Femanons why are you single? Why wont you date robots? What are your standards?
Femanons why are you single? Why wont you date robots? What are your standards?
Because every robot I gave a chance is just filled with unironic toxic masculinity.
I'm a lesbian and there are no lesbians on this piece of crap island that want me.
I'll be your soiboi bf.
Sorry femalenon...
this but half unironically.
I have no clue how to find robots near me. The brit thread on /soc/ is 100% hookups and everyone robot I meet otherwise ends up being American.
I have and learned not to do it again. It has nothing to do with standards but two things that happen.
1. They get attached real easy and think they are in love and get hurt when I'm not there yet. When I say hurt, like really hurt and I don't want to hurt anyone like that.
2. They get attached real easy and think they are in love, get hurt, and start their meanness and when I try to break away they become dangerous, I mean like fear for my life dangerous and I want to live a long life.
God damn it
But I love british girls
Half sorry femaleanon
Have u considered being straight
Methinks you are probably filed with toxic femininity.
What if you just sat on my face and ignored the erection? You could pretend you were sitting on a girl's face.
looking for Fembots in Wisconsin
(No trannies)
>No trannies
Just what do you think a fembot is?
You never cared in the first place cause they werent chad. Just wasted their time cause you need constant attention like every other whore
Be my dyke friendo please
These two things happen alot. Its even worse because those same robots just claim to want to be only friends most of the time.
Autistic math gf
Lets cut through all the shit. They only want sex, no guy has ever cared for me ever. They expect my vagina to belong to them and for me to service their penis 24/7. Thats it and when I realize that and refuse, the trouble starts.
That's because that's the only way robots can ever get close to women. They think it's some kind of Chad cheatcode that will obviously develop into a full blown relationship.
>add femanon
>don't flirt, don't send pictures of my dick, just act friendly and talk about random shit
>get ghosted
>"why is everyone flirting with me, I just want a friend(male)"
I have a british e-friend who is male and wants a gf
I want someone to love and cherish
What if his penis belonged to you and he serviced your vagina 24/7?
Pick me next! I'm chill!
Date an asexual?
I barely have interest in sex I want to just go on dates along the lines of every cheesey romantic movie
That's what I hate so much about the guys here, all you have to even hint the slightest that you're a girl and they go wild on their dreams of losing their fucking virginity to a fembot and drool all over you. The only way you can have an intelligent conversation is just lie you're a man.
>I just want a friend(male)
No we don't, we want a guy that will treat us decently and as an equal and love us. For that we have no issue giving ourselves but we also know one tactic guys use is to pretend to be nice and a friend and they are neither. All they want is to get my panties off with little effort.
I just want someone to love and cherish
Oh come on. Number one in every mans life is his penis, he worships his penis will lie for his penis and spends most of his waking hours looking for something to stick his penis in. No man will give his penis away.
>femdom isn't real
Dumb post
plz give me a chance i promise i wont creep u out or sexually harass u i will always ask for permission to make an advance or touch u
>just lie you're a man
You mean lie like a man, all men lie
I actually just want someone to love and cherish
Because I don't want to bother people with my anger issues, damaged my past relationships without noticing until it was too late, I can't force people to go through that
Because no guy likes the fact i am pratically emotionless and because i prefer to meet a robot IRL instead of via a screen
Truth hurts don't it or should I say knowing that we know you're full of shit breaks your dominance.
>No man will give his penis away.
Just don't be too mean to it please.
Do you want him to cut if off and give it to you you stupid bitch?
Femdom is real, but thats a lie most guys like to tell to get some.
>implying robots don't want a real gf and not an e-gf(male)
men are mean and i'm sensitive
also i can't talk to people outside anonymous boards
Bullshit. Emotions are what men dislike most about women. You'll never meet a robot in real life, but obviously online relationships don't work. The best thing to do is ask around online until you find one in your vicinity.
I would like one angry gf to comfort please. With a side of self hatred
remider that "femanons" are ugly, fat, black, mentally unstable or a combination of all
Sorry to pop your bubble boys
Be my emotionless e-gf to make my emotionless irl gf
I wanna date a kuudere
That is not true. I cared deeply and in my room would say little prayers and stupidly read his horoscope and latch on to anything but then they want to cut me off from my friends or family even and if I don't say I don't love them so I'm a lying cunt and the mean in them comes out.
Or I really like them but they get obsessed with me and I just want to take it slow and not have sex right away but they think that means I don't love them and get all hurt.
you're right I'm all of those things except fat. That's why I'm here
Are you a girl anonchan?
