The truth

Men are trapped in their lust forever. I don't think it's ever possible for men to what they are truly destined for. Porn has made them trapped in a physical world that is inescapable. Simply put, men are now inferior to women. Yes, women want to get off, no doubt about it but we place love above lust except for show. Men are inferior beings. Sorry but the truth is the truth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

to be* what

Love is WAY superior to lust.


How old are you?

You need to stop generalizing and dealing with absolutes.

Not all men are "trapped in their lust", just as not all women are on Jow Forums making posts about how "men are trapped in their lust".

What evidence do you have to put forth such a premise. You seem to argue that men are trapped in their lust but a significant portion disprove that. (trapped in the way you implies seems to mean constantly chasing it) I'd have to disagree with this because men can just whack it but whatever. What's more you're predicating men's inferiority by making the noticeable deciding factor the presence of love which in itself is laughable considering commonly exhibited behaviors.
I'm assuming this is either something you want to argue to gain a better perspective or trash tier bait.

I spose you could generalize, but there are always exceptions. I could set the same about women being sluts or whores.

Older than you. Tell me how you aren't trapped in your lust so I can believe you. I doubt it.


Lol it's not difficult to surmise from who porn is directed at, who buys it. C'mon, get real. When it comes to money, businesses aren't dumb. Go to pornhub or similar sites, 1/20 + categories or more are devoted to men. Get real asshole.

Yes, there are exceptions....maybe 1/100 and they are gay men in denial.

>Yes, women want to get off, no doubt about it but we place love above lust except for show

its enough to look at adv/catalog to see that most anons were cucked by their gfs just because they wanted a new dick. if men are trapped in their lust so are women

You have it backwards OP, porn has set people free. In the past, a man had to spend most of his time courting and bending over backwards to please a woman because his lust basically programmed him to do one of two things
1. Be strong enough to force a woman to submit to him caveman style
2. Serve her like a slave

Now in the era of porn erectile dysfunction is way up because men really don't have nearly as much impetus to chase women when they can get the same feeling just jerking off on demand any time. More than ever the reason men want a relationship is psychological or social validation, not lust. And of course there are increasingly people who just give up from playing the game of sexual competition because why bother when there's abundant porn.

In other words, the forces you're talking about, the biological need to fuck, are at their weakest point in the history of mankind.

Men can also
>drive on the right side of the road
>make a decision about what they want for dinner
>work to pull themselves out of a dark hole instead, of putting on the lipstick and crocodile tears to make an appeal to everyone between rich bachelors and Uncle Sam.

Not saying I wouldn't do the same. I'm just saying you can inhale my entire cock, you self-righteous blowup doll.

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The real truth: that otter a cute

>men are inferior because they can't genuinely love
maybe you have this one backwards

Just lmao,
I'm imagining the beta male feminist or the landwhale that typed this


It's pathetic that because you don't like a post, you feel the need to try to demean the character of the poster rather than come up with any counter argument. Then again, people on Jow Forums aren't known for their brilliant minds...just their disgusting hearts. Thanks for showing me that I'm right.

Yeah, all you have to do is look at what type of movies women like and what men like to watch. It's not rocket science.

T. 12 year old who discovered fapping and cant stop.



Ok gotcha. You are mentally ill. OWO

It's time to get out user and stop rotting your mind with hentai and sex robots. Meet some real people ffs! Your mental health is at risk.

Oh yeah, lemme just spend 5 minutes typing up a 2000 character rebuttal to OP about things that I have already said elsewhere to different and better people.

But yeah "u le ad huminem hahaha", go sit on a dildo, queer.

I put love above lust, but i do feel lust as well. But i also agree that women are superior.

imagine wasting your life with some ugly whore that only loves you for your money and status when you could be with a perfect woman out of porn, hentai, or even your dreams.

If only so many men weren't being raised by single mothers, women would be completely abandoned by now

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>completely fair stereotypes about women in response to completely fair sterotypes about men
>go meet some people!


Nice try and interesting argument but no.

>biological need to fuck, are at their weakest point in the history of mankind.

That's why every nerd here that has isolated himself with porn and hentai is so desperate to get laid? The reason they can't get laid is because porn has destroyed the world...these idiots think porn is reality and they go out there in the world trying to emulate what they see in porn and mysteriously get dumped. Duh.

Serving women should be done by choice, by love. That is what people do when they love each other, they serve each other. It's a beautiful thing. You should try it sometime instead of being so selfish.

Oh...btw, porn never makes anyone a better person, love does though.

LOL. You believe those posts are real? It's all fake, just misogynists trying to influence young minds and ruin the world. Nothing new.

Us men are only that way simply because women just cannot deliver anymore

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Alright, let's get into this why do you think women can't deliver anymore? Are you ugly? A virgin? Let's get the basics down.

