So long robots, it's been a hell of a ride Forums-to-be-shutdown-3s1mi
So long robots, it's been a hell of a ride

Attached: 1548606231432.png (744x594, 121K)

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>stacy goldberg
it's fake, /thread

god I fucking wish but it wont happen


>stacy goldberg
fake news

Oh cool, first shutdown article of the year. How many did we have last year? Like at least 5 right? Pretty sure it was even more in 2017. Wonder if "Jow Forums is getting shut down" headlines can reach "Trump is getting impeached" headline numbers

This shitpost is not amusing in the slightest.

Anyone wanna provide a source on Hiro saying this?

>posting buzzfeed clickbait

Attached: 3595_FOEu4Y6J.png (600x600, 142K)

>I am a recent Highschool graduate with a dream of becoming a journalist. I suffer from autism, tourettes, PTSD, bipolar, and severe depression. I have been the victim of bullying since I was a little boy/girl. They/Them

>Buzzfeed community
Fucking retards. Of course its fake

had a laugh

i wish this was real tho

>This post has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone create a post

This is a shit post

Ironic, considering the website that's actually collapsing is Buzzfeed.

i get that the article is fake but who's stacy goldberg and why does it make the article fake.

Them releasing that fake article with made up sources about Trump ordering Cohen to lie to Congress ruined them.

Why would you make a fake and not add in funny jokes besides the name?

newfag please lurk more

yeah i've been on here for like a year so i am a relative newfag. more importantly can you answer the question.

>taking anything from buzzfeed seriously ever.
you better be legitimately retarded if you're believing any of whats in that artical.

No, you're extremely new.