Characters who are literally you

characters who are literally you

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The fuck is this from? Asking in the most original way possible of course.

Fuck off, he's literally me. I even blackpilled a chad at school like a total badass by telling him that all his """friends""" constantly talked shit about him behind his back and only pretended to like him because of how his jock status benefitted them. It was awesome.

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He's just like me
And a wicked sense of humor

You don't want to get on his dark side.

what this movie?

me at work and everywhere else

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she was fearless and crazier than him
she was his queen
and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen

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he really is me
believes in science (not god u idiots)
rapes people

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this is fucking mine and no one elses

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>You don't want to get on his dark side
Double dubs confirm it

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harley is still his queen tho

hmmmmmmmmm i wonder who got the get

no he is me i burp all the time

I think we can all relate to this epic nigger.

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>Manlet who wears elevator shoes
>likes trench coats
>blood thirst

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literally me
>no friends
>extremely smart

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>does things he regrets while being drunk
>makes other people miserable for his own (doubtful) satisfaction
>tries to cope with creating some deep philosophical reasons for how pathetiche is

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> tfw dumb in a world that passed ya by

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Obligatory faggot

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>characters that are literally you

pic related original

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Narrator from Fight Club

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This honestly.
>boyish good looks
>look much, much younger than I am
>afraid of everyone
>extremely low self-esteem
>ultimately empathetic and good-natured

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>loves money
>always has an ulterior motive
>every word, body language, and facial expression calculated

yep this is me

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Take a guess which one XD

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>supernice to everyone and everything
>peace loving
>total lack of awareness
>broke the cute-o-meter

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Nothing to say, just this robot

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Where do you live? I need to find a guy like you that I can top.

except merchant doesn't fail at everything he does

>Take a guess which one XD
The slut

>moves out of parents house and into the exciting city
>finds a job where she can be helpful
>realizes people are a pain to be with
>more or less withdraws

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Literally me.

>can cook
>have style

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Me ever since wage slavery hit.

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you are all dumb fucking niggers.
pic is me

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i really liked that song.

>Be K but have no cause to die for in order to feel human

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This but with an online job that barely pays for my apartment.

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You wish.

Better yet, I wish.

For me it's Dee Dee

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fuckin checked. im definitely not getting on his dark side

South-Eastern Europe. I'm not a trap or anything, though. I mostly have a masculine voice and behaviour.

Eh who cares, are you hairy or have a masculine face? I'm in east eu

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bruh i spend 8months of my life working a job i hated with people i hated only to befriend not just them but also people from other departments

i then proceedet after 5months of this to talk shit about my boss to another guy, went all out with the personal attacks even went a bit natsoc for a moment,
after about another month of that i started shit with him to make him spill the beans
not long after he didn't even show up to work cuz no one belived him and it fucked his complete social circle he formed there

well i was about to quit there anyway and this feral nigger came in and tried to talk shit to me

im a really nice and kind person but he just didn't know his place

mmm denan

go to yoker

pretty much like this guy, heck i even have the same haircut and wear the same stuff

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Even used to have hair like this.

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original text that's original and not not original

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Boyish face and I shave but you strike me as a fem twink-chaser, which I am not really. You're also a Croat and that's still kinda far from me.

We're both fatstrong, love sandwiches and have the same accent when I try to speak English, but I main spy and engi

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>Lars and the real girl

100000% me

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Literally a fucking cat drinking coffee. On the inside I'm LMEOW'ing at ur life

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Sorry, but that's still entirely accurate. You're like the faggots who identify with Rick

I am so unique that there doesn't exist a character in neither physical nor fictional history that even comes close to the list of personalities that I might have at any given time.
I don't know how boring of a person you have to be to be able to relate to a single fictional character

>have trouble making friends and communicating
>people often think I'm acting superior when I'm actually silently dying on the inside
>long dark hair
>cat-like behavior
it's like reading a manga about me except there's no cute mc to help me come out of my shell rifp

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him but unironically

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I'm her but male and without any of the positives

litarlly me... dont f*ck with me.

