If you wouldn't date a self harming mentally ill qt black girl you're not a real robot... it's that simple
If you wouldn't date a self harming mentally ill qt black girl you're not a real robot... it's that simple
Other urls found in this thread:
>cuts on lower arm so they're difficult to conceal
Literally everything women do is for attention
why doesnt she just date a black guy
Because literally only White guys are attractive. Everyone knows this.
Cute black girls like in OP are only interested in tall skinny nerdy/grunge White guys with nice faces.
I'd date a qt black fembot, but not a self-harming one.
I don't want no more troubles.
oh ok. good luck in your quest!
That's where you lost me. Tyrone can keep her.
lol go away you shallow failed normalfag cunt
Black females are disgusting. I don't see them as women.
>be me
>read op's post
>Black woman
Self harmers are pathetic attention whores worse than normies
>Dating a literal monkey
no thanks. My friend has a black gf and acts like we should be jealous, it's cringeworthy. She is like a bin bag filled with jelly and has the face of a primate.
>only White Chads are attractive. Everyone knows this.
>Still spamming these threads and not including BBC
Grindr has available bbc orgasms rn
If you wouldn't accept this then you're not a robot it's simple.
Pleasure your bussy with bbc love.
>Bussy destroyer with a swipe on Grindr.
Accept the pleasure and steal Stacy's happiness.
thanks for ruining the thread, underage idiot