I want to smell her farts

How can I make that happen?

Attached: brooke.jpg (2355x1600, 691K)

grow a BBC
she is black owned

don't say that user, she's an innocent virgin

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oh no buddy. Are you sitting down. We have some bad news.

jesus christ, so much facetune going on. it's like she changes her face on every picture

what's her IG, I must stalk her

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any thot who attention whores this much must have an insta

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brooke is one of the most boring airheads ive ever talked to

brooke looks ugly as fuck. The 5 tons of makeup she has on her face makes her look like a hyena. Also you literally can't be a girl if your chest is flat. Why are betas like you orbiting her?

OP, I encourage you read this thread. Fantasy is always better than reality.

how did you talk to her, i must orbit her

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server: WNQuzSP

she is in there

>those absolutely ginormous lips

They ruin her entire facial aesthetics.

Big lips are super sexy.

big butts are sexier

checked, would digits lie, is that some trap discord?

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she is in there right now typing

So this is what a "10/10" Amerimutt looks like. Fascinating.

the lips worry me, if I breed her will I end up with supreme gentlemen for sons?

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I had a strange dream about Brooke last night. We went to "fake brooke's funeral". Her sister was there, and there were pictures on the memorial sign inside the church, but the pictures were off, like reconstructions of unidentified Jane Doe pictures such as pic related. Like she had died and her face was messed up and screwy and they tried to reconstruct it with her real dead face. Her "sister" looked a bit like her but it wasn't her. Like maybe she was an AI, maybe she was real, my dream didn't make sense. But it was a creepy.

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i know her instagram if you want it

You'll end up with barack Obama


hell yes user

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no problem user, treat her nice!

>6 feet tall

Holy fuck! Thanks bro

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can't get in, got a link?

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