Wow, u sure r intelligent that reply really convinced every1

It doesn't have to be 2000 characters. You just have to explain yourself in a few sentences but that would be far too difficult for you, you'd rather just type BS because that's your default mode born from your rotten character.

I feel lust when I love. That's how it should be. You sound good user, thanks for your input.

Are you from the 50s or something? Most women today make as much as men....or are feminists correct with the wage gap? You can't have it both ways user.

Enjoy your perfect women and please do not procreate. Thanks.

>decent looking
>working on pilot career
>getting into shape
>speak two languages
The only sins I have committed in your whorish eyes are the fact that I am broke, live with my parents, shy, and have never kissed, held hands with, or had sex with a girl
Seriously fuck off you dumb whore your fellow feminists have made sure to make every woman a walking talking disease and legal problem factory. You've successfully helped the waifufags convert me to their side with the whole 2D>3D shit because you women are so fucking pieces of shit that deserve nothing more to be a fucktoy and baby making machine. Fuck off

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Except mine was an analyses based on what you wrote and your inexperience and naiveté of the world.

Enjoy your sex robots you hateful undesirable maggot.

No thanks I'll be enjoying actual women in Latin America who know how to please a man. Because you know it's not that hard to please a man
>know how to cook and clean
>have a nice body and face with no tattoos
>has not slept with other men, so no STDs
>keep your mouth shut
>and stay loyal
yet it is sooooooooooooo hard for a western woman to do that

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Oh right. Make sure to tell them you've stereotyped them and visit Jow Forums. You're a virgin. I can tell by the images you post. I'm sorry but you're never getting laid anywhere in the world.

Go ahead, call me a virgin, but you'll be crawling back to a virgin beta when your beauty fades and you need a provider. I'll be relaxing in the crew rest area of a 777 thank you

Attached: spike smoke.gif (500x367, 817K) the I know you're stupid but Mexican women are on average fatter than "western women"

Lol it's funny that you think that's actually something to brag about. Pathetic.

Sorry but I don't go for inferior non-whites, there's plenty of them in South America if you know where to look

You don't. You're just stupid and no woman wants you so you come to Jow Forums to post infantile images and whine about how bad women are. Try looking at yourself you idiot.

Sorry to hear that you have a shelf life you worthless whore, my value is only going to go up the more I make

Back to my original point, women are superior because we value love over lust. All you think about is getting pussy. I can guarantee you won't get rich as a pilot either.

>women are superior because we value love over lust.
Then why do women have a 10+ partner count on average?

They don't. This is some delusional idea that you have in your head. Some do, no doubt, and that is likely done in the pursuit of love.

>please do not procreate.
Imagine wanting another wallet and soul sucking leech in addition to the woman you date

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This entire thread, holy shit. Glad my friends introduced me to a decent girl so I didn't have to settle for a mentally ill cunt like op.

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Poor girl. You're a nasty crass brute. I really pity her but she'll see you for the rotten nasty person you are soon.

Great. I'm happy with that reply. Never procreate. Please...I know it's an impossibility for you anyway but it makes me happy that you'll never bring up someone as disgusting as you.

I'm stating facts, sorry for not coddling you like your friends on which is where I'm assuming you came from just by the sheer amount of bitterness in your posts.

>just falls right into the generalization made by the picture
Bait? Irony? I don't understand, it was clear that that was intentional, but I don't see the point

Guaranteed replies, but baiting Jow Forums is like stealing candy from a baby. We know you can, but why? Why would you do that?

>Women: Men are inferior beings trapped in their lust forever.
>Also women: Eww. I wouldn't date a guy that doesn't want to duck me constantly.
Can you all please have one of your weekly meetings and agree to pic one? It's killing me.

Almost like this thread is just falseflagging bait written by some fuck who just wanted to prove, as if it's some buried fact, that vitriol gets far more traction on Jow Forums than anything else


You’re so removed from women that you think of them as one entity with the same exact thoughts?

Really, on the board where there’s always at least two suicide threads?

Not him but do you not see the irony here? Are you actually that retarded?

Man, shut up, seriously. I seriously wonder if you are even in a relationship or actually tried to pick up women? Because they cannot decide what they like on an individual basis, it's all herd mentality and that also includes their usual shit of saying they hate something when they actually like it. It's all part of their shit-test bullcrap.

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Honestly this, this whole thread is a mess.

T. Real live, breathing femanon who doesn't read into these things too hard.

Being controlled by natural urges that give you some dopamine rush applies to most humans. That certain feeling of “love” that women AND men get is the chemically induced feeling of contentment that both sexes naturally receive when they find a partner. This chemical stimulation of happiness occurs in both sexes in the same ways. Both the feelings of lust and “love” are emotions that result from the evolutionary need of having offspring. Both men and women seek relationships for some type of chemical stimulation that is rooted in our animalistic need to gain a mate. Sorry if you felt special for a moment.