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Ive been called Michael Cera multiple times. I knkw thats not a character but all his characters are damn near the same
My name is even Michael

Carl Showalter from Fargo. He's such a funny dumbass. I see all the negative shit about him in me

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Prismo...except I have no frienz who come hang just a lucid dreaming looser.

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I hate to be him but he is me

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The Driver is literally me.

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>on the verge of suicide
>hides depression behind sense of humour
>wants an asian gf
>curtains hairstyle (kinda)
He is /ourguy/
Also where the fuck is Tomoko?

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You wish. I wish too, he is very cool.

Someone described me as weird, creepy and soft spoken .like uh Drakengard 3 , 3

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hes a loser like me

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I'm will from About a Boy

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One must imagine me happy

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>short, hairy
>20, look 35
>shitty voice, mumbling
>don't care when I talk to people so no anxiety
>blunt, zero manners
>occasionally try to upset the person I'm talking to just to get a reaction and make sure they speak to me less
Literally no idea, I'm way too unpleasant and boring to be a character but I'll take suggestions.

You're cool DoD3 bro, been seeing you post a bit.
Lyrics-wise One's theme is my favourite, but 3 is pretty good too

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I can't answer..

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What do you think? Fancy going full neanderthal mode?

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>A fat woman is inherently untrustworthy as she is a sensualist who sees no real difference between a pastrami sandwich and a dick in the mouth.

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>When dizziness overcomes me, I transcend time.
>Drenched in lies, I falsely perceive my memories.
>You, blood, death, and madness,
>Shall become my life.
>Reason, pain, the world, and sight,
>Shall someday know my significance.

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>muh "he's literally me"
>character has sex
incels BTFO

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Have you ever read anything by Inio Asano?
A lot of people here relate to his stuff.

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In a very oregano manner

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>late 20s socially isolated USMC infantry combat veteran insomniac

literally me.

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ah yes, the obligatory underage edgy joker poster

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>You're cool DoD3 bro, been seeing you post a bit
Kek I'm not your guy . I don't think..
Thanks though, I will pass on the message for sure
Also chin up, you probably have at least one good quality. Just pull some confidence out of your ribs there -

Shh , if u out me
I'll cut u .
Nothing is Significant
Might as well relax.

Actually a good response, goddamn. Basically r9k the book. That or L'etranger

Scout from tf2 is practically my physical embodiement

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I really do empathize a lot with Bojack.
I just see a lot of myself in him I guess.
I really love the show.

Is Bojack hated here, am I gonna get called a faggot?
>inb4 obligatory faggot just for mentioning it.

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>I main spy and engi
fucking kill yourself

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Not sure if anyone's read it, but there's a Spider-Man Manga from the 1970s that came about because of a deal between Marvel and some Japanese publishing company. It was made in Japan, for Japan. Spider-Man was completely reimagined as a guy named Yu Komori. The manga was very depressing and Komori's life was nothing but suffering after getting bit by the radioactive spider. I'll post a page from the book to show you what I'm talking about when I find it.

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Real talk, is this show good? I really liked Oregairu and Bunny Girl Senpai and I heard it's similar

>characters who are literally you
None because I am a unique kind of retarded.

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Here it is. Yu Komori is /ourguy/

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My true identity.

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I can be no more I can be no less.

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pyure wah-ah

Not sure if "literally me" but I identify pretty hard with him,

>puts on appearance of always cool and always happy, living an exciting life
>lives in a fantasy world
>actually kinda sad and lonely, just wants people to like him

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If I was a girl this would be me. I've literally lived through so many of the same experiences as Tomoko to the point where it's kind of scary.

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Same except I am a girl lmao

Llewyn Davis


I was going to post her too. As a wise Mumkey once said, she is Jow Forums personified.

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