ALWAYS want a man that's more intelligent, rich etc. than her. That's because she's childish and her mentality ONLY focused towards the sexual.

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Stacey is only for fuck and dump and really nothing else
Qt virgin femenine woman is gf/wife material

>not linking outdoors, not liking cycling
absolute state of amerifats

wrong. welcome to the current year

Women? How needs women? Brother, this is all you need...

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>dudebros and pseudo intellectuals that did philosophy 101 at college instantly seething

It's a simple FACT that every single one of those interests are plastered o nevery single roasts and Chads profile on every single website they infest.
>I travel so much!
>i'm such a history NERD xD
>OMG philosophy time!! Here's an inspirational quote
>cycling with my crew

>people are fucking you over
Ok then do something about it. Oh, that's right, you never will. Have fun obsessing in bitter silence. Faggot.

user i grew up playing video games my whole life and drawing lmao.

nobody even speaks about incels, it's just this is a male place and you pollute it with your vagina juices, do you think that any man has any pleasure in the female company except for that one that is driven by the hidden desire to fuck you? you are very deluded if you think otherwise and your waking up when your looks wane and people look through you will be the more bitter, roastie

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Are you implying all of those "hobbies" aren't what every single Stacey is into?

>"hurr durr it's current year*"
Is that the best you can come up with? "It's the current year"? Goes to show that you women have absolutely no intelligence whatsoever. You have no brain.

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Should i believe my bf when he says that he loves me and sees a future with me? and im not really femmine im pretty nerdy and tomboyish, although i do like femmine stuff

Does it really matter when they can suck on your glans penis and send you to heaven. Also not true there are women who are into that stuff.

in what universe you live where roasties and Chads put "i'm such history nerd" and "cycling with my crew" in their bio, I want to teleport to that one too

yeah, women are breeding bags
dunno why we even gave them the rights, probably because it makes it easier for us men when theue work is used too

>social habits or mating intentions are causing automatic genetic hand downs
>chads who are 90% decided by being bulky thug lookers will make sissies cause I say so!
>goalpost moving from "hurr no heir" to "baww too weak"
How retarded are you? Was tying your shoelaces a hard thing to learn?

whats the best YOU can come up with?

>if someone disagrees with me he's a woman
>this place wasn't made with the intent to be /b/2.0 where people don't mention their gender and share their stories and original content
>all of the women posts arent made by larpers and trannies

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nice gibberish. those men that "decide" on women have one foot in the grave. their sons wont be the same, young men are going nuts if you havent noticed. they grow up in a different time than those men, such men are a thing of the past.

I don't know you or your bf, but there is a great probability he is honest

idk browsing crystal cafe restored some hope for me.I suggest you guys go there and read the threads.

>user i grew up playing video games my whole life and drawing lmao.
>"Hurr I grew up playing Candy Crush xD I'm such a quirky tomboy"

>"Hurr Durr I like drawing cute things x3"
I knew a girl in my high school that drew through all her years. Guess what she became? She sucks cock for money and has absolutely no intellectual endeavors whatsoever. Women are pathetic.

Touched a nerve here, roastie? Face up the facts, you are inferior. But that shouldn't be something to be mad about, but rejoiced. You can be happy if you get a nice rich intelligent man that can make decisions for you and you have a happy, comfy life (at the costs of him, of course). Woman is smaller in size and strength, and so in her intellectual capabilities. To deny this is the same as denying nature. Now, you should see this not as a bad thing but as a good thing, as part of what biology means for us human beings. Imagine it as being a child and needing guidance and being under protection of a man's (isn't this what all women want? a rich domineering man) since you are of such lower intellect. And rejoice in your lower status but be loyal to a man and let things follow the natural order, roastie. Aren't children happy, even when they serve and are under the protection of their superiors? So is the mentality of women and so it is you must behave.

See this? It's an object, delicate and quiet. And that's how things should be and she should be treated well and with respect but never to let her go beyond her place as inferior.

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Leave the r9k bubble and stop slurping tranny cocks.

most of feminine boys are tougher than an average robot by a good deal, they are at least brad tier if not outright stacey

but then it's not very likely for a chad to have such sons

dude, you mention trannies in like your several previous posts in a row. you seem to be somewhat concerned, is it because they dilute the worth of your hole? don't worry much till they are infertile, when they become fertile though your roast will lose a good deal of its worth

>crystal cafe
what an abominable place.

I wish guys here would stop being so hostile towards women. I want women to feel safe her and not terrorized.

>most of feminine boys are tougher than an average robot by a good deal

dude im not a woman. keep going



I disagree women should be exposed to men's frustration and anger.