Alright, have fun.

Never. Jow Forums is constant full QUALITY all day, every day. Nobody ever posts threads to Jow Forums just to stir shit. No sir! Not here!

Jow Forums has a dedicated team of janitors and mods who aren't useless tits and who totally nip obvious bait and trolling and enforce the rules of Jow Forums like no avatarfags and no trolling. They're absolutely detailed and never miss a single spot.


>herd mentality
As much as they'll try to fight this it actually applies. Most girls these days will make their verdict on an individual before they've even met them just based on how many followers they have on instagram. I've tried to set my friend up with multiple girls and they all recoiled in horror when they saw he only had 50 followers.

Well yes I will friend because pic related is finally coming this Tuesday and it's been a long, grueling 5 years waiting for this game.

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I know it's bait, but it's close enough what a lot of women actually believe that it's worth getting my thoughts out here. Like obviously they're not a monolith, but I know they're not a monolith, but both opinions are so common that I find it hard to believe there isn't significant overlap.

Are they not a hivemind? That's news to me.

>porn has set people free
Kill your self please. This interracial nonsense is not a result of this, it’s typical kikery

>five years
Bitch it's been over ten for me. Get fucked
Get outta here with the side games. Literally ONLY birth by sleep is any good, days and coded and all that other shit was just an excuse to bloat the narrative.

Sure, that's what happens to 100% of the male population. Please try think a little before posting, no matter how hard that may be.

The """""wage gap""""" exist only because women won't do as much work nor work as dangerous as men. It's really that simple

This always caves in when I ask a woman to produce a scenario where she does the exact same work at the exact quality a man does it, but receives less pay

Not to mention mat leave is sixty billion times longer than Pat leave ever will be.

im so glad I don’t speak discord neet

Was going to join in and maybe hope to find some decent posts about how both genders value and look for love, in their own imperfect ways, but I realized that OP is a fat, frustrated feminist (or a very good troll) arguing with a bunch of lonely, disillusioned faggots and this thread isn't worth the effort.

OP please stop spewing all this shit about women's superiority, they can be just as lustful as men. Women may look for love first but the relationship won't last if there isn't any lust. That's why they cheat, out of lust for excitement+sexuality. Men are also happiest when they love the woman they also lust for, and lust may open the way for a relationship. In conclusion, both genders want and need love.

t. happy femanon in a relationship with a great man who doesn't make me feel he's more lustful than loving to me. anecdote or not, try showing some love and care and understanding towards your man (not your regular hook up stranger in a club who doesnt give a shit about you) and you'll see a world of difference, just like the man will see a world of difference in you when he gives you love and affection.

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>Women may look for love first but the relationship won't last if there isn't any lust. That's why they cheat, out of lust for excitement+sexuality. Men are also happiest when they love the woman they also lust for, and lust may open the way for a relationship. In conclusion, both genders want and need love.
Except men will tolerate a woman that doesn't luster after them if she loves them, but women will leave a man that doesn't lust after them without a second thought.

I don't know what the crystal cave is nor do I care. you assume too much asshole.

Why are you people are thinking like this? It's retarded.

PS you don't even know what a fact is

>I wouldn't date a guy that doesn't want to duck me constantly

date is the important word here you don't seem to understand. If they are in love, they want to fuck, it's not rocket science.

That isn't me (OP) dumb shit.

You're a mess and not female.

Sorry you are too fucking stupid to understand that there are many types of love. Oh no, there goes your stupid theory down the toilet. Did I mention most men are stupid too? It's their ego and dicks that make them that way.

You don't seem to understand that women don't fucking need men for money today. Think before you post.

you really are clueless.

Typical stupid male concentrating on one scenario out of billions. Women aren't promoted to the top because men hold those positions and are misogynists like you and all the guys stupid on this board.

You actually think guys on here are capable of love? Nice try but you aren't female you pathetic excuse for a person.


mods, ban Kat

I'm still here. :D

Fuck you.

Either this is bait or actually an argument. Either way, this is the most funniest thing I've ever seen on this website.

I believe there was an interesting practice in the u.s where fainting women where thought to have needed to release energies and so doctors used vibrators to help them. There is viable business in appealing to women with those sorts of products.
Considering you're humble before god it's interesting you decide to judge people as inferior when that isn't really something reserved to you.

Take a look at
And more.
>Men are trapped in their lust forever
Biological need for boning. Also asexual or graysexual guys.
>Porn has made them trapped in a physical world that is inescapable
How is human population skyrocketing?
>Men are inferior beings
Perfect crazy SJW "trump card". Honestly I don't think that society would be organized right now if either of the two genders were inferior. P.S: biological need to bone from men is why you exist to say that.
>Tell me you aren't trapped in your lust so I can believe you. I doubt it
By criticising your statement they are automatically sex or porn-addicted? Wisdom sinks down below 8 as far as I see. Also, age that is not in an age of lacking common sense is irrevalent. Bugger off.

