If you wouldn't date a self harming mentally ill qt black girl you're not a real robot... it's that simple

If you wouldn't date a self harming mentally ill qt black girl you're not a real robot... it's that simple

Attached: black.jpg (639x767, 83K)

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>cuts on lower arm so they're difficult to conceal

Literally everything women do is for attention

why doesnt she just date a black guy

Because literally only White guys are attractive. Everyone knows this.
Cute black girls like in OP are only interested in tall skinny nerdy/grunge White guys with nice faces.

I'd date a qt black fembot, but not a self-harming one.
I don't want no more troubles.

oh ok. good luck in your quest!

That's where you lost me. Tyrone can keep her.

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lol go away you shallow failed normalfag cunt

Black females are disgusting. I don't see them as women.

>be me
>read op's post
>Black woman

Attached: 139 - eMGHfcY.jpg (316x202, 15K)

Self harmers are pathetic attention whores worse than normies

>Dating a literal monkey
no thanks. My friend has a black gf and acts like we should be jealous, it's cringeworthy. She is like a bin bag filled with jelly and has the face of a primate.


>dem kawaii arms

>only White Chads are attractive. Everyone knows this.

>Still spamming these threads and not including BBC

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Grindr has available bbc orgasms rn

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If you wouldn't accept this then you're not a robot it's simple.

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Pleasure your bussy with bbc love.

Attached: IMG_2863.jpg (640x349, 53K)

>Bussy destroyer with a swipe on Grindr.

Attached: IMG_2864.jpg (640x509, 43K)

Accept the pleasure and steal Stacy's happiness.

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thanks for ruining the thread, underage idiot