I am mentally unstable, but it doesnt make the complaints against certain malebots untrue.
Now that is silly. I want to be intimate with a guy I love but the guy doesn't really love me but wants my vagina. Therefore its best to keep my legs closed.
Say prayers to whom?
I'll take it. Location?
Be my werido gf
Yeah, because Chad is going around telling all the ladies about how much he wants to submit to them.
Reminder that I have illusions otherwise and could love a loyal ugly black gf
>go on dates
to what end? seriously, for companionship or to get me naked and play with my boobs?
So youre not even talking about robots you are already with Chad and normies fuck off
No I am a man dyke femanon
I think more guys would like that than not, unless you're just exaggerating. Meeting a robot IRL is a tall order, just find someone that lives near you, that you can meet up with.
It's possible they like both. Actually, most relationships are like that. Liking your vagina is how men end up liking you.
Moloch, obviously.
*no illusions
Please be my girlfriend any of you. I will love you so much. I have never had a lover before. I am so devoid of love. Please love me...
I dont know what the point was of that post, but Chads do lie about their preferences to get laid by expanding their dating pool. They experience failures too but thats why theyre Chad, they bounce back from it and try again with as opposed to most guys from this board.
Really femanon?
there are no femanon
rules of the internet bucko
What if I play with them over your clothes so you don't have to get naked?
Idk, for experiences? Life is too short to just stay in and fuck all the time. I'd rather go traveling, even if just locally, and have good memories of it.
I want a gf to experience the world with but maybe that's just naive romanticism
I'm angry and been angry at you asshole a long time. Unfortunately for me I developed early and caught the eye of every male between 12 and 60, still do and even when I try to ugly myself up they see through. So, no idiot all femanons are not ugly, fat, black or mentally unstable.
I'll say again the most threatening thing for you guys here is for us to know what you're up to and take counter measures.
I think it's really funny how robots can go from "all women are whores we should kill them all reeeee" to literally begging for a gf in a thread about fembots
>>all these qt fembots saying they dated someone here who was mean to them
>>I still can't find one near me.
What am I doing wrong.
I just want someone to cuddle and love though...
nothing in particular but whatever is the god that will give me my dream
>wanting to date a guy who browses a board full of misogynists on a daily basis
i only come here when i'm sad and hate myself, i don't want an abusive boyfriend who hates my gender lol
Almost like crushing lonlieness wears on an user
Wish I fucking knew.
i just want a shy/autist r9k e-gf to watch movies and anime with
I pray too sometimes femanon
Moloch makes all dreams come true.
>>Every single poster here is exactly the same person
I dont hate women I am just a lonely sad loser
I am talking about robots, I tried and tried with them. I fell for the Chad thing first and won't go near them either. At least the Chads you know what they're about while robots hide it and lie.
Sweetie, they're just posting baits at this point. Please don't fuss about it thank you for sharing your advice. Sounds like you could make a great book about it, I'd love to read x3
>women hate threads get hundreds of UIDs
makes you think
>what you're up to and take counter measures
Do you want a boyfriend or do you not want a boyfriend? You shouldn't be sending nudes to people who jump at the first opportunity to ask, or even talking to such people, but if you're going to go out of your way to sabotage whoever you're talking to, you might as well just not start and not add anyone.
>Liking your vagina is how men end up liking you
I want it the other way round, is that too much to ask?
>tfw no fembot that cooks for me
>tfw no fembot to bake cakes with
Such is life.
I second this notion. Maybe I'll adopt a neet to pretend to be my gf.
Can I get to know you user
its not naive, and while it won't be me, I kinda hope you get your wish. don't go rogue on me though but if you got your head and heart in the right place your girl will find you
Sorry, but yes. If you want a normie and not a robot, this how is society has told men how to act. Only (some) robots are genuine enough to not do this.
That's an inherent no. Men will only give you attention in the first place because they know you have a vagina. It's not like men are desperately trying to get to know other men as friends. Why would they change this for women if they didn't have a vagina?
I've never had sex, but the few times I've hugged a girl it felt amazing.
>No lasses from the UK
End my life lads
I'm posting alot to multiple guys, I think and thought other girls doing it too
However, hugs during sex are the greatest.
hello fembots of Jow Forums, I am looking for a gf who is
>health science/STEM. I hear nurses are perfect gfs for engineers
>likes animals
>wants kids eventually
>In Chicagoland area
>can hold her liquor
>engineering undergrad
>large extended family in Chicago area
>Cubs fan (non-practicing :^])
>likes camping, D&D and historical fiction
>working on losing weight (half way to my goal)
Please respond future gfs