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Yes, I'm in a good position to judge, with clear insight, since I am close to God. I'm not even sure where you are going with the fainting thing but that isn't any sort of argument. If you are trying to convince us that women experience more lust than men, that we are controlled by it, like men, then you're a fool. As I said, these porn sites cater to men and there are WAY more female hookers than straight male ones. Women just don't pay for sex because we aren't ruled by it like you are.

>men are now inferior to women.
Men were always inferior to women. Women are the original sex and they're genetically complete. Evolution spawned us as an accelerant. Our role is merely to serve women and provide genetic diversity for them to choose from.

For women, their only role is to desire. Everything else, including life, originates from desire.

Yes, men have zero control and are ruled by their lust. Women are not. That makes us superior.

The human population is skyrocketing in poor countries. The reason for that is because children are needed to work the land and help contribute to the household income.

>By criticising your statement they are automatically sex or porn-addicted? Wisdom sinks down below 8 as far as I see.

No, where did I say that? You're insane. I was looking for any sort of argument of how they could rise above their lust but they couldn't give me one. Your would rate your wisdom at a 1.

It originates from love.

on what grounds?

>since I am close to God
Imo women are closest to God. Like in general and not any particular religion.

I think women have more sexual desire, because all they think is about sex in one way or another. Like there's a "social skills" accountant in their head that monitors, and measures, every little detail about everything. Hairstyle, body language, power struggles, favors, everything. And the base currency of it all is sex.

>men have zero control
I think ~90% of men have zero control. The rest that do are deviants, successful, and/or really good with women. Women generally hate them because women are jealous and desire from them, what they have. If a man can resist giving a woman sperm (with traits she wants), then she hates him. Thus, female hatred is a good barometer for your success with women. It's messed up, but just what I observe.

>That makes us superior.
I would agree. Women have a lot of control over their sexuality and wring it for all they can get.

>It originates from love.
Let me guess, you're Christian?

I say desire, because I imagine an empty cosmos and some great infinite desired life to be. So it happened.
Then women came alone at some point, and they accelerated evolution by desiring the finest man, and absorbing their nice DNA.
They desire power (thus money), so they select men who can produce the finest in society, and so on.
Desire does huge favors for women and never betrays them. Whereas for men, their desires can work against them, self-sacrificing, some men will even happily die for their country.

I like you Kat 10/10 would date.
I mean that with the most helpless of sexual intent.

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yo you need to settle down there, captain crunch. the idea of one gender being 'superior' to another is toddler talk. regarding lust: a more apt term may be 'libido'. modern man (woman included) has learned to/been forced to sublimate much of their 'animal instincts' into various forms of world building. your platform for whining about the horrors of men's tyranny wouldn't exist without that sublimation. the circuit board wouldn't exist without that drive fixated upon non-coital material. women have the same energetic mechanism, but it normally focuses around home-building, relationship-maintenance, child-rearing. of course, modern (western) woman points at patriarchy for the 'oppression' of what is really biology, and spends her life stomping high-heels through boardrooms and one-night bedrooms in reaction to this fantastical construction.

what concerns me with people of your ilk is the total resistance to intellectual exploration. you like your little spiky idea-box and become inflamed at others when they don't enjoy the needling. i hope your pain subsides someday and you're able to replace that ideology of agitation with genuine self-love.

On the grounds they are upset with my views.

I only have sexual desire when I'm in love, otherwise I have none. I have no idea where you're going with the hairstyle thing and base currency. Sorry but I don't see an argument there. Women want love. If you don't believe me, watch shows designed for women in mind.

Women generally only desire men that desire them. We have too many guys to choose from so this 10% that you're talking about (if that actually exists) are just ignored. Every man that goes to a dating site knows that women are bombarded with attention. I've gone there to help a male family member and women don't even bother to reply because they're so overwhelmed with replies.

>They desire power (thus money), so they select men who can produce the finest in society, and so on.

Most women will marry for love not money. There are of course women who solely look for money but I don't see that as selfish. It's not my thing in life but being able to provide a good life for your children isn't a selfish act.

>Desire does huge favors for women and never betrays them. Whereas for men, their desires can work against them, self-sacrificing, some men will even happily die for their country.

I agree with that. There are some men with very high noble values. In general I think a lot of men, because they keep things inside, are less likely to gossip and more trustworthy with personal info. This is not always the case though of course. (I realize I am providing ammo for guys here).

Am I Christian? I think the things that Jesus taught were great but I don't view things the same many Christians today do. I tend to view the bible as an evolution of human moral consciousness. Jesus took everything to a higher level, including the 10 commandments.

You are seriously the dumbest piece of shit.